Insanity Graduate!

I began Insanity October 1, 2013 and completed it December 16, 2013. (Took me longer than 63 days). Initially, I was doing Insanity 5 times per week, and 6 times when I wasn't too sore. I did not lose an abundance of weight, but I did lose inches and my endurance definitely increased.

Here's my result:

Fit Test 1 Fit Test 5

Switch Kicks 90 125 +35
Power Jacks 40 55 +15
Power Knees 75 114 +39
Power Jumps 15 30 +15
Globe Jumps 6 10 +4
Suicide Jumps 10 12 +2
Push-up Jacks 8 20 +12
Low Plank Oblique 22 50 +28

My measurements Initial Current

Weight 185.6 181.0 -4.6 pounds
Chest 37 37 same
L Bicep 14 12 3/4 -1 1/4 inch
R Bicep 14 1/4 13 -1 1/4 inch
Waist 37 34 -3 inches
Hips 38 3/4 36 1/2 -2 1/4 inch
L Thigh 22 1/2 22 1/2 same
R Thigh 23 3/4 23 -3/4 inch
L Calf 13 1/4 13 1/2 +1/4 inch
R Calf 12 3/4 12 3/4 same

I lost the most in my waist and hips and arms (which are my problem areas)! I wish that I would have lost more pounds, but I'll definitely take the inches LOL I love the insanity workouts!! I got bored with the repetition half way through the second month, but I kept pushing play because I was determined to complete the program. In the future, I still plan to use the Insanity workouts to supplement other workouts because they push you to another level. My endurance has increased dramatically. I ran a 5K halfway through the program and beat my best time by 5 whole minutes!! Overall, I am happy that I completed this program and it is something else to check off my fitness list...


  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Congrats on your losses and on completing Insanity! It's so strange to see the scale and wonder how it's not moving, but you've melted thru clothing sizes. I agree with what you said regarding what Insanity does for your endurance/cardio. I could dance all night and not be winded or hike for hrs and there's no strain. I'll definitely use it again.