why are you bulking? what are your goals?



  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I am a bit funky here but I wanted to bulk to get my upper body to be stronger and build muscle. I am very pear shaped, very wide hip bones and since my boobs ain't big enough I wanted to try my best to bulk up my upper body to give the apperence of a more hourglass body type. I since I can already squat what I weight and leg press double me I don't think my lower body needs any help lol.

    Don't neglect your lower body though. Impressive numbers but now work your way up to 1.5xBW etc.

    Oh that isn't a problem. I still do squats, deadlifts and a full compound lift routine so I get in lower body as well. I just always add in an extra day of just upper to the mix. I actually enjoy doing leg days more then the rest of the days so its something I always have to push myself to do is the upper body things.
  • Thanks for your post, I totally agree, well said. I also love the feeling of being stronger and building muscle.
  • You are so right! I'm happy to have found such support and helpful advice I can relate to.
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm bulking because I want a bigger butt lol I want to look a certain way and I thinking bulking and cutting will get that for me!
  • karenboy29687
    karenboy29687 Posts: 61 Member
    So that I can look like the woman in the picture that Holly posted ! A year and a half ago I just wanted to be skinny, and when I reached that goal, I was very unhappy with looking like a beanpole, and I was weak. Muscle is SEXY, I LOVE feeling strong, and being a bad-*kitten* is very empowering!
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    For me, it is all about strength. I am fed up (no pun intended) with being so pathetically weak. I am lucky to have an awesome personal trainer who is helping me learn to lift, but I am contunually frustrated and jealous by how much more other ladies who are bigger can lift than me. OK, so the weights I am lifting are going up each week, but I know that there is only so much my muscles can do at my current weight (5'5"-5'6" and about 116lbs). I want to be healthy and strong, not half-starved and weak.

    Of course, doing it is a whole lot harder than saying it! :-( Years of 'thin is in' mindset does not readily accept eating to bulk.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    For me, it is all about strength. I am fed up (no pun intended) with being so pathetically weak. I am lucky to have an awesome personal trainer who is helping me learn to lift, but I am contunually frustrated and jealous by how much more other ladies who are bigger can lift than me. OK, so the weights I am lifting are going up each week, but I know that there is only so much my muscles can do at my current weight (5'5"-5'6" and about 116lbs). I want to be healthy and strong, not half-starved and weak.

    Of course, doing it is a whole lot harder than saying it! :-( Years of 'thin is in' mindset does not readily accept eating to bulk.

    I could have written this. Seriously. I'm 5'6" and had gotten down to 113. Right now I'm at 124 and goal is to bulk for another 16 weeks.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    You are all amazing! And you have amazing reasons!

    I'm vain! I want a six pack :D
    I was all big and flabby and weak, than got the flab under control but with the little lbm I had there was no way the six would pop. So now it's putting on that mass (even though my bf% wasn't as low as I would have liked it at the start of this) and then losing more flab as summer comes :)

    Oh and I totally love all the food!! And the feeling of being strong!
  • meldabee
    meldabee Posts: 4 Member
    I want to go to compete in the figure olympia!
  • 1. I want to be STRONG.

    2. I want to look as sexy as I feel strong. And that's a lot. ;)

    3. I lost over 100lbs after I finished having babies and one I got to my goal weigh (125lbs at 5'6) I was still not happy with what I saw in the mirror. Flaggy, jiggly, just not appealing. After that 100lb loss I have some loose skin that really bothers me. Aside from a bulk helping me get bigger and stronger I am very hopeful it may also help me to "fill out" a little bit of that loose skin. That is my hope anyways, we shall see!

    I have not weighed myself in a couple of weeks. Right now I seriously don't care what the scale says. I trust in my body, I trust in the knowledge I have gained over the past 3 years losing, working out, etc.

    And guess what? I've hit SO MANY PR's in the last week it's amazing. I keep adding more weight and being able to pull it off so I know this bulk is working already even though I am only at the beginning. In Feb. after I get back from a trip I will be adding even more calories.

    I am loving this. Seriously. Love!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    Congratulations on the PR's!