Planing for sleeve surgery & cld. use some "friends"

Looking for friends as I start my journey. Have met some wonderful ladies here and would like to be friends with many of you.
Most likely will be sleeved around April - May 2014.



  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Feel free to add me. I was sleeved in July.
  • Patty,

    I'm curious: How much of your weight loss is post sleeving?
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    right now I am not on a regimented loss - I am at 222 and will start my meetings in january. I ned to lose about 75 lbs.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I started the pre-op diet on May 20 and I'm down 86 lbs since then. I lost about 25 pre-op and about 60 since surgery in July. I'm down 101 from my highest weight (about a year ago).
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    that is wonderful Patty.:happy:
  • That's very inspirational. Thank you!
  • BrookeLosesWeight
    BrookeLosesWeight Posts: 16 Member
    Hey, I've just seen my dietitian today and I'm scheduled for surgery around May too! Feel free to add me!
  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am six months out today.
  • Hi there,

    I'm Patty and I had my consult today with my surgeon and dietitian. Thinking will be sleeved as soon as April - insurance will approve either 6 month or 3 month pre-surgery appointment before sleeve. Won't know for sure until the 3 months is over. I was thinking of lap band but they've convinced me to go for the sleeve. Nervous and excited! Let's help each other!

  • shonrecio
    shonrecio Posts: 89 Member
    You all can feel free to add me as a friend. I am 4 months post op and need all the support I can get on this journey and will love to help support each of you on yours.
  • Feel free to add me as well ladies. I have my nutrition appt the 7th and waiting to make my psyche when they return my call and then sumbit it to the insurance. :) Hopefully in February I will begin the next healthier chapter in my life.
  • tiffi1979
    tiffi1979 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the final planning stages for surgery. I am nervous and excited.. Surgery could be as early as 31 January. Procedure will be done in a military hospital while my husband is on a remote assignment. My biggest concerns are time in the hospital, scarring, and downtime after surgery. I would love to hear any tips/advice you all might have.
    <3 Tiff
  • Good Luck! Feel free to add me to your friends list. I had the surgery Sept. 17th. down 55 pounds.
    I live in Pennsylvania. I am not a spring chicken ;o) I am 60.
  • dej923
    dej923 Posts: 26 Member
    I was sleeved 12/5. Feel free to add me as well. I love checking out everyone's food diary for different meal ideas. Variety is key, especially during the early stages (liquids, mushies)! =]
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Anyone who wants can add me. Had my sleeve 2.5 years ago. Started the process at 386, lost 20 prior to surgery and the rest since. I am still working on losing the last 70. :huh: Before anyone gets discouraged and thinking "2.5 years and still not to goal!", I started this needing to lose 226 pounds. Even with the surgery, you just can't do that in one year. And after the first year, weight loss slows way down. This is all normal but I'm not ready to be done yet, so I'm still working at it. Anyway, you will find most people on here had or have a lot less to lose than me, so hit their goal within a year or two.

    To those that just had your surgery, congratulations and good luck! To those waiting, it's well worth the wait. This is an awesome tool and the very best thing I have every done for myself.
  • Caligirl0
    Caligirl0 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey there! I was sleeved on 12/4/13 and I'm down 17.5 pounds! I'm a slow loser... I lost 9.5 the first week, then average 3-4/wk after that. I'm 3.5 weeks out...
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Anyone can add me. VSG 11/20/13 and 37 # lost. MFP is really keeping me on track.
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    that is great - I am getting nervous - how is the after?

    careful about eating - are you in pain? I have so many questions.
  • capecodgirl50
    capecodgirl50 Posts: 111 Member
    Again - that is great - as you can see through the thread - I am nervous - hope I am making the right choice.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    As with any surgery there is a certain amount of pain. Mine was done laproscopicly, so 5 small (1.5-2 inch) incisions. My surgery was a Thursday morning and by 2 AM Saturday, so not quite 2 days, I was off all pain meds. I understand the nerves, we all feel like that. I wasn't worried about if I was making the right decision because I explored all 5 of the WLS types and knew I picked the best one for me.