Low Carb Christmas Dinner

Soooo My family is coming over for Christmas, and since I'm the one making the food, we are all going low carb that day!
I'm making a seafood dinner this year and this is my menu:
Baked Shrimp Scampi
Baked Flounder w/lemon butter sauce
Lobster tails with garlic butter
Caesar Salad
Low Carb Green Bean Casserole
Low Carb Cheesecake
Low Carb Peanut Butter Cookies
Low Carb Crab Cakes:

I am still thinking of making a few things-What low carb items are you making for Christmas dinner?? If you want links to any of these recipes, let me know, and share your links! Let's share ideas!


  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    That sounds so yummy.

    Because it's Summer here I'm going for cold meat (roast chicken and pork) and salads for mains.

    I have about 3 kg of prawns (shrimp) to play with too - might do these in a couple of different ways - marinated in ginger, garlic and chili, stuck on skewers and thrown on BBQ for one version.

    I'm going to experiment with making frozen yoghurt for dessert - I had thought of making it plum pudding flavoured with dried fruit and nuts but I might end up throwing tradition out of the window and go for something different.

    Plus seasonal fruits (cherries, mangoes, peaches etc).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    We are having turkey breast and a green bean casserole.
  • hereisgone125
    hereisgone125 Posts: 79 Member
    My family & I are having brunch that day, so I'm making: low carb french toast, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, berries and a recipe I found on pintrest that involves stuffing a flat out with cream cheese, slicing it & rolling it in cinnamon & splenda.

    I'm making deviled eggs to take to my in-laws that evening.
  • Beautyandthebeef
    @ mungo I googled low carb deserts and there are so many awesome things it was hard to choose just 2!
    @hereisgone low carb french toast?? What is??
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    We have a tradition of making pizza so we will do that but all my snacks and appetizers are low carb. Stuffed mushrooms, bacon wrapped scallops, chicken wings, stuffed eggs, artichoke dip with veggies, And low carb homemade ice cream. Guests are bring a pie and wine. I'll skip the pie and eat lots of ice cream :)
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    Chicken Marsala with Roasted Green Beans. The rest of the family will have a baked potato while I will have a sweet potato and I will definitely be partaking in a cannoli for dessert - after all it is the holiday.
  • Beautyandthebeef
    just an update! The Shrimp Scampi and Crab cakes were AWESOME! The cheesecake had a nice flavor but not as creamy of a consistency as I like...the peanut butter cookies were more like poobutter cookies. But pretty much everything else was awesome! If anyone wants the crabcake recipes I am more than willing to share-they were very nom!