great on grass, pain on pavement

OAEE Posts: 10 Member
I have been running now for about 3 months, 3 times per week, increasing from 45 seconds (I kid you not!) to 17 mins. last week. Up until this past week, I have been jogging in a park on the grass and have felt NO PAIN. Not that it was easy but nothing hurt. Lots of snow this past week and have had to jog on pavement. Have quality running shoes but within a minute or two of starting to jog, my right calf starts with shooting pain. took a couple of days to calm down and then jogged again on pavement, same deal. Not sure if I have to give up jogging until the snow is gone in april or someone has suggestions. someone told me that it is important to not aggravate your calf muscle as it can take a long time to calm down. I love running and miss it after just these few days. maybe I just need to see a sports doctor. if I thought it was safe and I would adjust, I would keep running anyway. don't belong to a gym, not sure I can afford to right now either. anyone have thoughts?


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am no doctor, but if you haven't ran on pavement before then it sounds like your muscles trying to become accustomed to the new terrain. Whenever you shift terrains your legs have to counter the new resistance. I would suggest slowing down, bringing back walking breaks, and making sure to really stretch your calf muscles after your runs. Take a rollers and work out the lactic acid and focus on any knots in your calves.
  • OAEE
    OAEE Posts: 10 Member
    thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely try that starting tomorrow. what do you mean by "roller".
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Foam Roller. You can find them at any sports store.
  • OAEE
    OAEE Posts: 10 Member
    thanks, your advice is much appreciated. based on it, I decided to go back to 5 min and work my way back up. seem to be doing fine. and I rewarded myself after 3 months of running efforts by buying some real running pants and shirt for the cold weather. will try them out tomorrow.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    You don't need to download that far. Only I would start with 10 minutes, 3 times a week and then increase by 10% distance each week.