


  • Getting T25 for Christmas! Hubby and I are both starting it,

    Hi Robin! Welcome to the group! That is fantastic that you and your hubby are doing the program together. I think having an accountability partner there at home positions you for even better success!

    Happy Holidays,

  • Those of you who have done this before (or coach), Double Fridays and skip Saturday, or 1 Friday then 1 Saturday?
    My wife and I are discussing that the routine of every morning 25 minutes is nice, but a day off sounds nice too...

    Thanks and looking forward to doing this with you all!


    Sorry for the slow response. Personally, I alternated between double Fridays and a single workout on Saturday. I think there are positives to doing either. For me, doing a single workout on Saturday helped me ensure that I didn't stray to far from the nutrition plan on the weekend. That is typically where I struggle, I do great M-F and then the weekend hits!

    With that said, it is nice being able to knock out both on Friday and being done for the weekend. I also found that doing the doubles back to back better positioned me for taking on some of the other workout programs post-T25 where the workouts are closer to a full hour. Insanity is a good example. For me, I would usually try to work in a day of "fun" on those weekends where I didn't have a T25 workout. i would usually do a hike, long walk, or a bike ride.
  • Hi!
    I am Kristine and looking forward to changing up my existing routine.. I will be back on January 1st :)

    Hi Kristine!

    Welcome to the group!
  • Hello,
    My name is Jessie and I am 39yo female. Currently T25 is sitting under my tree. I would like to lose 30lbs. I am so excited to start this with everyone. I will upload a pic as soon as I can get one that doesn't upload sideways! Thanks for creating this group!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    i'm Allison - 40 yr old female, currently on week 3 of t25 and loving it!!
  • hi! new to the group!! currently on week 2 ... almost done!!! feel free to add!
  • Hi,

    I'm Douglas from the UK and just joined the group - just finished week 1 of T25. First time doing a calorie controlled diet; first time doing an indoor program like T25. I'm a fair weather jogger and struggle to stay in shape over the UK winter months, when it's too wet, cold or icy to want to head trying something different this winter. Will also be throwing in an occasional game of squash.

    I would love to lose around 18lb - weather has already been pants for a while - and also get in shape over the winter.

    Feel free to add - and good luck to everyone starting out! :)

  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm planning on starting out on Monday, and plan to do this program with P90x3 (since both are 1/2 hour programs). Getting up early the first few days is tough, then I'm in the habit and it's much easier!
  • advocaresuperstar
    advocaresuperstar Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, people!! I JUST started T25...on day 2!! I didn't know if it was okay to join the group since I'm not waiting until the 1st to start.
    I'm 32 from Indiana. I have a 3 year old and I'm currently working on my Masters degree in Public Health. I work as a Health Coach for WebMD.

    Looking forward to kicking this program's *kitten*!!
  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi my name is Mikeyia,

    I tend to fall off my exercise routine alot, but I recieved T25 for christmas and hopefully I can stick with the program this time. I know I can do 25 minutes a day compared to an 1hour, well I am ready and preparing myself for the best.
  • mpersun
    mpersun Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all. I'm Michele from PA. I'm planning to begin T25 on Jan 1. 38 years old and need to lose 40 lbs. Had a baby in April and haven't had any luck losing the weight. I've done P90X in the past and loved it but with the new baby I have little time for exercise. (I also have 3 other children and 5 step kids). I've not tried any of the workouts yet. News Years Day is a new beginning...getting back to healthy lifestyle.

    Very excited but nervous at the same time! Good luck and I will check back jan 1!
  • Hello,
    My name is Jessie and I am 39yo female. Currently T25 is sitting under my tree. I would like to lose 30lbs. I am so excited to start this with everyone. I will upload a pic as soon as I can get one that doesn't upload sideways! Thanks for creating this group!

    Hi Jessie! Welcome!
  • i'm Allison - 40 yr old female, currently on week 3 of t25 and loving it!!

    Hi Allison! Welcome!
  • hi! new to the group!! currently on week 2 ... almost done!!! feel free to add!
    Welcome to the group!
  • Hi,

    I'm Douglas from the UK and just joined the group - just finished week 1 of T25. First time doing a calorie controlled diet; first time doing an indoor program like T25. I'm a fair weather jogger and struggle to stay in shape over the UK winter months, when it's too wet, cold or icy to want to head trying something different this winter. Will also be throwing in an occasional game of squash.

    I would love to lose around 18lb - weather has already been pants for a while - and also get in shape over the winter.

    Feel free to add - and good luck to everyone starting out! :)


    Hey Doug! Welcome! Hope you enjoyed the first week! Total Body Circuit is a tough one.
  • Hi all,

    I'm planning on starting out on Monday, and plan to do this program with P90x3 (since both are 1/2 hour programs). Getting up early the first few days is tough, then I'm in the habit and it's much easier!

    That is awesome, I also got P90X3 for Christmas. I've done a few of the workouts and enjoy it. I love these short workout formats. I was more than halfway through P90X and find those workouts to go so SLOW after doing T25.
  • Hi my name is Mikeyia,

    I tend to fall off my exercise routine alot, but I recieved T25 for christmas and hopefully I can stick with the program this time. I know I can do 25 minutes a day compared to an 1hour, well I am ready and preparing myself for the best.

    Hi Mikeyia,

    This group and myself are here to help keep you on track. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you struggle with motivation. My email address is I am pretty good about checking it multiple times throughout the day.
  • Hi all. I'm Michele from PA. I'm planning to begin T25 on Jan 1. 38 years old and need to lose 40 lbs. Had a baby in April and haven't had any luck losing the weight. I've done P90X in the past and loved it but with the new baby I have little time for exercise. (I also have 3 other children and 5 step kids). I've not tried any of the workouts yet. News Years Day is a new beginning...getting back to healthy lifestyle.

    Very excited but nervous at the same time! Good luck and I will check back jan 1!

    It's great to have you Michele. I think you'll find these workouts to move quite a bit faster than the P90X workouts. AS much as I like that program, there seems to be a lot of "downtime" during the workouts. I'd prefer to get in, get it done, and get out!

    Glad to have you onboard!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Hey All!

    I'm Frankie, 37yr old. Currently in the military stationed in Georgia but 7 mo out from an ACL surgery. I'm starting T25 on the 30th and will probably do p90x as well. I'm in poor shape from "taking it easy" since the surgery... and want to lose about 50 lbs. Although I could los 20 lbs an be ok.

    Good luck to all! and keep pushing play!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I am joy I am 42 and live in the UK. I have 3 children who all have special needs (a mix of autism and ADHD). I also work full time. Working out is my me time it helps me cope with my stressful life. I am starting T25 on the 30th december and on the 6th (when the kiddos return to school) I begin half marathon training. I have 2 half marathons this year in April and May and am considering doing xrunner (10k obstacle muddy race) in may also. Looking forward to your support and the results from t25. Good luck everyone.