Hi All, My name is Josh Thomas; I am an Independent Beachbody coach residing in Denver, CO. In 2013 I lost 50lbs and got in the best shape I have been in since getting out of the U.S. Army 1999 using Beachbody products. T25 being the key workout program that I used. I am looking forward to “meeting” all of you and helping…
whats next for you?
Wife and I are deciding if we are going to do Gamma or P90x3... curious if anyone had other ideas or experience with either. Thanks, Charlie
T25 Alph
I just started my first full week of T25 Alpha on Monday. So far I'm only feeling the burn during the workout and not so much afterwards. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it mean that I'm not doing it right?
Starting beta today.
I originally said I was going to take one more week of Alpha, but I'm ready for a new challenge. Bring it on, Shaun T!
are you ready for beta?
Wife and I are on week 5 and still modifying a bit. Less then at first but still more then we would like to. Considering doing 1 more week of alpha before we start beta... anyone know the difficulty change?
and another week, 1/19/14 - 1/25/14.
It is getting a little easier. Still hate the cardio, just saying. Lol. Sweat is fat crying. There is a whole lot of crying going on when I do cardio! Shelley
A new week. January 11-17
I hope no one minds. But I needed a spot to start week two for me. Or just the start of your next week! Let's get it done everyone. For those that have been doing this for a while. Is anyone finding it easier than day one? Shelley
first month done!
well just finished ... still having a hard time doing the low body workout! lol! hate those lunges. Didnt lose a pound!!!! but oh well! ill keep pushing though two more months to see if i can see some change ! :huh:
Started Today Jan 6, 14
Hey guys, Just thought I'd check in... did my first workout (T25 Cardio) today and thought I'd say hi. I was nervous about it (I didn't even preview it, just got going) but was able to hang in there. I totally fell of the wagon in December so had not been working out at all and was glad I could keep up... but I see lots of…
Week 1 Tips
Here are some tips to keep in mind as you begin the first week of the challenge. Check out this week’s video from Shaun T: Hydration, hydration, hydration! Water helps curb hunger. Shaun T suggests drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. Not only will water keep you…
Start Date and Group Lockdown
All, There have been a lot of questions on start date, some folks want to start on the 30th, some on the 1st, and others on the 6th. Either date that you choose is fine as we will all be going through the same basic iteration of the program at the same time. I typically like starting these things on a Monday as I find it…