


  • I can't wait to start! I have struggled with weight since my college days. I am a proud West Virginian GOOOOOO EEEERRRRSSS! My name is Emmie and I am a mother of a 6 year old little girl. I was a dancer, cheerleader, gymnast, and continued my passions as a coach and fitness instructor until I graduated college as a teacher. I've been teaching 4 th grade inclusion (special needs up to enrichment leveled) children for 8 years now. I am always on the go but, my weight still is a struggle to maintain because of that. I've been married for 8 years to a wonderful man who is a police officer and is in the military so our lives and time are always valuable together.
    My hope for this group is motivation and any tips or challenges to keep me going. I started my interest in running last year and I try as many local 5k runs as possible. The Dirty Girl Mud Run has been my favorite by far. Greetings to you all!
  • Hi all! I'm Dayna, a 41 year old wife to hubby, Paul, and mom to 2.5 year old Parker and 5.5 year old Izzie. I am a 'medically retired' Family Practice Physician with MS. I was completely paralyzed on the left side in 2005, but can now walk unassisted. Balance issues, numbness and tingling, poor fine motor in my left hand, mild left sided weakness, and fatigue are my major remaining deficits. I am also a certified Health and Wellness Coach, so I know what I need to do to get fit, however Knowing what to do and actually doing it are not one and the same ;). I could really use the support of others on this journey! These days, I have very little time for myself, but I am excited to commit to becoming more physically active and putting my health first, in 2014! I look forward to improving my balance and flexibility, eating healthier, increasing my stamina, and losing about 10-15 pounds along the way. I would love to make physical activity a normal part of my weekly routine. I look forward to connecting with others to give and receive support and accountability.
  • sunny180
    sunny180 Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Heather and I am 34 years old. Ever since I've turned 30 and lost my mom, I have been battling food as a source of comfort. I keep losing and gaining the same five pounds, and I have 25 to lose! I have a husband who is going along this weight loss journey with me and three kiddos ages 8, 6, and 3. I work as a technology coach for a school district.

    Over the past year I have been able to consistently exercise but not consistently change my eating habits. As Dayna said, I know what to do but knowing and doing are two separate things. I look forward to being a part of this group and losing weight together!
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    Hi, I live outside of Toronto in Canada. I've been using mfp since September and have lost about 25 lbs and need to lose another 15 to 20 more. I am excited to join this group and contiue my journey with all of you.
  • queenegreene
    queenegreene Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hi, my nickname is queene ('cause my 28 still thinks she's a princess!). I was trying to maintain a 23 pound loss since June of this year- I was taking a little break to learn to maintain that loss before I tackled the next 20 pounds- but over the holidays I lost all of my "smugness" when I gained back about 8 pounds. I guess I'm happy I only gained 8 lbs not the entire 23, but now I am determined to get back on track in the new year! Glad to be here!
  • BLillard68
    BLillard68 Posts: 309 Member
    Hello everyone!!! My name is Barbara. I am happily divorced and in a long-term relationship with a wonderful, southern genleman. I am also a mother to four grown men and a grandmother of two. With my extented family, I am a stepmother to two beautiful grown women and step-grandmother of nine. I am 45 years old, 5'4" and currently weigh 193 lbs.

    For the past year, I have been in a "Down To Size" Challenge at my work and had lost 33.5 lbs. Within the last month, I have gained some of that weight back but I am constantly struggling to lose it again. Since starting the DTS Challenge, I have quit smoking...@ 5 months smoke free now! With this and the holidays, it is to be expected that I gain some weight.

    I am looking forward to this new challenge and I am so excited to be a member of this group. I have learned in the past year that I need the group to help keep me motivated. I can't wait to start this new challenge!!! :happy:
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Nice to meet all of you!

    I have read all of your introductions and a few things stuck out to me. It's amazing what you can learn about yourself from others!

    I share in the " having the knowledge but failing to follow through" struggle. I am highly aware of what I should moderate and what should be my go to snacks and such. It is so hard some days. I work from home most days, so having a kitchen full of food, just a few steps away is difficult in itself. I have tried the no temptations in the house approach, but then my husband goes shopping himself and buys all kinds of stuff. So I have noted that it easier for me to buy 100 calorie snack bags and lower calorie substitutes instead of him going hog wild on his shopping trips because as he says "there is no food in the house" when we very well have plenty of food, it's just not junk food. :laugh:

    I never really got into what got me into my weight struggle. The last time I have been "thin" or tiny was probably second grade. By third grade, I had hips and boobs of a teenager. I was never really "fat", but I was a very curvy individual up until out of high school. After high school, I almost found myself down a path of self-destruction, in simple terms. Thankfully my family saw and through their help and God's, I found my way out and back on the right path. I met my now husband back in 2010. As soon as I got with him, I somehow gained 30 or so pounds. When I say somehow, I know very well how. It was the over consumption of Nacho Cheese Chalupas, McChickens, Double Cheese burgers, strawberry milkshakes and overall everything. I became very lax in food and exercise regimes. We married in 2011 and the morning after our wedding, I found out I was pregnant. I gained an additional 50 pounds while pregnant with my daughter. I didn't do so well the first trimester. I had problems with gagging instead of morning sickness. So when I was able to eat, It was like I tried to make-up for the times I couldn't. The second trimester was awesome, I watched everything I ate, I walked and done prenatal workouts and about made up for my horrible first trimester. Then the third trimester hit and I have never been so hungry in my life. The day I had my daughter, I couldn't believe how much I weighed. Since then I got down below what I was before I was pregnant. But I hit a wall everytime I get to about 160-165. It's like I am stopping myself from getting to my goal. I am going to stop self sabotaging myself and make it to my goal!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Howdy from sunny South Africa.

    I'm a single lady with three fur kids (all boys). Jack is a Labrador who at 4 years old is still very much a puppy, Sapphire is a Siamese who thinks he is a dog and Basil (the furless one) is a Ball Python who is adored by his furry brothers.

    My main motivation to shred the extra killer grams (I want to evict about 20-25, with 9 gone do far) is so that I can be a better fencer. I have finally been able to start fencing about a year ago when a club opened in my home town and although I have been kind of trying to lose weight this year, I'm making a new commitment to lighten up and improve my fitness. I'm currently 33 in the country in my age group and weapon and I want to move up. Fencing is not a supper popular sport here so there are less than 50 people in my group, but I'm still impressed with my current rank and motivated to improve.

    My job is a mixture between desk and active as I run the reptile park at a museum complex and my favourite way (off piste) to workout is to walk along the beachfront or even better swim in the sea!
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    Hello. I am Kim and am 49 and live in rural Oklahoma. My goal for 2014 is to be at my ultimate goal weight of 150 by my 50th birthday in October. I am down so far from my highest weight by nearly 87 pounds and have another 69 lbs to go. I feel for the first time in my life that I can do this. I am a divorced mother of 2 wonderful college kids who are my whole life. Would one day love to meet a GOOD man to share my life again. I am caring for my father who has Alzheimer's and work full-time at a desk job. I love MFP as logging for me is the ultimate accountability tool and works so well for my mindset. I have always been overweight but was so active through high school that it wasn't a serious issue. Once college and work set in, then I was doomed. I am doing this for my long-term health and to be the example for my kids that I should have been since they were born.
  • init2beatit
    init2beatit Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I'm a happily married stay at home mom. I have three kids my oldest is in school and a 15 week old puppy she is a Weimaraner and Lab mix her name is Chloe. My goals for 2014 are to lose 65lbs, drink more water and eat whole food plant based strictly for a month. I'm excited for the new year and a new start.
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Hope you don't mind having an Aussie join your ranks for the year! What a great idea for a group

    I have been feeling pretty depressed about my weight and how it's been creeping up over the last couple of years. I'm 32 and 6ft so I'm used to standing out but I'm hoping this year I can stand out a little less. I've been married nearly a year now and still loving being married, it's the best thing! My husband and I bought Fitbits for Christmas so we would be ready to take 2014 by storm. I want to be happier, healthier and more active so I want the entire lifestyle change.

    It's going to be incredibly incredibly hard as I really really love my food (enough emphasis? lol) and I find it hard to exercise both with time and motivation. But I'm in it and here I am :) I welcome any recommendations on how to make those kilojoules stretch further and how to increase motivation levels to get off my butt every day!

    Best of luck to everyone for 2014