Welcome! :D



  • pamatc2
    pamatc2 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi all! I just joined this group because I need an extra push to lose my last 20lbs. I've been on MFP over 550 days, although I miss 2 days, so my counter doesn't reflect this! :sad:
    I lost 50lbs and then put 10 back on and am holding steady at this point. I am addicted to spinning and bought myself my own spin bike as an early Christmas present. I also love dancing (contemporary & jazz) and yoga. I hope this group can help me get past my walls and help me make it to my goal by spring! I would love to hit my ultimate goal before turning 40 in August!:happy:
  • Hello, My name is April. I just finished another group and found this one. I love keeping track of my progress and the motivation from others really helps. I really want to shed these pounds off so I can feel better about myself in the summer at the beach. Keeping myself exercising I am hoping that it will soon relieve the stress and anxiety that I have.
  • Hi I just joined today. Looking forward to losing weight and getting healthier. Got a big family holiday coming up and I am by far the biggest girl so hoping this website will help :) Hopefully make some weight loss buddies and get and give support to others
  • AmandaTerry11
    AmandaTerry11 Posts: 22 Member
    ME: I'm over weight
    I had my second baby 3 1/2 months ago
    I'll be 35 next month
    I don't like my husband seeing me naked and that's sad
    I avoid going out in public because I feel like everyone is thinking "she's fat" and that's going to change
    I'm tired of being grumpy because of my weight
    When I feel good about myself, life is easier on others around me.
    I want to be that "hot mom"
    LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • AmandaTerry11
    AmandaTerry11 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in another group and today we are starting the plank and squat 30 day challenge. Today is 50 squats and 20 second plank.
  • Hi all! I'm glad I found some groups because this is exactly my goal well almost. My UG is to get myself in a bikini and feel confident by my birthday (August). I'm hoping MFP and all of you guys will help keep me motivated to keep going. I do not like that the numbers on the scale are in the higher 100s than they've ever been before in my life. It's disheartening and I hope to change this!!!
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member

    To answer your question, I was planning on weighing in every Thursday, but if that doesn't work with your schedule that is completely fine! Just weigh in when you can -- and you can still use the spreadsheet, just find the date closest to the day you weigh in. It would be awesome to have you join us! :D
  • apf2013
    apf2013 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Everyone,


    Weight 191.5
    Height 5'2"

    Goal by spring 171.5

    Good luck to all.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Thanks for getting back to me :) Ill def join for sure

    Ok so by March 20th Ill be turning 32 {on March 2nd} and my youngest will be 3 on the 16th
    Why am I doing this well I never truly been "obese" always been a little over weight but been near my normal weight a cpl times in my life. Also doing it be healthy again and to stay healthy over all alot of health issues in in my family so I would like to combat it before I get any of it. I also want my girls to learn from me by being more healthy and more active.

    SW for MFP 186
    CW {i believe but scale recharging its batteries} 181
    so hoping to get to 161 by March 20th
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hi - my name is Carl and I have been hovering around the 160 - 170lbs mark for too long now and its time to dig in again and drive this thing home.

    I am currently 168 and my ideal weight should be around 140 - 146; depending on how much extra muscle I find under there when I start cutting back. So, 20lbs would take me to the heavy end of where I want to go. Perfect timing as well as my Yoga camp is in May next year.

    My love and main exercise focus is Yoga and I supplement this with Calisthenics (progressive bodyweight exercises). I also swim twice a week.

    Looking forward to working with and being accountable to you all.

  • Mama_Jaxx
    Mama_Jaxx Posts: 15 Member
    I'm looking to lose 75-80 lbs in 116 weeks so I can be at a healthy weight before I turn 50.

    I'm a 47 years old mother of 2 "tweens". I suffered a mTBI 6 1/2 years ago and still deal with post-concussion-syndrome symptoms. Before my injury I was in the best shape of my life and was training for my 2nd Half Marathon. Fatigue and lack of focus from my PCS symptoms often get me off track. I like to use "Walk It Out" on my Wii and just walking with my family as exercise. I track my steps using an UP24.

    I've lost 5 lbs since starting in November. My last weigh in on 12/1/2013 was 215 lbs

    **!st goal: 195 lbs by my 49th birthday 3/25/14
    Reward 16 sessions with Personal Trainer

    **2nd goal: 180 lbs
    2-3 New Outfits

    **3rd goal: 160 lbs
    Reward 16 sessions with Personal Trainer

    **END GOAL: 135-140 lbs HEALTHY WEIGHT
    Reward: New wardrobe, hair and make-up.:happy:
  • hello laura here 37, 38 on jan 2 nd. GW 120. spring weight 160
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I :heart: challenges. I appreciate the accountability and the friendships that they inspire.

    What I am discovering, now that I have completed a few challenges, is that each one is very different. Some only have weekly threads, and some have daily interactions. The attrition rate can be HUGE. One 90 day challenge I was in lost 2/3 of its membership and of that only 1/2 continued to check in. I am hoping I have found an active group were we can all encourage each other.

    What I really like about this group is that the expectation of losing 20 pounds should be do-able by many people at 5-7 pounds a month. I currently sit at 215.6, and I am not sure how much longer I will be able to stay at a deficit to equal 2lbs a week. I don't see my body doing well at 1200 calories a day (I'm between 5'10-11, and a medium-large build).

    I hope reach Onderland during this challenge, and then we will see how much lower I can go. I am not sure my UGW. I have never been below 199 in my adult life, so maybe 180? (Obviously not all in this challenge :wink: ).

    Kim :flowerforyou:
  • Hi!

    My name is Kristi...I just joined (sorry I'm a little late!).

    I need to lose what I not-so-affectionately refer to as my "Grad school 'baby' weight". I wasn't pregnant ;) but I have been in grad school for the past 3.5 years and have put on approximately 20 lbs. I would LOVE to lose this weight now that I am finished with school, especially because I was overweight to begin with!

    I will be in a friend's wedding on March 15th, and I would really like to slim down before then (wedding pictures and all). I also have a plastic container full of clothes that don't currently fit me...which I would really like to wear!

    My scale needs new batteries at the moment, but the last time I was at the doctor's office (a few weeks ago) I weighed 196. I think I have gained a couple pounds since then, so I am just counting my current weight at 199. I am 5'5 inches. I have thyroid issues (under control) and polycystic ovaries (not under control). I am currently a size 14-16 for pants and an XL for shirts. I want to get down to around 175 lbs, and I would be thrilled to be a size 12/L again. Eventually I need to get down to about 145 (135 ideally) but it's always better to have smaller, more attainable goals first!

    I'm currently reading "The Insulin Resistance Diet" and am hoping to try some of those methods. I also joined a women's gym and will be trying to work out 4x/week.

    Nice to "meet" all of you, and best of luck to us all!
  • chopperkat
    chopperkat Posts: 12 Member
    I have joined this group because I am ready to try to lose weight again. Due to a health issue, I took about 2 months off and have gained 6 pounds. I am going on vacation in March and would like to lose at least 20 pounds by then. I'm hoping we can all motivate each other to reach our goals!!

    I think that much of the difficulty I have with losing weight is that I work night shift and have an irregular schedule. Since going to a straight night shift at work about 8 years ago, I have gained about 40 pounds. This also causes me to have terrible sleep issues. I need to find a way to lose weight despite my schedule!
  • copp9
    copp9 Posts: 33
    Hi there! This year I lost 30 pounds and then plateaued for four months. I started running to lose weight which did not help at all but I finishes two 5k's...first at 40:50 and second at 33:01. Even though running did not help me lose weight I felt healthier and better. I have not exercised since Halloween and just did a 5k today at 44:58. My goal is to be able to run a 5 k nonstop. Right now I walk about 1/3 of it.

    I have gained two pounds back since Halloween for not exercising. I still eat pretty healthily. I cannot break past my lowest adult weight of 220. I am hoping to reach 199 as a long term goal and 190 for a final goal. I want to do my first 10k this May.
  • eclaireya
    eclaireya Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all! I just joined this group- I'm looking for something to motivate me through the winter, as I still have not lost the 15lbs I gained from last year's holiday/winter season! :ohwell: I'm 5'3" and weigh 150, so my goal is 130. I'm not terribly hopeful that I will be able to lose that much by the spring and would be superbly happy with a 10lb loss :) 130 is my ultimate goal though.

    As for diet and exercise- I would like to work towards maintaining a more healthy existence- eating more fresh foods vs. processed- reducing the amount of sugar and carbs I consume, and stop the binge snacking that seems to always be my downfall. I'm limited with exercise due to a back injury that doesn't want to go away, but I am a Bikram Yoga junkie and am able to keep that up.

    Looking forward to shedding the pounds with all of you!
  • kitt6katt
    kitt6katt Posts: 7 Member
    New to the group! I put on quite a few pounds in the last year and a half and it's time to get rid of them!! 20 would be a great number so I look forward to the support of this group.
  • embaudin
    embaudin Posts: 45 Member
    Hi guys!

    Brand new to the group, have already got myself on a roll with the weight loss and have already dropped my first 28lbs. But am starting to feel the loss of motivation - so am here looking for some support to beat the next 20lbs! :)

    I can't really say I have a favourite exercise. The trainers have set me up with a program to achieve the goals that I want, but I'm also doing the odd Zumba class to break the monotony. I make sure to walk at least 3 miles a day and swim at LEAST 3 times a week. But now I'm starting to get to that point where I fear the weight 'plateau'. So would love some support as I push through this next 20lbs!

    Good luck one and all! I know we'll get there! :)

  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all!

    I began changing my lifestyle in August. Family has a history of weight/diet-related illnesses, and I want to do what I can to prolong/avoid the onset of those. For the past month I've been stuck on a plateau of 32 pounds lost, even though I am still in my calorie range, so I'm looking for some support, advice, motivation, whatever to get me off the plateau and back on the downward trend in my weight.

    I usually swim 3 days a week (pool is closed over the holidays), and I follow a modified version of South Beach (special K shakes and slim fast bars taste better).

    I know I'm joining late, but I didn't find the group until now.
  • tmp1of7
    tmp1of7 Posts: 23 Member

    I just found your group. I am starting back with MFP on a serious note. I have a good core of online friends to be accountable with. After reflecting and rereading my blogs, I realize that I do better with a challenge which brings me here.

    As my school year began, I had lost 16 pounds in a 40 day challenge. Prior to that I had lost an additional 6.5 pounds. I stepped on the scale during a holiday binge--yikes--and saw how much damage I had done. I want to lose 10 pounds to get back to my August/ September weight and then another 20 to reach my first big goal. March 21st is my birthday...another incentive to lose 20 pounds by Spring.

    Best of luck to all. Let's go!
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    LOL...I accidentally put my gmail username in the spreadsheet instead of "shuki_cotren"....oops! sorry to confuse anyone who notices that I changed my username on the spreadsheet!!!
  • bpmichael
    bpmichael Posts: 28 Member
    Hi. My name is Mike and I am joining this group a bit late but like the idea of losing 20 pounds by Spring. Since I seem to be the biggest guy in the group maybe I can do it. I want to lose weight for my health, especially for heart health and lower blood pressure.
  • Hi! Never had any weight issues, until having 3 kids. Well, I'm done having kiddos, and ready to have my good health back. 20 pounds to get me to a healthy weight, but most importantly are the changes that have happened at home with our new cleaner eating approach. I have no more excuses, and even though the physical is not the number 1 reason for me getting healthy, I have given myself a goal to shed the weight by Summer, now Spring with this group!
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member
    It's so great to see new people joining the group! Welcome! :smile:
  • I am new to the group. I got a divorce last year, went on antidepressants, and gained a lot of unhealthy habits. 2014 is a new year and determined to get healthy again. 3 weeks off medication and started a nutrition class today.

    SW: 178
    CW: 177
    GW: 140
  • 27karateerin
    27karateerin Posts: 42 Member
    Great to have you join the group! :D If you have any questions please email me. Oh and don't forget to post on the spreadsheet...it's great for accountability :)

    That's awesome that you're taking a nutrition class-I'm taking one right now as well!

  • iifoolii
    iifoolii Posts: 1
    I am trying not to go over 1200 calories and if i do go over it ill probably go over it my 200 calories and i will go to the gym and burn like 380 calories