What's Your Plan?

Hey guys! Great to see so many people joining this group :D
If you'd like to share your plan, I'm curious how everyone is going to make their weight loss happen for these next 14 weeks. For example, how many calories do you plan to eat each day? Do you log your food or are you going to try eating clean? Junk food in moderation or none at all? Exercises you plan to do?
For me, I'm trying to stick to 1200-1300 calories per day and run every day for 30-60 mins (this is going to be hard for me :P). Hopefully I find time to do some weight training as well. So what are your plans? :smile:


  • Mama_Jaxx
    Mama_Jaxx Posts: 15 Member
    I'm trying to keep my "net" calories around 1100-1200. My goal is to average 8,500-10,000 steps a day (burning 500-1,000 calories a day). I have an UP24 that measures my activity and calorie burn. I plan to continue to log my food every day...even if I have "cheat" days. I usually try to eat 6 small meals a day...starting with an Adkins Meal Replacement Shake in the morning, having fruit/nuts/cheese/crackers for snacks. I either have another Adkins shake for lunch, or if I need more calories, I've been eating boiled eggs, and some veggies. I usually leave 500-800 calories for dinner so I can eat whatever my husband cooks, or if we eat out, I can usually stay within my goal. I usually have some type of sweet snack for my evening snack (sorry...I just can't break this habit...but it's usually not too bad....or too late).

    Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see what we can accomplish by this Spring!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Well for the week of Christmas Im hoping to maintain my weight.....Rememeber my self to stop eating when Im full and to take smaller portions and to fully chew food and eat slowly and oh yea drink water before I start eating.

    Exercise 3-4 days a week of cardio and possibly a little strength training/calisthenics.
    Log my food every day try to stick to 1400 a day and maybe try to go down to 1300-1350 a day after them
    Try to limit my junk food also
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    My plan is to stick to the plan :laugh:

    I have been eating within my calories set by MFP and doing the Leslie Sansone Just Walk challenge. As the weather is snowy and super cold, this was an excellent idea for this December. I can sneak in a mile or two when I'm working at home at lunch, or I can just a bunch of miles at once in the evening.

    I am planning to have some days off for the holidays, but I still plan to log them. Thanksgiving I ended up having a 3000 calorie day between thanksgiving and a pizza dinner. :noway: But, it was only one day. I am going to be more reasonable on Christmas (with my close family who knows I am losing weight and will have lower-calorie options). My only planned RED day is New Year's eve. I want to enjoy the snacks, dinner and wine so I will just not worry about the calories for one day. I am planning to be within calories for the rest of the month. :drinker:
  • keller44
    keller44 Posts: 51 Member
    My plan is to track my food through MFP. I get 1200 calories a day. I also take 3 Zumba classes a week and walk/run on the treadmill everyday at lunch (except the weekend). I have gotten real good about the exercise, it is the food that kicks me in the butt. I am looking forward to being held accountable with this group and just feeling better in general. I have donated all of my clothes that no longer fit, and I have very few left. I am looking forward to going shopping. BIG incentive for me.

  • Hi,

    My goal for calories is 1200 or what MFP has set for me. My problem has always been not eating, and eating junk when I did eat. So eating regular healthy food is also a goal. Cutting back on all fats, reading the nutrition label on all foods, No Coke, 72oz of water a day, 2 cups of white tea and 3 cups of green tea a day, planning meals ahead of time, exercise a min of 45 min, log daily, pack snacks, stay away from vending machines, and weight watchers menu when I eat out. If I crave something for more than two days I will add it to my calories goal and adjust my plan for the day so I don’t go over my goal. Repent later and don’t make it a habit. For Christmas, as long as I stay away from the mac & cheese I should do fine. Turkey and veggies for me! This is a learning process for me any other tip are very welcome.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    My plan is to stick to the plan :laugh:

    I have been eating within my calories set by MFP and doing the Leslie Sansone Just Walk challenge. As the weather is snowy and super cold, this was an excellent idea for this December. I can sneak in a mile or two when I'm working at home at lunch, or I can just a bunch of miles at once in the evening.

    I am planning to have some days off for the holidays, but I still plan to log them. Thanksgiving I ended up having a 3000 calorie day between thanksgiving and a pizza dinner. :noway: But, it was only one day. I am going to be more reasonable on Christmas (with my close family who knows I am losing weight and will have lower-calorie options). My only planned RED day is New Year's eve. I want to enjoy the snacks, dinner and wine so I will just not worry about the calories for one day. I am planning to be within calories for the rest of the month. :drinker:

    I love Leslie Sansone. I was getting out and walking 40 mins a day at a track while it was still warm but love how I found her on you tube. Shes such a motivational speaker and really keeps me going. I like to do high intense cardio as well but cant seem to get passed 25 mins of it so I switched to her and can easily do 30-45 mins now
  • JesT23
    JesT23 Posts: 51 Member
    For me, it's all about the routine. My ideal evening would be coming home from work, doing my workout, taking a shower, cooking a balanced dinner, prepping for the next morning and then going straight to bed. I want to be in bed by 9. This way, I'll exercise more and not have time to snack and vegetate. Unfortunately, this only works if I'm home alone. If others are depending on me for dinner or hanging out in the living room/my home gym, my plans are sunk.

  • I've been trying to stay consistent with cardio (biking and running) and Fitness Blender workouts alternating the cardio for 3 days each per week and 3 Fitness Blender workouts per week.

    I wake up early--about 4:30 and have a cup of tea before my workouts. Then shower and off to work. I have an hour commute each way so by the time I am home I have just enough time for dinner and I try to stop eating by 6:00 pm. It doesn't always work, but if I can do this and get to bed by about 8:30 then I seem not to get hungry, get my workouts in, and get a nice amount of sleep. I also try to eat clean and watch my carbs. I have upped my carbs somewhat since I am working out so much from where I was a few months ago but still stay away from sugar, flour, and processed foods. I guess I now consider myself a clean eating primal/paleo kind of a gal. I do dairy though--love milk and cream in my coffee, cheese, and Greek Yogurt :)

    I haven't lost any weight over the last 6 months or so (although I have gained muscle and lean body mass) so if I need to cut back on calories a bit to lose the last 20ish pounds I will.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    No more late night snacking.
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    I went to a dietician beginning in August. We found out I was eating too few calories and putting myself in starvation mode. She upped my net calories to 1750 and put me on mfp, and I started losing! I couldn't believe it! So net calories between 1600 - 1800 calories. My losing window is between 1600 - 1950. Anything below is risking starvation mode, and anything above is maintenance.

    I've lost 32 pounds, still eat around 1750 calories, and I'm now stuck! For the next week (beginning today) I'm going to try to stick to 1600 calories. If I still plateau, I'm going to up to 1800 calories. This is the recommendation of the dietician.

    My plan is to swim 3 evenings a week (3/4 of a mile), to try to add some arm weight reps a few mornings a week, and maybe try to get on a stationary bike once or twice a week.

    I follow the basics of South Beach: no bad carbs (i.e. white flour, sugar, potatoes), no bad fats (sat and trans), eat fiber, eat fruits and veggies according to their glycemic impact to avoid insulin resistance. I also try to eat low sodium as kidney troubles are in my family.