what does this calf pain sound like to you?

it's really deep in the muscle, just under the bit that sticks out and weirdly it seems to hurt more at rest than when it actually bears weight - it has been niggling away for ages I think but now it actually hurts and is annoying me

I can still walk and run but it hurts every time I lift that foot so it's not so much fun at the moment

does it sound like a strain?


  • to begin with it felt like a little tight knot but now the whole area feels bruised deep inside

    I bet it's my stupid new shoes
  • is my leg going to fall off?
  • beeblebrox82
    beeblebrox82 Posts: 578 Member
    Sounds like a muscle strain to me. Ice, elevation, and compression, if it doesn't feel better in a few days maybe go get it looked and and make sure you didn't really tear something?
  • Sounds like a muscle strain to me. Ice, elevation, and compression, if it doesn't feel better in a few days maybe go get it looked and and make sure you didn't really tear something?

    thanks, someone else said heat and stretches (because of the tightness before I suppose). I really expected to stay injury free for some reason :(
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I'm not a pro.

    I'm seeing a running specialized physio right now for calf and achilles tightness on my left leg. He told me not to stretch (!!). He's doing some pressure release with dry needling on it and it's the most magical thing ever! He's also taping it with physio tape (kt tape) , and told me to use heat on it.

    I'm not sure if this apply to a strain though... My best advice is to go see a specialist before it gets worst and gets in the way of some serious training !

    Good luck!
  • thanks jstjean, hope your issues are resolved soon - isn't dry needling painful? will take your advice and see a physio next week if possible

    I think the earlier tightness may have caused a strain somehow but don't know why I thought someone could diagnose it over the internet. Still not 100% sure whether it is advisable to run or not in the meantime, will see how it goes tomorrow.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Do see someone so you don't inadvertently do more damage. My husband injured his Achilles and it manifested as calf pain (he injured the part of the tendon that attaches to the calf). Whatever it is, hope it goes away soon!

    I injured my IT band (during childbirth of all things!) and I was skeptical about physical therapy but it totally cured me.
  • childbirth?! were your feet in stirrups at the time or was it an extreme 'active' birth?

    one hot bath and it is pain free for the first time in days, I'll set off on tomorrow's 15 miler but will never be more than a couple of miles from home so I can get back easily if necessary