Motivational and Supportive Friends

Hi Ladies and Gents!

I'm currently on weeks 5/6 of JMBR and loving it!! I started working out in the AM and i'm enjoying the extra energy I have and also the fact that i'm done with it first thing and not stresing about doing it after work and dinner when i want to relax.....

So I owe alot of it to a couple buddies that I text with in the AM so we're not alone we know we're working out together.

It's really done wonders and I want MORE!

Just looking for supportive and motivational friends to KEEP THIS GOING!!

Plus we all love Jillian right so we have that in common. Anyways if you're up for it send me a FR and i'll be happy to accept.

We're all in this together :-)


  • amynoelhall1
    amynoelhall1 Posts: 12 Member
    I just got started with JMBR yesterday, and I finished her Ripped in 30 program the day before that. I absolutely love JM's workouts. I have an 18mth old daughter and a full time job, so 30 min per day is perfect for me! Like you, I'm a morning exerciser. I just feel so much better starting my day that way.

    I'm almost almost 37, 5'9" and around 153 lbs. Goal weight is 143. It isn't a lot of weight, but I find that the last ten lbs are the hardest to lose. I've already lost over 26 lbs since my daughter was born.

    Glad to find some friends to work through this with me,
  • Hey guys :)

    Just got my JM BR package today and I start tomorrow, I cant wait to get started :)

    I loooove Jillian, she's such an inspiration! I did most of her dvds before (i got great results with ripped in 30 )

    I lost 60lbs and I find the last 15 lbs very hard to lose!

    Hope I can get through her program!!

    Good luck to y'all
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladies

    on my first week of body rev. My hubby is doing the workouts with me except the cardio days (Which is nice since I have never had a workout buddy before, he also is very out of shape. He has committed to 4 days a week with me.). I have about 110 pounds to lose and struggle with each one. I am notorious for starting strong and 4 weeks in fizzle, fall off the wagon and lose all progress. SO this time when everything goes according to plan I will complete this program on march 22nd. On March 23rd I have VIP tickets to see Jillian Michael's speak and I want to go up to her and say Look I finally finished a workout program that I started and I feel and look fabulous. There are 2 things I am telling myself. March will come weather I workout or not and I want to feel good and second GETTING LEAN IN 2014 is my motto.

    Chat with you all later. Lets make 2014 our healthiest year ever.