Maintenance on a Primal diet

I have just reached my target weight, thanks to a Primal diet and mfp, which is fantastic because I now weigh the same as I did in my twenties and I have my 50th birthday next month!

However, I have just broken up for Christmas and have my non primal family staying, along with their bread, cakes, biscuits etc, so there is new temptation in my home. I would like to stop logging daily and to be able to rely on feelings of hunger and my self-control but wondered if I should wait until the holiday is over before taking that step. Do those of you who are maintaining log every day? Did you change your MFP goals and settings the moment you hit your target weight ? I know that there is advice on the general maintenance forums but I would appreciate advice from those of a primal /paleo outlook.


  • plumfoodie
    Wow, well done - what a great feeling to be coming up on a milestone birthday at the same weight you were in your twenties!

    I have been maintaining on a primal diet for over a year with no logging and I have to say I feel like this lifestyle makes it easier than I deserve as I love the food and it really helps with my health issues; being able to maintain easily as well seems like it must be cheating!

    When I first hit my goal I changed my calorie target right away and logged for a month or so religiously, and then for the next few months I logged the odd day here and there, just to get an idea of what my maintenance portions should look like/check they were on track, and how much more I needed to eat when exercising. I have gotten through vacations and holiday periods with no or minimal gain - 1-2lb, which comes off again quickly when I go back to my normal routine - despite eating more and different things (always gluten free) during these times. It's like my body is finally giving me some leeway!

    Now I rely on hunger but also common sense and a bit of self control. IE if I'm really feeling hungry I'll think about whether I might be fighting off a cold or experiencing more stress than usual (ie maybe I really do need some extra calories) or whether it's just that time of the month or 'comfort' hunger (in which case I try to kick in with the self control and choose my food to be as satiating as possible). If I have a bit of a splurge one day then I make an effort to eat entirely sensibly the next day. I also try to limit primal/paleo treats to a few times a week as it's easy for me to get into the habit of having more sugar than I do well with otherwise. Fortunately for me, anything containing gluten hits me like a truck and so 'normal' bread, cakes etc are easy for me to avoid entirely. This might be different if gluten just made me uncomfortable for a day or two which is why I say 'fortunately'. :)

    As Christmas has passed now, how did you get on?
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Superfantastic on reaching your goal!!

    I've been trying to find a way to not need to log, and so far the one way that's helping me is the "No S Diet" as a guideline. Simply put, it's no sugar, no seconds, no snacks, except on "Yes S days" which are Sat/Sun/special/sick days. This diet is helping me learn how to eat, for life. In fact, the only time I struggle now, are the yes S days, when I can eat like I used to. Check it out. I think it's perfect for maintenance.

    I still log right now, however, because my Yes S days are grotesquely out of hand with too much snacking and overeating. I almost wish every day was a "No S day".
  • janpuzzle31
    janpuzzle31 Posts: 48 Member
    I love the idea of the No S Diet and think that it could work for me too. Christmas has taken it's toll and I need to remove a few pounds gained, but I hope to be back to my goal in a couple of weeks time, ready for the big 50 at the end of the month. When I get back to goal I will change my calorie target as suggested as it would be good to have a better idea of what I need for maintenance. Thanks for your advice!
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I have been eating at maintenance for about a year now.

    I took a break from logging when I was away for five weeks recently in India and Nepal and found myself eating a variety of delicious and unfamiliar foods, often in much larger amounts than I would have at home, and certainly not always primal/paleo.

    I came back the second week of December to the midst of the holiday eating season....

    I don't regret eating the things I did (though I did gain about four pounds) but it reminded me how helpful logging is to keep you on track. I am planning to continue to log as much as I can just to keep myself mindful. :)