Thanks, Aunt Bev, for setting this Group up!

Just back from the doc and couldn't wait to see if any of our Inspire members had joined yet. I gotta say, I am more excited about this than anything in a LONG time! It is giving me something to concentrate on that I CAN have control over. When the pain or other crummy symptoms get too bad, I can concentrate on coming here and working on something positive. Hope we will be able to get more members interested in joining!!
Yea for us!!


  • W2BH
    W2BH Posts: 19 Member
    Vickie, glad to see you've joined our little party here! I am just as excited as you are because like you say, at least this gives us something positive to strive for even when our illness is kicking our behinds at any given moment.

    Now, maybe an explanatory post on the Inspire site explaining what we're doing, why we're doing it, and how they all can join us on MyFitnessPal in the Inspire Group and do it along with us!

    It was originally your idea and it's your journal post that got this started so maybe you can do a sort of invite post for others to join?

    Are we going to continue updating to your original post as we go along with this or do you intend to start a new one specifically related to following all involved?
  • ecb323
    ecb323 Posts: 1
    Thanks for the invite! I am so happy to be starting this new year concentrating on getting healthy! I had been working on the food/supplements but had omitted the exercise and I need to add that in!!
    Great catching up with you last week!