Scale not moving

antitek Posts: 121 Member

Under calorie goal AND hitting the gym. I've been working with a personal trainer for the last two weeks. I've pretty well been sore ever since. I push myself even without him cheering me on.

I'll chalk it up to muscle gain....I guess. If I don't see loss soon I think I may have the doctor check me out. Even with muscle gain my clothing should be looser.


  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I can relate - it seems like I am gaining weight even as I have increased exercise and I have been largely eating at a deficit (I have had three overages this month but only Christmas was untracked).

    I think I am gaining muscle, but it is hard to tell without measuring because unless you have lost inches all in the same place it is difficult to tell. It is just disappointing because I don't think that I will make my New Year goal as I hoped to be 210 by Jan 1. But since I appear to be 215 this morning (up from 212) I doubt that is going to happen. However, I can now do a crap load of squats and lunges without being sore.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    May I ask how long have you been eating less and being more active? We are females so females lose weight slower then men. Are you sure you are logging everything correctly. I see alot of ppl saying to buy a digital scale and that alot of ppl over estimate calorie burns. Perhaps invest in a heart rate monitor watch also?
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    I've just gotten back on track bout 3 weeks ago. After the two weeks with no scale movement despite my trainer punishing me. Trust me, my heart rate is up there!. I'm pretty sure the food is OK but I decided to go on Herbalife. I started this week. Friends of mine have each taken off 50 lbs on the program so it's worth a shot if it gives me a kick start.

    My serving spoons happen to be 1 cup and 1/2 cup. I just make them level. I use the scale when I get home from the grocery store, portioning the meat into individual servings and tossing in the fridge or freezer. Huge time saver throughout the week.

    I think I might be loving my rice and noodles a tad much. I've been reading Paleo recipes on NomNompaleo and they look delicious. Strongly considering that once the Herbalife is over. That's what dinner has been switching to and I'm enjoying it.
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    I agree with Jennegan about overestimating calories burned. MFP would say I burned 400+ calories swimming, but when I invested in a watch that regulates distance swam, time, pulse, etc..., it showed me about 150 calories fewer, so I started logging by that.

    Also, make sure calorie deficit isn't all the way to starvation mode. I thought 1200 calories was ok, but when I started going to a dietician, I discovered that I need WAY more calories than that as I was eating too few calories and was defeating all of my hard work. Just a thought.

    Keep it going! Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated! You can do it!