Holiday Week Challenge

odylynn Posts: 20 Member
I would like to propose our first weekly challenge. In the future, I would like to start on Fridays, that is my weigh-in day.

Portion control!!! Since this week is one of the hardest for a diet, let's keep it simple. You may still indulge in the wonderful dishes that come to the christmas dinner table, but only indulge in the actual serving size. Log it to see what a serving really is. You will be surprised. And watch out for the desserts. Do not indulge in all of them. If I really can't decide, I will take a very small amount of two. WILL POWER!

Get moving!!! I know this is a busy week for all of us, especially those with young children home from school, but let's try and take 20 minutes out of every day to do something for OUR health. It can be walking on a treadmill, going for a swim or just some basic yoga, but 20 minutes. EVERYDAY! Have the kids participate if that is the only time you have. It's winter break and they will be getting cabin fever anyway. Mine love obstacle courses with jumping, climbing, balancing. Make it a game. XBox Kinect games count too! I particularly like to play the dance games with my kids, as long as we are the only ones in the house.
If you want some along time, wait until they are in bed and take that 20 minutes for YOU! For me, I have to make sure I workout as soon as possible. If I sit down, for even a moment, I have trouble getting back up.

Good Luck and Happy Holidays!


  • Sorry I have missed this. We have been away for medical this month. I am game for a challenge. I also weigh in on Fridays. I take part in a group of Biggest Losers via Facebook. The top two losers receive a cash prize. I am hoping to win the upcoming season six or season seven. I am done being like this. I assume others feel theis way too now that we are beginning a new year again.