Planned conventions and cosplay 2014.

So, what are your goals for 2014? New costumes, losing weight, certain conventions?

I actually don't know if I am going to go to any conventions, as I have gone to one large (Sakuracon), one medium (Kumoricon), and will be going to one small (Newcon). If anything, sometimes I cosplay downtown Portland, OR for fun. I'd love to find other people to share that with, but you know how that goes.

I'd also like to drop 10 lbs, but that's not cosplay related. That's just health related. :p


  • Probably most of the ones in the Ohio/Tri-state area.
    Girlfriend tends to go, and I tend to follow.
    Colossalcon is a big one, it's at a waterpark, so got about 6 months to drop some serious weight and figure something out.
  • Fawnie
    Fawnie Posts: 67 Member
    I don't think I'll be ready to cosplay this year. But I am thinking about dressing (sweet) Lolita.

    2013 was a total bust for me in the convention scene. First time in years that I missed out on Comic-Con.
    This year I am planning on attending AnimeConji & if I am lucky SDCC (even just for 1 day!) But for the price of sdcc, I could hop on an Amtrak & go to Anime Expo.

    Well, I'll be happy going to anything, lol
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    Not too sure myself, though I will be updating and perfecting my Space Marine Scout costume and my Umbrella Chris Redfield costume - I hope to create a unique concept costume too based around a future soldier/science fiction/mass effect (basically something I can put twinkly lights in

    Not sure which ones to attend in the UK this year but probably the Manchester and Birmingham MCM events. Possibly London MCM and maybe one of the LFCC events too as well as a couple of photoshoots we are organising as part of the Resident Evil UK group at the disused manor we shot at last year.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I am going to Anime Detour in April (a MN convention) and my planned cosplays would be either Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuri Nakamura, and I plan to make a Monkey D. Luffy costume before April. I may have to purchase it though since I'm not crafty and don't think I can put a decent costume together before April 4th.
    Weight goal would be to lose 10 pounds before the convention but it's not necessary. I'm about the same weight I was for the convention I went to last year.

    I am hoping that they sell some Lolita clothing at this con as I was disappointed by last year.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    hitting Dragon Con in Atlanta Aug 2014. I loved it so much last year (our first time) and I think my husband and I will make this an annual thing. So much to do!

    Updating some wonder woman costumes this year.
  • MyrmicaMotivated
    My goal?

    I'm getting a suit together for Superior Spiderman in June as well as putting back together my Putty Patrol.

    I probably won't have the funds for Anime Boston (spiderman won't be ready) so I am just going to work out and try and stay in shape for a small convention in the summer
  • Geenevaaaa
    Probably most of the ones in the Ohio/Tri-state area.
    Girlfriend tends to go, and I tend to follow.
    Colossalcon is a big one, it's at a waterpark, so got about 6 months to drop some serious weight and figure something out.

    That's my goal, too! I want to be in shape enough to go to the water park this year and not be embarrassed!
  • socialmediaaccount
    Well then, lets make this Colossalcon the best one yet!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I'll be doing crossplays only this year ;3

    Planning on doing Ghirahim from Skyward Sword and Damien Ramsey from Magical diary ^^ Both demons.. xD
  • Hamibal
    I'm going to animeNEXT in Somerset, NJ in June with a friend! I'm hoping to cosplay Aoba Seragaki from DRAMAtical Murder and I was going to cosplay Princess Sadie from Princess Princess but she's a larger girl and Aoba is a smaller guy so I'm conflicted haha! I want to lose weight for Aoba so I guess I'm not going as Princess Sadie. I'm hoping to be able to lose 20 pounds by March so I'll be working my a** off!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Hitting up KitaCon in Birmingham, UK in March. In the middle of making a Druid Tier 1 (World of Warcraft)'s time to start panicking soon as I'm no where near as ready as I should be lol!!
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I'm going to Kitacon too.. in march.. but in Finland xD Silly that they have the same name.
    Anyways, I'm going as Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara! :)
  • felcandy
    felcandy Posts: 228 Member
    Phoenix Comicon!!!! Hopefully I'll have at least one costume completed by then. First time actually doing a cosplay that isnt for halloween haha
  • HappyAppleCandy
    Con: Anime Revolution 2014, Aug 22-24
    Goal: 108 bl
    for: Yuna FFX and FFX-2 (Gunner, Songstress), ; Rei Ayanimi Maid, Festival Yukata, swimsuit; Ryoko Yakushiji Red Dress. (I want to do one of each character While I'm there. )

    Must have list: 1. 6 pack;
    2. Toned arms and legs;
    3. Fix walking posture (no more old-man stand, aka. Beer-gut stand)

    That's all.
  • patchworkpuppet
    patchworkpuppet Posts: 6 Member
    C2E2, Anime Central, St Louis Comic Con, Anime Midwest, Chicago Comic Con... and who knows if I will make it out to other things? ~crosses fingers~

    I was getting really self congratulatory about how all of my costumes this year are easy soft cosplays that will cover up my lumps.... but just because I don't look flabby in a costume doesn't mean I should let myself get super out of shape, so I'm back to trying to maintain healthy habits. Goodbye, long skyrim/cheez-its marathons.
  • cinnaska
    cinnaska Posts: 3 Member
    I'm going to Indiana Comic Con, Indy Pop Con, MatsuriCon, and Cincinnati Comic Expo this year, but I'm going to WORK, lol. I run a booth of stuff I make. Whee!

    I really want to go to a con just for fun this year, and I was actually looking at ColossalCon! It's the weekend after Indy Pop Con though, so I'm worried I'll be too wore out from that. I think the concept of Colossal is amazing. Even if you get bored with being at the con, there's big friggin water park for you to go to!
  • Animebride2015
    Going to anime weekend atlanta and rock out my sailor jupiter cosplay!
  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    WonderCon for sure, working on my Black Canary cosplay and trying to get those arms toned for that. ComicCon is on the list assuming I can nab tickets.

    Still debating AnimeExpo even though I live 10 minutes away. I've become less interested in anime over the last couple years and would pretty much only be there for cosplay. Not sure if my budge can afford that at the moment.
  • bishoujojo
    Avcon in Adelaide definitely... But I don't know if I'll have the confidence to cosplay yet.. It's in June or July.
  • lsilva05
    lsilva05 Posts: 1 Member
    Was planning to go to AX as Voldo from Soul Calibur (then I realized I should "tighten up") but an internship is probably going to take its place. Deciding to keep working toward my fitness goal regardless.

    I am going to Sakura Con and ECCC as Jubilee, Monad Proxy, and Yoshimitsu