Bulletproof coffee alternative for the caffeine avoider?

any suggestion? I am working on quitting coffee, and I am down to 1 cup BCP a day, and I do not drink coffee on the weekend anymore.
I know most people use BPC for replacing breakfast, but I do better if I have breakfast and skip lunch instead. Having a BCP for lunch worked great for me food wise, but interfere with my sleep, so it is time to say goodbye to coffee.

I tried to stop with the BCP and just not have anything for lunch , but it ended up really in poorly. I was hungry by mid afternoon and started by grabbing banana and salted nuts from the the cafeteria, but nevertheless ended up bingeating. It got really bad that I skipped even logging for days.

Anyway , anybody does some alternative to bulletproof coffee? OR maybe I just go decaf?


  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Why not just go decaf?

    I think part of why you do well with BPC at lunch is because it has calories in it. Take a look back at the calories in the coffees that you had that included coconut milk and oil - 300 or so. That's a decent chunk for a lot of people, so no wonder it worked well for you! And, without that extra boost of calories, you...well...got hungry.

    So, either stick with your BPC and just switch to decaf, start taking lunch again, or do BPC for breakfast and realize that you are, in fact, having a breakfast.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Yup, decaf.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Maybe try having a different fat only food item lunch.

    Cod liver oil, 1/2 stick of butter, etc.

    Similar idea to BPF - some calories but all from fat.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't drink coffee but I love my tea. In the AM I will have BPT with assam or irish breakfast but in the afternoon I will have it with a tisane such as tulsi tea or even chamomile for a before bed drink. Tea takes bulletproofing really well!
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    maybe try with decaf or an herbal tea -or- just drink coconut milk? avocado & olives are also great sources of quick fats.
  • alexotica
    alexotica Posts: 24 Member
    Celestial Seasons (or is it Seasonings?) has an herbal tea called Roastaroma specifically blended to taste a bit like coffee. I don't do BP coffee per se (though I have tried it and liked it), but occasionally I'll do MCT and Kerrygold and a bag each of Roastaroma and either green tea (sometimes caf, sometimes decaf) or tikuanyin. YMMV.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Celestial Seasons (or is it Seasonings?) has an herbal tea called Roastaroma specifically blended to taste a bit like coffee. I don't do BP coffee per se (though I have tried it and liked it), but occasionally I'll do MCT and Kerrygold and a bag each of Roastaroma and either green tea (sometimes caf, sometimes decaf) or tikuanyin. YMMV.
    Thank , I have to try that one.
    I drink a lot of tea, but mostly herbal and fruit , and Celestrial seasoning one of my fav brand. I tried to put coconut oil in raspberry and other fruit tea and they tried tasted awful. I tried Tazo green tea and it was terrible, but definitely not something I want to drink often.
  • alexotica
    alexotica Posts: 24 Member
    I don't know anything about Tazo. The rule of thumb in my house is the more elaborate/interesting the tea packaging, the worse it tastes (it's not my rule; I don't have a very sensate palate and can't usually tell the difference).

    But FWIW the thing about green tea is you can't let it steep too long of else it turns bitter. 5 minutes tops, though that might vary.
  • plumfoodie
    Redbush chai, or a kind of homemade chai coconut milk latte? I make one with ginger, turmeric, cardamom and black pepper (which is also great for cold/flu season) which is great with added coconut oil, but I think you could use whatever spices you enjoy. I also like the instant chicory hot drink (make sure it's the pure kind, some have grains).

    If you just want the fat calories, try fat bombs/coconut oil melts?
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    I don't drink coffee but I love my tea. In the AM I will have BPT with assam or irish breakfast but in the afternoon I will have it with a tisane such as tulsi tea or even chamomile for a before bed drink. Tea takes bulletproofing really well!

    I drink both tea and coffee, and wonder how a good bullet-proof oolong tea might taste. I must experiment with the Irish Breakfast tea though.