Introduce myself: long time MFPer, first time mum-to-be!

SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
I've been lurking in this group for a few weeks until I had reached the point I had gone public! Currently 13 weeks pregnant with my first and due on 4 July 2014. I'm 40 next week and live in England.

I've been a MFPer for a few years now. As well as loving the social side of it (I'm a pretty prolific forum poster!) it's helped me get a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

I've not lost a tonne of weight in the last few years but I've reduced my bodyfat, kept my blood pressure and cholesterol low and increased my fitness. I even took up running despite arthritic knees and asthma (fat girls don't run, do they?!!) thanks to the encouragement/bullying of my MFP friends :)

I'm also convinced that getting pregnant without any medical intervention at my grand old age is due in no small part to being relatively healthy and fit.

I was so determined to keep running and exercising during pregnancy but three months of morning sickness and utter exhaustion have beaten me into submission. I'm annoyed with myself but I'm determined to increase my hiking and walking and I've bought a Pilates prenatal DVD that I MUST start next week!

Looking forward to encouraging, and getting encouragement from, lots of other mums-to-be :)


  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    Hello and welcome to the group :) I am 13 weeks today and my due date is July 10th!
    I have been on MFP for a year and half (almost) and I have lost a lot and reached my goal weight, well, that's before i got pregnant again! lol
  • Hi Ladies,

    I'm almost at the end of this pregnancy adventure -- 38 weeks. This is my second, and my first was here by now, so I'm glad this one is still "cookin" :) I'm 33. I live in the US, Colorado. CONGRATULATIONS! on your pregnancies. hiba_84, how old is your first? SRH7, I'm so happy for you! I've led a fairly fit life so far myself. But when I turned 30, my digestive system suddenly became very picky. After about a year of drs appts, experimentation and work with a naturopath, I finally found a new balance of cleaner meats, organic produce and fewer artificial ingredients -- and I've cut out dairy completely. I attribute this pregnancy to those changes in my diet. I have no doubt that your healthy lifestyle is absolutely what enabled you to get pregnant at 40. We had been trying to conceive for a year, and were finally successful after another year of eliminating all the crap from my food.

    It has been a lot harder for me to keep up on my regular exercise routine during this pregnancy. I'm exhausted! And I have a 4 year old to tend to this time. And typically, I eat fruits and veggies all the time, but this baby seems to have trouble digesting anything other than simple carbs and sugars! Fortunately, my weight gain has stayed on target the whole time. I managed to continue to exercise a day or 2 a week through most of my 2nd trimester. Once my 3rd hit though, I quit all together! I work in a pretty demanding work environment. I'm a wedding and banquet coordinator for a ski area at about 11,000 ft above sea level. So I have a desk, but I spend a lot of time trecking through the snow. I think our bodies know what we need. We just have to listen.

    I hope the morning sickness isn't too bad. I was so lucky with my first, I wasn't sick at all. This one made me nauseous in the evenings, but was still fairly smooth compared to what other women experience. Well wishes to you both!
  • clur85
    clur85 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi there, I'm also a MFP long timer and first time mum to be in the UK! Due on 2nd August. I have been so unhealthy and unfit over my first trimester (christmas hasn't helped either) so seeing as its a new year I need to give myself a kick to eat healthier and try and move around more for my little one! I used to do pretty high impact cardio like insanity so I need to find something lower impact to get me through and not pile on the pounds, something i can see me doing quite easily the rate I'm going!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi! I'm in England, I'm 36, and 24+4 weeks with my 3rd. My son is 4.5 and at school now, and my daughter is 2.5. This one is another girl and due on Easter Sunday.

    I put on loads of weight with my daughter, but I lost it all and more, so started this pregnancy smaller than I started my first. I've exercised throughout this pregnancy, even when I was feeling rough. My eating was a bit crap for the first 14 weeks, but I'm back on track now. I've logged onto MFP for 555 consecutive days now.

    My plan now is to exercise up to my due date, and to stick to 1800 calories, although i might increase that for my 3rd trimester. I'm going to allow myself a treat day once a week!

    I work part time as a secondary school teacher, which keeps me pretty busy. Can't wait to start maternity leave :smile:
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Hi! I'm a first time mom-to-be as well (currently 25 weeks, due April 15th), but I completely fell off the wagon and put on about 15 pounds before getting pregnant, so I have that weight, on top of being overweight to start, on top of the pregnancy weight I've put on, so I'm coming back to MFP to help me make healthy choices to help level out the weight gain and put me on a jump start of healthy eating after the baby gets here so I can focus on losing again.

    Looking for friends to help keep me motivated!
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there! If you ladies would like to add me, we can be friends to support each other. I'm 21/22 weeks pregnant (doctors aren't sure of due date, as of today) the baby is measuring big. But with my first I put on close to 60lbs, and only lost 36 of that. So I'm starting this pregnancy 30lbs overweight. So I'm really watching what I eat. So far my gain is 5 lbs. I hope to only gain 10-15lbs this pregnancy. Congrats to everyone!