stress eating over the holiday

brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
I have adult children. They don't come in for Thanksgiving but we do get together Christmas. This year my daughter is ready to have a baby so she will be up in couple of weeks. We usually get together a week before Christmas so they can do with their inlaws and go to their Dads house. We were divorced. Anyway, hubby and I are alone Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

We got together with my son the week before Christmas so he could be with his Dad and wife's family. Anyway I am so tired of hearing all the Christmas songs, isn't this a wonderful time of year, I'll be home for Christmas and all the media stuff. Yep, stressful. I went to church and felt worse. All the families there and one lady saying I am having 35 people over tomorrow at my house.

Needless to say, I was in the mood for 3 slices of chocolate cake and a bunch of other stuff and gained 5 lbs. Good ole comfort eating. Getting myself back on track today.

Time to problem solve. Next year hubby and I are going to the beach for Thanksgiving and going to try a ski resort place in a couple of weeks and if we like doing this over Christmas Eve and Day next year. Anyway, we are going somewhere.

I think a lot of my problem is I want to eat rather than problem solve. Trying to change this. Oh yes, someone hit my car over Christmas, ugh. Oh well, I am getting it fixed, it is driveable, no reason to eat, no reason to eat.


  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I had a similar holiday. My nephew moved to Oregon last year and his girlfriend had a baby, so my sister and her family went to spend Christmas with them. We are used to having the kids around on Christmas, but this year it was just my parents, grandma, husband and I. It was quiet and sort of lonely, but we made the best of it.

    For New Year's my husband was gone most of new years eve and all of new years day and I was alone with the dogs. It was kind of weird and lonely and sad. But I tried to use the time to relax and catch up on house cleaning and do some reflecting and goal setting. And, unfortunately, eating. I ate a lot of junk. Cookies, candy, chips - you name it I probably ate it. I really need to get back on track.

    I like your idea of going to a resort. Maybe it's time to make some new traditions of our own instead of missing the old ones.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    thanks for your reply. I was definitely feeling sorry for myself over the holidays. I think things do change and we have to make some new traditions like you said. I was reading on this site how someone was in the victim mode and I don't want to do that. I was getting jealous of all the skinny people who don't have to watch their weight. You know we are dealt certain cards and we have to deal with it.

    I realized I could go away over the holidays and not be lonely. I realize I am lucky to have MFP to help me with my weight struggles. Life is not fair. I can quit feeling sorry for myself and with all this help do pretty well with my weight struggles. I am thankful I have ya to help me, (think I am already getting out of the victim mode) Now I will get off this 4 lbs I gained! I am doing a lot better this year, last year I was 25 lbs up not 4! Yes, I believe I am more positive, getting out of that negativity, thank goodness! Also, I have a gym about a block from my house and I only work part time!