My story.

I'll try to make this short & sweet :)

In high school, I did it all. Binged, purged, restricted to only hundreds of calories, fasted, stole diet pills, took laxatives. You name it. I probably tried it. That was a long time ago. I'm now in my 20s and haven't done any of that (except binge eating - blah!) since high school. I was never diagnosed with any eating disorder, but I think I may have had one. Who knows.

Anyways. I'm now pretty fat due to phases of binge eating. I joined this site to hopefully get that under control & lose some weight in the process. I want to lose 40-45 pounds and get down to about 130-135 lbs. I'm 5'4 and have been that weight before & remember being pretty happy at that, so we'll see :)

I'm going to start logging on Monday, Sept. 9th. I'm going out of town this weekend & figured I would have one last weekend to not worry too much about calories. If I seem like someone you would like to be friends with, please add me. I'll accept anyone. I don't have a real picture of myself on my page though, so if that bothers you, don't add me. I just am not comfortable with posting pictures of myself online.


  • Kissifusita
    Kissifusita Posts: 9 Member
    I started with ED's at 13 but was diagnosed at 16 with ENOS then I started really restricting foods and calories and was diagnosed with anorexia at 18. Had a strong episode was hospitalized at 20, started to binge and purge but got tired of it and went back to restricting. Hospitalized again at 23, 25, and tried recovering but hated it :-P. Then I sort of got ahold of it without letting me eat me completely but still struggled a lot so at 28started a water fast that lasted a month and again was hospitalized. Then I started practicing an incredible Buddhist philosophy which really changed the way I saw things and kept healthy for 4 years meditating and happy. Then my dog died on November 16 and I have stopped practicing Buddhism and I again find myself in this stupid maze !!! I am 33 now and thought I would be over it by now but as a psychiatrist once told me : Anorexics are like AA's you never recover completely and it is always latent.
    I am fat now so I really hope to loose my bodacity and get in shape !! I am even thinking of a liposuction since my mom wants it too and we wanted to do it together. I just hope she doesn't notice I am back on restricting.
    My friend did noticed and gets on my case sometimes but I don't care I am just not well right now!! I will handle it though.