Intro Yourself

Ohaii, the name on my undies say Donyelle, and I'm a 23 year old YouTuber living in New England, USA. I take care of my disabled parents, and currently unemployed since Google shut down my adsense, thus losing my partnership ! Anyways I enjoy photography, vlogging, graphic and web design, video games, songwriting, soccer, volleyball and being with friends.


  • tommyscarpenter
    tommyscarpenter Posts: 14 Member
    Im Tommy, 6ft 391lbs, Im starting this New Year out right with MFP. Ive lost 67 lbs in the past but put back on 40 of it. This time I have a support network and Im in the Veterans Affairs MOVE program. I am aiming at 265 right now. 340 by summer. am a dad to a daughter 12, a son 26, and have a new granddaughter. Im a disabled Vet due to some mental issues since my return from Iraq in 1991. I recently was approved for a 50% rating after years of trying to hold jobs. Now I can focus my attention on my health.
  • drewgirl56
    drewgirl56 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Crystal! I'm 5'10", 29 y/o, current weight 348lbs. I've always been a bigger girl and I was just starting to accept it as the way it would always be, but then my weight started causing serious health problems--problems that no one under 30 should even have to think about! So now I'm on the path to becoming healthy, and I'm actually really excited about it! I'm working on preparing for bariatric surgery, and have made significant permanent changes to my diet. I spend most of my time taking care of my 1 y/o nephew or at home cuddling my two kitties, Koko and Chompers. I love reading, gaming, movies, and shopping.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Guys I'm Amy ,

    I live in Alaska 14 years now ,born and raised in Louisiana .
    5'3 ' ish , 198 lbs, 47 y/o
    I had a hundred pounds to lose when I joined this group originally - now I have 48 to go to get to my goal ,having lost 72 so far .
    I have 3 grown children 2 of which have never seen me thin .
    I have never loved exercising until now . I think maybe I never gave it a chance or something. I did it as a means to an end not as an actual thing that I would continue.
    I like to knit ,crochet, read ,sew ( all these things were very condusive to my sedentary lifestyle .) I also like to hike ,camp,swim ,and now I'm starting to like to run ! I love the out doors and am out there as much as possible ,learning how to cross country ski and everything .
    I am married to a wonderful man that has never judged me for my weight _ although he is pretty excited and loves my weight loss I must say .

    I have been on MFP for 6 months now and love this site .
  • FierceLisa
    FierceLisa Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Lisa. I currently weigh 332.8. I hope to eventually get down to 150. I have a long hard journey ahead of me. I am an emotional eater. I also love to nibble on things throughout the day. I have been overweight my whole life. My weight really picked up after I started having children. I have a lot of different health issues now and mobility is really becoming a serious hurdle for me and if I don't do something now I'm afraid that I'll get to the point where I can't. I have a good support system at home. My hubby is also overweight and is doing this journey with me. I know with him here helping me and making me accountable and helping me work through things and helping me change the way I think of food will help alot. I was using MFP last year. I lost 56 pounds. I got pretty sick and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I got depressed and honestly just stopped caring. I stopped going to the gym and watching the amount I ate. I have gained that weight and then some since stopping MFP. I have had time now to come to terms with things and am now in the right frame of mind to move forward with my life and push through and get my health under control. I started a new Profile on MFP and am looking for any of my friends from before that are still active or new friends that are active to help me in my journey. I still have my YMCA Membership. I also pulled out my Food Scale and my Polar FT7 Watch. We can do it together. Looking forward to a new me for 2014.
  • TeamAliyah
    TeamAliyah Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning and Happy New Year to everyone.

    My name is Latoya and I am eager to begin this weight loss journey again. I was once active on MyFitnessPal, but took a long hiatus. Weight loss or the idea of it rather is just hogwash and I don't have much support YET. But I am looking to lose 100 pounds as a starting point and then the rest is up to me. One of my biggest concerns is lack of commitment and dedication. I start the process but fall off and then remain stagnant. A positive thing is that I have not gained any weight but I am gaining inches. Looking forward to working with you all and assisting in motivation.

    Thank you, Latoya
  • crossroad2012
    crossroad2012 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm Beatrice


    Height 5'6"

    My highest weight was 320

    My current weight is 245.4

    My goal weight is 170, but my doctor would like me to be around 145

    I am married and have 3 hilarious kids (boy/girl twins 8 and son 23)

    I am battling PCOS and elevated Thyroglobulin antibodies that keep messing with my thyroid, but not enough to need medication...yet.

    I am following a Low Carb plan to balance out all of the side effects of the above and it is working very well for me.

    I love to roller skate and I really wish there was someplace to do that for know...without stray rocks tripping me :P

    That's about it...feel free to add me
  • TriGalVan
    TriGalVan Posts: 3 Member
    Happy New year everyone! Highest weight was 307 and over the last year I lost 32lbs which means I'm down to 275.4 - woot!

    Lots of changes for me last year (both bad and good) and I am looking forward to trying to stay positive on this journey.

    I would like to get down to 150ish. Just working at eating well and getting fit once again.

    In 2012 I completed 3 beginner triathlons and my goal is to sign up for one again this year. if you have ever thought about doing a triathlon I highly recommend it!
  • DPietz
    DPietz Posts: 3 Member
    So yea, it's January and here we go again. Back up to 360 (again) and trying to get down to 225. Imagine my surprise when I download a "new" app into my phone and realize that I have an account over 2 years old. This time though I found the groups. yea!

    Things I picked up from the last two years of diet train wreck:

    Low Carb works... BUT requires intense dedication and discipline.

    Celebrating a new weight loss milestone with double cheeseburgers is a bad idea.

    Celebrating a new job with double cheeseburgers is a bad idea.

    Self medicating the loss of new job with double cheeseburgers is a bad idea.

    Being lazy and not wanting to cook and filling the empty dinner plate with a fast food bag containing double cheeseburgers is a bad idea.

    And the boring stuff

    41, male, 365 goal of 225, desk job, married with two active daughters (10 and 8).

    24 hours into the new year, first day back to work after the holidays, and breakfast was a bag of Frito (gotta love the bbq) and a can of coke.

    I'm going to go find some water now.
  • mudflatmabel
    mudflatmabel Posts: 138 Member
    Hi Everyone, and Happy 2014!

    I've been a member of MFP for a little over a year. I lost 40 pounds, but gained 19 back. I plan on losing those 19 and about 40 more this year! I quit tracking my food last June and the pounds started creeping back. I'm 55 years young and need two total knee replacements - I want to put the surgery off until I have lost more weight and am more fit, so my recuperation will go faster and be easier on me.

    Today I weighed in at 259.0 and I really don't want to be where I was this time last year, so I searched for a group that would inspire me and perhaps throw out a challenge or two along the way. I appreciate the guidelines presented in this group, especially about eating a sensible number of calories each day - food is fuel - and we all need it to keep moving!

    I live in Northwest Washington State on a beautiful island and do aqua Zumba and water walking at the local gym - my aim is four times a week an hour each day. On evenings and weekends I plan to move more around the house and around our seven acres. I have a Health Rider in the living room I would like to do at least ten minutes a day, five days a week, and we have a trail around our property that is a half mile, I would like to do at least once a week. I am trying to set realistic goals that I can live by.

    I look forward to meeting others in the group that have similar obstacles and routines. Oh, I am also a fitbit user, but am waiting for a new charging cord to be shipped, as I have lost mine. Please bear with my, while I get into the logging groove again.

    2014 will be the year we shine!
  • msdeb424
    msdeb424 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm hoping to get support, inspiration and most of all motivation to eat healthier and become fit, healthy and strong. I'm 48, 5'4" and 282 lbs. I want to lose at least 100 lbs. I'm looking forward to connecting with others on the journey to a healthier, happier life. :smile:
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    Hello! My name is Tammy. Married to Tim. Mom of 4. Looking forward to getting my health back. I am from the cold A** state of Michigan. My weight leaves and comes back knock on the door . But this time I am not going to be letting it come in.
  • MistyLee81
    MistyLee81 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Misty. 32 years old, Mom of 3. Current weight is 280, looking to get to 150. I binge eat & am addicted to soda :(. Looking forward to meeting others on the same journey as me. Feel free to friend me, looking for all the support I can get.
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    Happy new year everyone! I'm Sally, i'm 28, 5'3 and I live in Scotland. Been on MFP for roughly a year and just keep losing and putting on the same 7lbs, mostly through my own lack of discipline but I want this year to be the year I finally lose all the blubber i've been carrying around (currently 235lbs, goal of 120)
  • nallen225
    nallen225 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm 32 years old, 5' 8" and need to lose about 150 lbs. I became depressed, started working night shifts, and became very lazy. This is the year that I take back control of my life. I have 7 months left of school and looking forward to creating my new future. Please add me.
  • l'm Mandy. 5'6"(almost), 49 yrs old. Traded in my old life on the 8 Oct 2013 at a whopping 363lbs, currently at 317lbs, (I've lost 46lbs so far), but still 87lbs away from my interim goal of 230lbs (I've picked that number for now as it's the lowest weight I can recall being in the last 20 yrs or so).

    I had weight loss surgery 13 years ago which had virtually no impact on my weight. What is has done for me though is to ensure that I vomit regularly (probably TMI, sorry), usually only once or twice a day, but sometimes a lot more. Makes eating healthy foods quite a challenge, but I'm doing it!

    I'm here for the long haul - any motivation, inspiration, advice or even new friendships (feel free to add me) More than welcome.

    I'm more than happy to answer any questions.


    PS. I live on the east coast of Australia, in Brisbane, hence the metric ticker!
  • Hi I'm Heather. 5'3" 25 years old. SW: 364 CW: 359 GW1: 300 lbs. I am an addict...all around...I use food to cope with emotions and things that I am lacking in my life. Food, over the years, has become the only stable thing in my life. That needs to stop. This year has been the hardest of my life...and my weight definitely shows it. During the summer I did very well with managing and losing weight...among other issues....but then things hit the fan and I stopped caring. Well, I told myself that. I do care and I have BEEN ready. Just time to stop making excuses like "I messed up once, what's one more going to do" and instead saying "ok, I made a mistake. Back to plan A." My desire has always been to do this. My body begs me to do it. So, here I am. Doing it. Glad to have found the beginning of a support network! Time for me to make 2014 the beginning of my best.
  • Martina30284
    Martina30284 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Martina

    I live in Parker County, Texas.


    Height 5'5"

    My highest weight was 293.2

    My current weight is 282.8

    My goal weight is 139.

    I started out on MFP on January 2nd 2012, so a year ago...stayed with it for 10 months...lost 21 lbs...regained 12 of those lost lbs, Starting up again....I did the whole last year in 'secret' and now by joining a group on here I hope by 'coming out' of the weight behavior closet' I'll stick with it for as long as it takes. :smile: As an interim goal, I don't want to be in the morbidly obese category anymore and to get there from here I need to lose another 42.8 lbs. This will also help me to fit in a regular plane seat without 'extender' and people who sit next to me thinking -she should buy 2 tickets...won't feel that way anymore next time I sit next to them. I think my biggest challenge is to move more...I had a workout buddy for a little while but we have lost touch and I'm in search of a new one. I was walking at the local park 3 times a week 30 minutes each time...I'd like to do that again. I will post on here regularly and hopefully that will make me feel accountable to someone on starting and continuing regular activities. So here we go. :smile:
  • Hi! My name is Kaylene and I'm new to the boards...I am restarting my weightloss journey after falling way off track. 2 years ago I was 260 pounds and decided i needed to make a change to be healthier. So I signed up for nutrisystem and in six months i had lost 60 pounds. I was looking good feeling great. I was eating right and working out almost daily. But then life happened...I lost my job, got a new job with crazy hours. I just lost my focus and motivation. Slowly, i began gaining the weight back. I ended up gaining 50 of the 60 I lost. So here I am again, trying. My first goal is to get back to 200. Then I'll go from there! I look forward to getting to know you all and lend support when needed!
  • Sylorna
    Sylorna Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Guys
    I'm Jessica. I have been a member of myfitnesspal for over a year now, and have had some limited successes with it, but I keep on falling off the eating wagon. I am here in hopes that this time will be the time that I can truly make a difference in my life.
    I don't know if my tracker will show right, but I am currently 278lbs and would like to be somewhere around 160lbs. I have always been a big girl and have not been lower than 180lbs since elementary school. 160lbs would be a miracle! I am 32 and am looking forward to living a long and exciting life, which hopefully includes having kids (a great reason to loose some weight!).
    I am a Recreation Therapist and often talk to my patients about the mental and physical benefits of exercise, but then I don't do enough of it myself. I feel like I know better, and sometimes we need to care for ourselves the way that we care for our patients.
    I am looking forward to learning a lot about myself from this group. I hope that we can all shrink together and really make a difference in our lives.
    I plan on tracking my food intake, as being honest with myself often helps me with food portions, and to get off the couch. Right now I am so low energy that will be the biggest challenge. I am hoping to start with some interval training, as that has worked for me in the past (short exercises with big pay off) and then once I get my endurance up I hope to try to use the couch to 5k program, as I've always dreamed of being a runner.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you! We can do this!
  • Hi-
    I'm Trish. I'm at my highest weight ever and HAVE to make some changes. 302.5 to be exact. My goal is 175. My biggest hurdle is meal planning. I'm committing myself to this. I have to. I dont want to miss out on the prime of my life because I'm not physically able to do things. Good luck to you all!