Post your miles for the Week of January 1 - 7 here!

bootcey Posts: 45 Member
Okay everyone...lets do it. Post first weeks mileage here. Remember have fun with it. :happy:


  • bootcey
    bootcey Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone I got started today. I didn't make it to 2 miles only 1.27 but that ok. I try to do better the next time. #KEEPTRYING
  • MJFV
    MJFV Posts: 25
    Hiya bootcey!

    Procrastinated, but got out there and walked after dark. 1.3 miles. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I need a blankie now and a warm tea!
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    pedometer said 13000 steps today...not sure yet if it is accurate...if so it's about 5.5 miles...quite possible because I took the dogs for a 2.5 mile walk :happy:
  • joanneg572
    joanneg572 Posts: 54 Member
    HNY, Everyone!!
    3.5 miles via Travis (the treadmill) tonight.
    Hopefully it will warm up tomorrow, so this gal can get outside.....and ditch "Travis" in the basement.
  • MissJazzie14
    MissJazzie14 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I forgot to post my Jan. 1st mileage. I walked 1.33 miles in 30 minutes. I hurt my ankle =( so i have to take it easy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    I wish everyone luck. Happy New Years
  • joanneg572
    joanneg572 Posts: 54 Member
    January 2, 2014
    Morning walk with neighbor ladies....2.4 miles
    Snowshoeing....3.6 miles
    Total...6 miles
    Time for a nap!!!:yawn:
  • HM1971
    HM1971 Posts: 63 Member
    It felt great to run 4.07 miles yesterday!!! Yay!!
    Too bad we got about 5 inches of snow last night and the wind is bone chilling!!!
    Hello Planet Fitness......
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Late day at work but managed to run 2 miles as soon as I got home.
  • YouAreYourChoices
    YouAreYourChoices Posts: 64 Member
    Only did 1 mile so far but I'm going to catch up soon!

  • MissJazzie14
    MissJazzie14 Posts: 60 Member
    For Jan. 2 I walked 1.37 miles
  • Jan 1st- 3 miles.
    Today I am going sledding with my kids! Burr! I tried to talk them out of it since it's going to be "a feels like 0" today! Oh well, just keep moving right? I will report back later :)
  • marjanet
    marjanet Posts: 145 Member
    miles walked
    Jan 1st 1 mile
    Jan 2nd 1 mile
    Jan 3rd 2 miles

    Total today 4 miles
  • Jan 3rd - 3.4 miles plus walked uphill a lot sledding today!
  • YouAreYourChoices
    YouAreYourChoices Posts: 64 Member
    1 mile today

  • MJFV
    MJFV Posts: 25
    Walked 1.7 miles. Below freezing with a wind! Had to bundle up a bit :) Better than summer sweltering.

    Total 3/60 miles
  • joanneg572
    joanneg572 Posts: 54 Member
    Jan 3, 2014
    walk with neighbor ladies...2 miles
    treadmill @ 4mph....2 miles

    Total to date.... 13.5/60
  • bootcey
    bootcey Posts: 45 Member
    Yay Everyone!! You all are doing awesome. So far I have only 1.27 miles on January 1 and became ill with a stomach bug on Jan 2nd and 3rd so I will try to get some walking in today. Wish me luck.

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • LaVie13
    LaVie13 Posts: 143 Member
    walked/jogged 4 miles on treadmill today.

  • YouAreYourChoices
    YouAreYourChoices Posts: 64 Member
    3 miles


    Great job everyone!
  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member
    I just joined this group a few minutes ago, so here is what I have so far:

    January 1-4 - 2 miles (give or take a little bit. I haven't been needing to keep up lol)

    Today I plan on at least two more!!