Your 2014 Challenge

Just been reading through the forum and it is clear that there are some very good riders and determined people within this group. I started Road biking a year ago, having been a heavy mountain biker prior. Placing all arguments aside both are great sports offering very different challenges. So what are your challenges for this year and how are you preparing?

Mine are the following:
1. Tour of Flanders
2. Leige - Bastogne - Leige
3. Marmote
4. Following Gran Fondos - New York, Stevlio Santini, Ventoux and finally the Alpenbrevet (all climbing).


  • beatpig
    beatpig Posts: 97 Member
    Hiya! Welcome!

    I am planning to rebuild my road bike, and continue my training on an MTB as well.

    I had planned a "hilly" tt with my Dads club, but due to an "off" and a fractured left hand and severely damaged right, am only just back in action since mid-November. I'm now, however about 2.5 months out, as I took a recovery two weeks off, then two weeks on and then had to take enforced time off. Now the hilly seems unreasonable to compete in respectively.

    I am now targetting a 100mile in June, and aim to do a sub 25min 10mile, and maybe a sub hour 25m. Might be optimistic. I have some plans for improving my hill climbing ability.

    First priority though is losing the 8lbs I've gained!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    My 2014 goals are pretty simple compared to most, I suspect. I just gave birth to our daughter 4 weeks ago so I didn't ride much last year. This year, the goal is 100 miles a month (I have an indoor trainer for the winter months). I think that's realistic, but I have no clue as parenthood is new to me.
  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    Happy New Year! I reached my 2013 goal of being able to ride for 20 miles. 2014 goal will be to take part in an organized ride and manage a 30-40 mile ride.
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    My 2014 challenge is to beat my 29 kms ride which I did in little over 2 hours I remember. I want to improve on that. I know in the cyclists world it is a short distance but it is pretty good for me. I will aim to improve my distance to 35 kms. At the moment I am not cycling in winter but I will do it in the summer.
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    My goal is to finish a local road race, LOTOJA. The ride is 206 miles with three mountain passes. I'll have about 13 hours to complete the ride.
  • scooterboy2003
    I plan to lose 30 pounds, continue to provide free bicycles to all the neighborhood kids, be active in the leadership in the local bicycle club, and ride 2000 miles. I rode 25 today.
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    My goals...5000 miles and placing in the top 30 of the races I enter.

    My prep?...ride lots.

  • CharbyOttawa
    CharbyOttawa Posts: 49 Member
    My goals for 2014 are:

    1) Take part in the 75 K charity ride in May. I did it last year with no problems, but I aim to improve my time this year.
    2) Ride over 6000 kms this year. I made it over 4400 this year before foul weather forced me to stop.
    3) Ride a century.
    4) Get more cold weather/rain gear so that the weather doesn't stop me in the early spring and late fall.
    5) Finally make it to 130 lbs. Last time I weighed that was in junior high. Only 16 lbs to go.
  • legitlee
    I have put my name down for Ride London 100, I did last year but didn't get a place, so I'm trying again. 2013 was all about ride London and when I didn't get a place I lost the will to live, because I started training in Oct 2012 the places were announced in Feb, like I said I didn't get selected six months training for nothing, I was so gutted I didn't do much cycling 2013.

    So my name is in again, but this year I have a back up plan, ill do the coast to coast from west coast of the UK to the east coast.

    Prep = base training 12 weeks, then training for a Century 11 weeks will take me to June.

    Prep Rides Booked = 59 mile Rutland area April, 75 mile Lincoln May, 100 mile Great Nottingham Jun. Goal Ride London 100 or coast to coast Aug.

    I will not sulk this year :)
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    i'd like to have a try at the two stages of the TdF that are taking place in Yorkshire this year, though quite possibly not back-to-back, and I think it may kind of depend on if I can blag one of my mates into providing some form of "support vehicle" as I'm pretty sure that a couple of 190km/200km stages would be hard enough without adding on 3-4 hours of faffing about on public transport onto the duration.

    Oh - and I'd really like to get under 26:00 for the local "hilly" TT
  • handers2014
    Some really good challenges here of all descriptions, regardless of it being 7000miles for the year or doing your 35km local ride, it's getting out there and sharing our experiences and tricks and tips with each other that counts. It never gets easier (the training) you just get faster!
  • arran55
    arran55 Posts: 2 Member
    I also didn't get a place in the Ride London 100 lottery; however I did get a charity place.

    Last year’s goals were sub 4 hours in the Etape Caledonian and sub 5 hours in the RL100. Just got the 4 hours by 14 seconds and managed a 4.44 for the RL100. Not bad for someone of 58. This year I would like to get a good sub 4 hour time for the EC and as close as I can to 4.30 for the RL100.

    Rides booked also include 100 mile Gt Notts Bike Ride, 52 mile Great Manchester Cycle, Etape Pennines, also various audaxes, reliability rides and my local chain gang!
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I have put my name down for Ride London 100, I did last year but didn't get a place, so I'm trying again. 2013 was all about ride London and when I didn't get a place I lost the will to live, because I started training in Oct 2012 the places were announced in Feb, like I said I didn't get selected six months training for nothing, I was so gutted I didn't do much cycling 2013.

    So my name is in again, but this year I have a back up plan, ill do the coast to coast from west coast of the UK to the east coast.

    I will not sulk this year :)

    I entered the ballot and then realised I am getting married on the same day. Bloody inconvenient! Another race you may be interested in is the Etape Cymru it is in September
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Wow - my goals are very beginner level compared to what I'm reading here!! This summer, I'd like to do at least one century ride. The closest I got last summer was about 70 miles. And since I've been reading Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder (a really fun read!), I think I'd like to give mountain biking a try - so a mountain bike purchase may be in my future!!
  • grant1977
    grant1977 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is simple. To do the London to Paris cycle in 2015, which I tackled in 2011. I am a proud daddy of a 16 month old daughter. I would not change it for the world, but the cycling has suffered over the lady 2 years and time to get back on the bike.

    Is there any people from the Glasgow area?
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    1. Actually ride the thing.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I've signed up for my first Century Ride in June - train, train, train now until then.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,237 Member
    My goal is to finish a local road race, LOTOJA. The ride is 206 miles with three mountain passes. I'll have about 13 hours to complete the ride.

    I had a friend ride that when I was in school there in Logan. He was a very good cyclist and still said it was a challenge. Of course His idea of a tough ride was one that he couldn't place in the top ten. Good Luck! When is it?
  • nzwermann
    MY 2014 Goal is lose about 25lbs., ride my road bike more, and get into shape. Over a year ago, I had a pretty bad four wheeler accident back in August 2012, I blew out my right knee destorying my ACL and later I have just found out I have a tore Menicus, which is believe to have been damage in my accident and I have some scar tissue built up so if I twist or do running sports I tear it. So biking is about the only sport I can do and is great for my knee. I was a huge Mountain Biker and Downhiller, I just got into Road Cycling about a year ago and love it.
  • blkpag1
    blkpag1 Posts: 34 Member
    I have some pretty simple goals this year:

    1 - enter a couple of races.
    2 - complete a couple of races
    3 - become a stronger rider
    4 - more group rides
    5 - have fun!