January 3: First Challenge, 30 Days

Okay peeps... Here is the first challenge. For the next 30 days do your very best to eat well according to the diet you have chosen, and exercise regularly. In THIS thread, post your Day 1 weight and/or measurements (as little or as much as you feel comfortable sharing). Then at least once weekly, or more often if you choose, post your stats such as your workouts,,your food struggles, or whatever. But DONT WEIGH YOURSELF UNTIL DAY 30!!! Let's respond to each other in love and with encouragement and advice. We'll see how this goes and post a more "challenging" challenge after this!


  • hamillp
    It's going to kill me not to weigh myself for a month, but this may end up bringing quite a nice surprise!

    Ok, this morning I weighed 185lbs (84kgs here in Aus).

    Bring on the next 30 days!
  • pheona76
    This is awesome. I hate checking scales, but always get sucked in by them.

    161 lbs. 5' 4". 37.

    Started off burning 150 cal shoveling snow here in Pennsylvania this morning. Yay snow!
  • tatoxley
    I'm joining for the support of others...and realizing this its a daily
    struggle for everyone. New year..new me :) not ready to post my
    Weight but I will post 30 day loss.
  • LR32836FL
    LR32836FL Posts: 11 Member
    I like the size of this group. If it gets too big please don't be offended if I slip out. I have so much difficulty reading posts in groups that have 100 plus members! I wish the group success but really looking for a smaller size so here goes:

    177.5 5'2" 44
  • Lakegrl54
    Hello! This is great, I need accountability and support!! I also want to fit comfortably into my clothes again!!

    5'2" 130 lbs

    Goal would be to get down to 115 lbs once again!!

    Bring on the 30 days :-)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I am in! Today is my 54th birthday - a great day for a new start!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Day 1 Stats: 5'5", 177.4 :sad:
    Long term goal: 155-160
    30 day goal: 172.4
  • stharrison23
    stharrison23 Posts: 20 Member
    Age: 44
    Height ; 5'7"
    Weight: 160 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 140 lbs.

    30 Day Goal: 155 lbs.
  • srm81811
    srm81811 Posts: 8 Member
    Our Life Our Journey Our Struggles.......together we can motivate

  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Yay - I have to say I agree with LR. I have joined a few other groups and while I completely understand folks wanting (needing) to get involved, when it gets to big, you just get lost in the shuffle. I have been here for a year. (here meaning MFP) did really well for awhile, went on a major walk about in the summer for a really dumb reason. started climbing back in and started a new job mid-November. My old office, we wore jeans and casual clothes. I now have to wear big girl clothes (business dress) and I refuse to buy an entire new wardrobe!!!

    I'm 57 - soon to be 58
    mother of 2 college girls
    weight as of yesterday - 189 - (GAG!!!!!)
    Goal weight - 150
    Goal for the month: 7lbs.

    I have lost weight before but gained everything and then some back the past few years not being active. I had hip replacmeent surgery 2 years ago due to a fracture that happened 3 years before that. As we get older it gets tougher but not impossible. Im not going to use age as an excuse. Happy Friday!!!! let the journey begin!
  • dquarles85
    Age: 28
    Height ; 5'6"
    Weight: 166 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs.

    30 Day Goal: 159 lbs. Super excited to join the group!!
  • ksstueber
    Woke today at 208 pounds. Haven't taken my measurements for a while, but didn't want to hold off!
    Logged my breakfast and lunch and see that I am way off on my sugar intake. Will address that tomorrow.
    I was awoken by a phone all from a friend whom had attempted to commit suicide on New Year's Day. EMOTIONAL day for me, to say the least. Kinda feel like a zombie after finding a Christian counselor whom would talk with us, and spending most of the morning and afternoon with her.

    Chose to have a delicious, but not healthy, Caramel coffee at the church coffee shop, and a huge yogurt with granola. Knew better, but my excuse was I deserved it. Poor choice. Poor decision.

    Tomorrow is a new day.

    Please pray for Karen as she struggles with the anger from her family. She did, however, HUGE PRAISE REPORT, accept Jesus as her Saviour today. God is GOOD!

    Just saw " But DONT WEIGH YOURSELF UNTIL DAY 30!!!" OK ... but I am also addicted (love/hate) to my scale. But, challenge accepted!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    I just found this group and it sounds great!

    Age: 57
    Height ; 5'6"
    Weight: 172 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs.

    30 Day Goal: 165
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    Going for a bike ride today! Wish me luck! First ride of any substance since I fractured my hip.., I'll let you know how it goes!

  • LR32836FL
    LR32836FL Posts: 11 Member
    Ride steady and enjoy yourself!
  • LR32836FL
    LR32836FL Posts: 11 Member
    I will keep Karen in my thoughts and prayers. Something wonderful came out of the crisis.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,256 Member
    Good luck on your bike ride!
  • SandraJane2013
    SandraJane2013 Posts: 16 Member
    Checked my weight for the first time in months. It sure crept up and I knew it. So here it is:

    For being 5 foot 1" tall, I am 195 pounds. Hips - 49 inches, Waist - 44 inches.

    .......putting on my runners and going for a walk. Have a super weekend everyone.
  • pheona76
    Spent the day helping my sister in law (Tara), who has 4 kids (2, 4, 6 and 8 yrs). All are sick. Flu or god only knows.

    Tara hasn't been able to keep anything down for 3 days.

    Little one sneezed directly in my face 3 times.

    Zicam and finger crossing to avoid sickness, but expecting to get sick.

    Always loose control of my diet when sick. But this time sick or no I will stick to my plan to meet our 30 day goal. Wish me luck and wellness.
  • singingsteph1972
    I am super impressed by all of you! I haven't started off very hardcore yet on this challenge, but I think that's because I know that starting Monday, my trainer is going to be all up in my food & workout business! I asked him to be...told him I wanted to be his poster child for 2014, and he took me seriously. No turning back now!

    The short version of my story is this. Overweight most of my life. Hit 220 by 28 yrs old, 290 when I was 35. Started working out FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LFIE and over 4 yrs, lost 60 lbs. Then my back went bad. Gained 50 of the 60 back and had to not workout for almost 2 yrs. started a new workout program with a new trainer, and returned to the eating plan that worked for me before. Lost another 50 lbs last yr (the yr I turned 40). Gained 20 back over the holidays. But haven't stopped working out since Feb of 2013. So my challenge begins on Monday technically, but I'm counting it with you!

    Start weight is 259
    Height is 5'9"
    No current measurements
    My over time goal weight is 180
    My 30 day goal is 244