Hello :-)

Hi, I just thought I'd introduce myself (hope that's ok)

My name's Sarah and I'm 36, I live in the West Midlands UK..
I was drawn to this group from the title, I literally said that sentence to my partner this morning, lol.
I have a huge amount of weight to lose (at least 5stone) but not thinking of the whole picture (as it's quite scary), cutting it down into 7lb chunks.
I have been on so many diets (obviously failed at them) so this time I just wanted something simple. My friend told me about MFP so thought I'd give it a try. Along with my FitBit I am hoping that this will be the one to work.

Anyway, that's enough from me! Hope we can all do this and give each other the help & encouragment :-)
Good Luck to you all x


  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    Hello, The name of this group is also what drew me to join this group. My name is Sherri. I have over 100 lbs to lose. I hope we all get to know each other and help each other. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Doreensd
    Doreensd Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, my name is Doreen and I'm happy to be part of this group. I had my second child in May and I have been putting on weight ever since. I now weigh almost as much as I did when I was 9 months pregnant! YIKES! I have high blood pressure and my brother was just diagnosed with diabetes (even though I didn't think it ran in my family) so it is time for me to take control of my weight and health. Ultimately I'd like to lose 90-100lbs but my first goal is to be under 200lbs by my daughter's first birthday (lose 53 lbs by May 27th).

    Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can support each other in our journey.
  • ESHRINER43783
    ESHRINER43783 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi my name is Erica and would like to lose my baby weight this year.(My baby is 10) LOL I would like to lose 30-50 lbs. I hope being in this group will help me stay motivated and focused on my goal.
  • Whatzzzzzzz Up! Love this group name! Hope the group stays active as many on here are on cruise control. With that being said, here is the cliff note version of me.

    35, female, ICU nurse, lost 21.4 pounds and gained it back since July due to My So Called Life, job change, pneumonia, hip pain, surgery, you know, blah, blah, blah. So over the holidays I was videotaped and OMGBejeeezers, the scale was correct! I kept getting on the sucker daily since July, saw the number slowly increase and said, 'it's probably broken'. What a fool I am. Anyhow, back on track, fixin to get an MRI of the hip. I used to do 1000 calorie plus burns and got into weight training and loved it. The running option is no more, so my cardio is spin class or the dreaded stair master. I log 90% of the time and am supportive. Feel free to add me

  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm very excited about this group because it sounds like a lot of you are similar to me. I'm 36 and started my weight loss journey for the second time back in August. I decided something had to change when I was at a drs visit and the scale read 262 back in May. Eek!

    So, I have been slowly making life style changes that I believe are maintainable for the long term. My husband has joined the journey with me and he is basically at his goal weight now. I still have have about halfway to go. Final goal weight is not set in stone. I have finally convinced myself that I can get down to 180 or lower after years of thinking that it was unrealistic for me.

    This year I am working on my prayer life, so this group's goals perfectly align with mine!

    Kim (kawookie)

  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,905 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Ruth. I'm 53 and never really had a weight problem till after my third (and last) baby. I was always very active (ran or swam most days) and my weight stayed pretty constant with "tweeking" here and there if I saw it go up five pounds or so. My "baby" is now 23 and I've been within 10 pounds of my goal weight ONCE since she was born :( I lost 22 pounds last year and managed to gain 7 of it back in December. Seven pounds!! And my goal isn't even that outrageous...I'd just like to see 150! So yes, this is the last time! This morning I weighed in at 209. My husband doesn't have a weight problem but he has type 2 diabetes and hypertension. He has one of those containers on top of the fridge that old ladies have....you know the ones, with the days of the week and the pills for each day/meal?? I don't want that to be MY future.

    I'm still pretty active, despite my weight. In the winter I cross country ski a couple of times a week, go to the gym two or three times a week, have a weekly skating class, and always take the dog for long walks on the weekend. In the summer I paddle on a dragon boat team once or twice a week, walk the dog every day, and usually go canoeing on the weekends. So clearly, exercise isn't my problem. My problem is pure gluttony :(

    So I agree, we need to pray for each other and to be supportive of each other. Please?
  • I'm glad there is a group like this. :-D
  • harleysmummy
    harleysmummy Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there. My name is Janette and I'm def serious about losing weight, this is my 40th year so its just gotta count. Sooo glad to join this group! xx
  • Jacolesgram
    Jacolesgram Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Annie. I have been losing and gaining my entire adult life. I want this to be my last time losing, too. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends with the same goals. I have between 90-100 pounds to lose. I have had the flu my first couple of days, so I haven't been able to eat much. Hopefully, I will get started good tomorrow.
  • harleysmummy
    harleysmummy Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Annie. I'm starting tomorrow too as I've just 're-ignited' my diet with myfitnesspal. We'll be fantastic!!!!:smile:
  • lozzie7684
    lozzie7684 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey x

    My name is Lauren x
    I love the group name x I say this several times a year x
    I have roughly 4stone to lose x I'm 30 in June and to lose half by then would be amazing x

    I'm in this for the long run x and do need some help xxx
  • loricap
    loricap Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Lori. Im 46 with over 100 lbs to lose. Love the name of this group. It really needs to be the last time.
  • Hi Annie. I'm starting tomorrow too as I've just 're-ignited' my diet with myfitnesspal. We'll be fantastic!!!!:smile:

    Why not start today?
  • Laura_Jean76
    Laura_Jean76 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello laura , mother of two, turned 37 on the 2nd. looking to get to my goal weight on my birthday next year.