Preping for Insanity

I have just purchased it and have even watched a snipet to see what I'm in for and I'm very excited to jump right in. However, I can barely walk up a flight of stairs without getting dizzy and out of breath. I know my diet needs some adjusting but eating healthy is new for me. Anyone have any healthy food ideas for a girl on the go? I also would like knowledge on when to eat before a work out. How soon is too soon to eat after? And what do you recommend post workout besides recovery shakes? I'm also looking forward to trying out different protein shake recipes so if you know of any great ones reply! As much advice as you have to give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :smile:


  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member

    Good luck with starting, I am just about to start month 2 and I love it!

    With regards to diet, when you say food on the go, Do you mean snack ideas or lunch ideas?

    What time of day are you planning to do the workouts? I do mine 1st thing when I get up before work so I don't eat beforehand.. Afterwards I have a protein shake and a banana or porridge.
    I have a very boring protein shake, just protein powder, raw cacao powder and almond milk unsweetened, I have added banana and peanut butter to it in the past but prefer it without as I don't like having it sweet!
  • james231287
    Hi Crafty,

    I've been wanting to do these in the morning but I've just done my first session (fit test) and literally felt sick to the point I had to wait 30 mins to recover - not ideal before work.

    How do you recover? Does it get easier?

  • hayley9914
    hayley9914 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi James
    I was like you - I think the FIt test is worse than the work outs!! It does get better - honest!!