Introduce Yourself



  • Hi, I'm Stephany. I'm a first year teacher. I teach first grade and would love to set a great example for the kids in my class. I also have a miniature schnauzer puppy named Pax. This is the first group I've joined on here, but hopefully it'll help me get off to a good start on my journey to getting healthy!
  • Hello everyone! I'm Shana, a second year music teacher. I work mostly with K-8, and am presently working on expanding the program into the high school. I teach band, chorus, and general music as well as give lessons. I love my job and working with the kids, its something I've wanted to do since I was in middle school. My job now is very challenging with being the only music teacher within my district, but I've always been one who has loved a challenge. Starting in January I will be beginning my master's in music education, which I'm very excited about.

    Good luck to those of you who are searching for jobs, I know how hard it can be, it took my two years to find mine. That time was really hard for me, I put on about 40 lbs in that time, and I was already overweight. That's why I'm here though :)

    Feel free to add me, and best of luck to all of you teaching.
  • Hi All!

    Just found this group and I'm so excited that there is already a community out there that I fit into! I am in my second year of teaching 9th & 11th grade English in a small town in Wyoming... There are a lot of challenges and stress, daily, and my body is taking the toll. Hoping to find some success in the craziness!
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm Angelica and I'm a 2nd grade teacher teaching in Atlanta, Ga. This is my third year teaching and by far the most challenging year yet. My work hours are from 7:00 - 4:00 and work on my Master's degree two days out of the week. I try my best to get to the gym after work, but once I'm on my way home, I'm exhausted and no longer feel motivated to hit the gym. I'm a huge stress and emotional eater, thus since working I have gained 20 pounds. Since being on Winter Break, I have been in the gym every day and eating healthier, but once school kicks back in gear in January, I know these habits will change.

    I'm looking forward to meeting all the young teachers like myself, who have advice and motivation for me. Talk to you all soon :)
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all! I actually started this group well over a year ago. I'm a third grade teacher, a tutor of 10 kids, a fitness junkie, and a Beachbody coach. Feel free to add me on MFP and also feel free to join my fitness group on Facebook:
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    I actually created a similar group on here:
  • callimo
    callimo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Calli, a 5th grade math teacher in Texas! I'm 27 and I can't stand the carb carts that come by my room once a week full of goodies that are not good for me!! I also find it hard to turn down the PTA when they have "goodie days." I wan to lose about 30 lbs and be in a bikini for summer! I feel like food is always in my face and I can't say NO!! I just started logging and I ordered T25. I want to be strong and have will power!! Sometimes its hard to find time between meetings and planning to take care of myself! I have to do it now!!!
  • EMG319
    EMG319 Posts: 2
    Hi guys!

    Well, I'm a certified special education and elementary education teacher in Illinois. I'm currently working as a special education TA, and hoping to find my first official teaching job soon. This is my first day on the site and I have high hopes for it. Although I'm only a TA, I struggle managing my application-stress and on top of that I'm taking 9 credit hours towards my ESL endorsement. HECTIC. I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement - from people who understand. :)

  • Hi! I am 27 and have a 4 year old son and 10 week old twins (boy and girl). I went a little nuts with the food over the holidays and even though I am breastfeeding the babies, I am gaining weight like crazy right now!

    I teach 1st grade and go back to work from maternity leave next week. It will be interesting how my food choices and intake change once I am back at work and don't have an opportunity to snack all day. This is my 2nd year teaching altogether and last year I taught 6th grade.

    My favorite ways to work out are indoor soccer, running (love/hate relationship), and the circuits at Planet Fitness. I am glad I get to be a part of this group because I need people to help encourage me!.
  • blou_van
    blou_van Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm 23 and a first year teacher in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I teach 4th grade in a private catholic school in the city. I'm finding that eating a balanced diet is so hard because of how much running around I have to do all the time. It's been a really horrible winter up here with a lot of indoor recess, so nothing like having 10 minutes to eat, gather my thoughts and run to the bathroom. I'm sure I am not the only one in this boat. I'm looking to keep myself accountable for what I eat and some people who know what it's like to be encouragement for me! :D

  • I'm Nicole and I am a 4th grade teacher at a charter school in Tennessee. I am going into my second year of teaching and am excited as can be. I learned so much my first year teaching and teaching in general and myself. I am already getting myself together for the new school year.

    I am came to the school year on a healthy track, but once the school year got started the stress hit me hard. I will say that this past school year I gained back 20 pounds I had previously lost. I know that it was all stress eating because it was a lot of sweet stuff that I craved that I had never really craved before. Since I know this ahead of time now, I am making a plan to not do the stress eating and to have healthy alternatives to dealing with my stress.

    I am glad I found this group! Does anyone have suggestions on how to plan healthy meals for during the school year and how to fit in that exercise?

    :happy: :happy:
  • jbeth2292
    jbeth2292 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm Jesse, a 7th grade teacher in Monterrey, Mexico! This is my first year teaching and I'm beyond nervous. Besides starting my first year teaching, I'm planning and preparing for my wedding, which will be this December! I'm almost exactly 4 months away from my wedding and I'm ready to make a change. I want to model healthy eating and living habits for my new students. I can't wait to learn about teaching and heathy living from more experienced teachers!