Can I join your group???

P7772 Posts: 2 Member
I've been on fitness pal for years but never reached out for support or friends. My weight has remained flat for the years I've been here and I'm ready to get serious. This looks like a great group.

Now, if I could only stop eating sweets right before bedtime, that might help!

I look forward to some new friendships.



  • Hi Ann,

    Losing weight is a little bit easier if you have like minded people to chat with about it (That's what I think) so join more groups, add friends on here and chat away, lol.
    Good Luck x
  • igetjunkemails
    igetjunkemails Posts: 13 Member
    I've been on here on and off for a number of years as well, always just mumbled around the same number- I've also decided to get serious about it! Wishing you lots of luck in your new more serious journey!