Day 1 Fit Test Results/Thoughts



  • I felt like absolute crap today going into this so I don't know how good my results are. I actually felt pretty good during it. My dog thought it was play time so that was super helpful.

    Switch kicks: 118
    Power Jacks: 44
    Power Knees: 86
    Power Jumps: 41
    Globe Jumps: 10
    Suicide Jumps: 18
    Push-up Jacks: 23
    Lower Plank Obliques: 65
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    My form wasn't great on a couple of these but I tried.

    Sk: 67
    Pj: 52
    Pk: 82
    Pj: 46
    Gj: 9
    Sj: 5
    Pj: 24
    Lpo: 57

    I think i taste blood. Lol. Also,didn't burn that many calories. I stopped my hrm when I stopped moving so i only burned about 120. Hopefully when the real workouts begin ill get a better burn.
  • Morgan_Mack
    Morgan_Mack Posts: 22 Member
    Here are my results :)


    I didn't think it was too too bad, right now I'm starting to get a little cold so I really can't wait for it to pass! I'm really excited for this group though I really think it will help with accountability :)
  • terrea1
    terrea1 Posts: 21 Member
    So glad I found this group. I did my fit test this morning. Oh my gosh the fit test was a killer. The worst part for me was the push up jacks I got a 0 as I can't do push up and jacks at the same time.
  • I'm on day 3, doing Insanity with my husband. We both agree the Fit Test has been most challenging day so far. That being said, day 2 and 3 are killer, too. I think we both (incorrectly) assumed the Fit Test wouldn't be bad. After all, it's only 8 moves for 1 minute each. Sounds a lot easier than it is! My results:

    Switch Kicks - 49
    Power Jacks - 40
    Power Knees - 79
    Power Jumps - 21
    Globe Jumps - 9
    Suicide Jumps - 12
    Push Up Jacks - 7
    Low Plank Oblique - 40
  • Switch Kicks : 106
    Power Jacks : 50
    Power Knees : 90
    Power Jumps : 63
    Globe Jumps : 7
    Suicide Jumps : 15
    Push-up Jacks : 32
    Low Plank Oblique : 56

    Felt pretty good this morning. Power Jumps really got me this time because after those were done, I never did seem to catch my breath again making the rest of the exercises really tough. Glad today is over with!

    Sheesh, I can't see why 63 power jumps would wear you out. Nicely done.

    Thanks man. I am dead today. Can't wait to get some sleep. Need it!
  • This is my second time doing Insanity. Was deployed the first time about a year and a half ago and had fewer temptations (snacks, laziness, 30s, etc). This time will be more difficult. Glad I have all of you to motivate me!

    Fit Test 1
    SK: 60
    PJ: 35
    PK: 65
    PJ: 20
    GJ: 5
    SJ: 10
    PUJ: 12
    LPO: 45

    Took a few minute break in the middle to hug the hubby as he left for work. Can't wait for tomorrow's workout and the strangely satisfying soreness soon to follow! Good Luck Everyone!
  • Started Insanity today so I don't gain weight during the Spring semester! Lol

    Switch Kicks - 55
    Power Jacks - 47
    Power Knees - 90
    Power Jumps - 21
    Globe Jumps - 9
    Suicide Jumps - 12
    Push-Up Jacks - 15
    Low Plank Ob. - 36
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    I ATTEMPTED the fit test last night and failed. I got through the warm up and two exercises and I was BEAT... I knew I should not have eaten dinner first. I opted to finish my workout on the treadmill.

    I will attempt again tonight BEFORE I eat and take as long as I need to complete all the exercises.
  • BriPZ74
    BriPZ74 Posts: 19
    I ATTEMPTED the fit test last night and failed. I got through the warm up and two exercises and I was BEAT... I knew I should not have eaten dinner first. I opted to finish my workout on the treadmill.

    I will attempt again tonight BEFORE I eat and take as long as I need to complete all the exercises.

    You can do it, buckle down, suffer through it and know that the next one will be that much easier.
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    I ATTEMPTED the fit test last night and failed. I got through the warm up and two exercises and I was BEAT... I knew I should not have eaten dinner first. I opted to finish my workout on the treadmill.

    I will attempt again tonight BEFORE I eat and take as long as I need to complete all the exercises.

    You can do it, buckle down, suffer through it and know that the next one will be that much easier.

    Finly got thru fit test yesterday:

    SK. 47
    PJ 29
    PK 52
    PJ 22
    GJ 6
    SJ 3
    PUJ 3
    LPO 20