New to the group and worried!

TankGirrl Posts: 30 Member
I am currently 249lbs and 5ft6. I found out tonight that I am approx. 4-6 wks pregnant with our 3rd child and I know it sounds selfish but as well as the practical aspect of fitting another child into our small home I am really worried about the implications this pregnancy will have on my health and my weight.

I am 32 and already have a 12yr old son and 7 yr old daughter. I don't want to diet of course or do anything to put baby at risk but I am planning on walking and not eating any junk (not hard just now because I feel sick all the time!!) and I wonder whether I could end this pregnancy lighter than I began it by moving more (walking mainly), eating more healthily and cutting out cola (currently 3cans a day)..

Hope you all don't mind me joining and hello!!


  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    Hey there and congrats!! I know how you feel. I think if you stick to eating healthy and continue to walking you will be okay! Also, in the first trimester you don't really have to increase you calorie intake (which is good).
  • Lost24and20MoreToGo
    Hi, First of all Congrats :) I am 25lbs over my normal weight and pregnant also, 2 weeks. My 3rd, my oldest daughter is 5 and my son is 2. I gain at least 60lbs per pregnancy. This time around I said No way this will not happen again. So healthy eating, and working out at least 5 days a week. :) I am terrified of getting up on the scale. But I will have to next week when i go to my Dr. Appointment.

    You can totally do this. Think before you eat and try the Leslie Sansone walking workouts on youtube. :)
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    I definitely do not recommend trying to "diet" while pregnant by any means but that absolutely does not mean that you can't keep track of calories and work out! I'll be 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I'm down 14 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I had an appointment this past week and my doctor commented that I had lost another 3 lbs since last month but proceeded to say he wasn't "too concerned" with my weight at this point. I'm not trying to diet by any means I've just continued exercising the way I was before I found out I was pregnant.

    I started this pregnancy at 185, I am currently 171 lbs and I am 5'7" (still overweight for my height).
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I"m due 9/7/14 VERY unexpectedly with my 6th! I lost 50 pounds in 2013 and still have 50 to go and I understand your concerns. I have gestational diabetes 5 times and I want to avoid those complications as much as possible. So I plan to just keep eating clean and low-er carb (not necessarily low calorie, just getting most of my calories from healthy fats and protein), walking daily, and doing body weight exercises like squats, lunges, planks, pushups, etc. I'm not concerned about the scale so much, just want to make sure that the weight I put on is baby and muscle as much as possible so that I'm ahead of the game at the end, and so that my blood sugar stays nice and stable! Would love to have pregnant MFP friends :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I am also pregnant (25 weeks) with my 3rd and have been concerned about weight gain. My 2nd child is just over 2.5 years and I started this pregnancy about 70lbs lighter than when she was 8 weeks old! So I did start at a healthy BMI, and after over 2 years in the gym 5-6 times a week I was pretty fit.

    I found I gained weight in the first trimester as I felt so sick, and the only thing that stopped the nausea was eating. I didn't necessarily eat bad things, just ate more than I usually would. I ate tonnes of fruit salads, which I think make me bloated which probably made me weigh more when I stepped on the scale!

    I think you just do what you can. When the nausea stopped for me at 14 weeks I was able to go back to my usual healthy eating (although have had a few too many treats over the Xmas period) and I've managed to exercise throughout. I did a step aerobics class once feeling like I was about to throw up for the entire hour!

    Don't beat yourself up about a little weight gain. Don't forget you lose a good 15-20lbs just in the first few days.

    So, stick to healthy eating, and make sure you exercise. Even if you gain a bit, that should make it easier for it to come off after.
  • muscati
    muscati Posts: 22 Member
    Hi. Congratulations. I was overweight by 25 pounds when I got pregnant. And I'm 25 weeks and have gained another 23 pounds.
    I feel huge!!! It does affect me mentally.
    I'm on my fourth pregnancy. ( another boy)

    I just joined last week because my doctor asked me to slow it down.

    I managed to only out on 5 pounds the first trimester. But the second trimester I out on 20... It was fast. And I'll admit it was lack of good food. I ate what I wanted so I need to stop this.
    Add me and we can support each other!!!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I am currently 249lbs and 5ft6. I found out tonight that I am approx. 4-6 wks pregnant with our 3rd child. I don't want to diet of course or do anything to put baby at risk but I am planning on walking and not eating any junk (not hard just now because I feel sick all the time!!) and I wonder whether I could end this pregnancy lighter than I began it by moving more (walking mainly), eating more healthily and cutting out cola (currently 3cans a day)..

    Congratulations! That's precisely what I did. My daughter is now 9 weeks old, but I continued to exercise and ate heathily for most of the pregnancy. I lost weight for the first half of the pregnancy and gained baby weight in the second half as you need to. Immediately after birth I was already lighter than I was when I discovered I was pregnant and six weeks later I'm needing to shop for clothes a size smaller than I was wearing 10 months ago. These were my weigh-ins...

    5'5", baby #5, ideal weight gain 3.2-6.4kg (7-14lbs)

    4 wks: 90.1 kg (198lbs) (Waist: 94cm)
    5 wks: 90.8 kg
    5+4 wks: 90.2 kg
    9+5 wks: 90.1 kg
    11 wks: 89.5 kg
    11+5 wks: 89.1 kg
    13+2 wks: 88.9 kg
    14 wks: 88.2 kg
    14+5 wks: 88.0 kg
    15+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    19+5 wks: 87.2 kg (192.2lbs)
    20+5 wks: 87.5 kg
    22+5 wks: 88.4 kg
    25+5 wks: 89.4 kg (Waist: 110cm)
    26+5 wks: 89.7 kg
    27+5 wks: 89.5 kg
    28+5 wks: 90.0 kg
    29+5 wks: 90.4 kg
    30+5 wks: 91.2 kg (Waist 116cm)
    31+5 wks: 91.8 kg
    33+5 wks: 92.1 kg
    35+5 wks: 92.6 kg
    36+5 wks: 91.5 kg
    37+5 wks: 92.1 kg (Waist 118.5cm)
    38+5 wks: 92.5 kg
    39+5 wks: 93.2 kg
    40+5 wks: 93.9 kg (207lbs)

    Baby Rosanna born 40+6 and was 8lb 4oz

    1 wk pp: 86kg (189.6lbs)

    To achieve this I walked for at least an hour five times a week, did 30 minutes of Zumba and swam for 30-40 minutes every week. So nothing too physical, just enough to bring on a light sweat. But as a general rule you're not meant to start any new exercise, just continue with whatever you've been doing. For calories I ate at maintenance the whole way through, eating back my exercise calories and allowing myself to go over when I was really hungry.

    You'll have to work out what's going to work best for you, but I wish you good luck with your pregnancy.
  • toothpastechica
    toothpastechica Posts: 250 Member
    Hey there and congrats!! I know how you feel. I think if you stick to eating healthy and continue to walking you will be okay! Also, in the first trimester you don't really have to increase you calorie intake (which is good).

    This! Welcome, while I wouldn't advice trying to maintain your weight or losing any without a lot of Dr recommendation/supervision, you might naturally maintain or lose if you focus more on trying to stay healthy, eating right (but make sure you are eating ENOUGH! Do not cut calories/proteins/good fats like you would if you were trying to lose weight) and staying active, then your body will only gain what it needs and not extra. :)