Check In



  • So far, so good this week. Completed this week's exercise challenge yesterday and today. I also discovered baked snap pea crisps. 120 calories for 22 of them and it keeps me from wanting to eat chips (thank goodness!). I'm glad to read what everyone has been posting. It's definitely motivating!
  • lktingle
    lktingle Posts: 2 Member
    So, today didn't do my best, but am still in the mental process of committing to this process of starting a healthier lifestyle. I was successful in staying in my calorie range, but added junk food at the end of the night. Got up and did 30 more minutes of cardio, which brought the total to 60 minutes for the day. Stop off after work and bought veggies and healthy food to fill the fridge and will pack my lunch from now on. It will be hard to ignore the other goodies the rest of the family eats, but working on getting more support from them. I am doing this with my co-worker who I share an office with, so I do have support. Despite, my late night set back I am determined to do this! Reading your comments give me inspiration!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    So far I have been 5 days sweat free. And stayed with in my calorie goal.
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 137 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have lost 10lbs since I started tracking again two weeks ago (I got a massive stomach bug on Christmas which is what I am attributing most of the loss to). Since I lost 10lbs, MFP decided to recalculate things - I get 50 calories less a day now :grumble:.

    My main workout is walking my puppies! I am fortunate that I live in Southern California. I had to give myself a reality check when I went outside today and complained that it was cold, it was only 54
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Just finished 4 night shifts and didn't think I really lost much. But down about 5 lbs my first week. Tracking and checking in really helps but I was also dealing with "female issues" for most of my first week so most of this loss could be contributed to that. All in all it's been a good week though! Was frustrated yesterday, I couldn't log in to enter my foods but I managed to keep within numbers.
  • brajocol
    brajocol Posts: 24 Member
    Had a great week down 4lbs! Everyday logged my food and exercise, and never went over, :smile:
  • OK , Im new to this so dont really know what I'm doing. Started my challenge on Jan 1 to lose weight and get fit. have at least 70 pounds to lose. Promised myself I will not turn 50 at this weight or in this shape and goal by july is to lose at least half my weight and to have made good progress in getting back in shape. I started at 218 and am down already almost 8 pounds. Trying to eat low carb and use fitbit. Work nights so eating regularly and healthy and exercising are a challenge. Know if I don't make this life change, probably won't see another 20. It s time. No one pound more.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Yall don't forget about the weekly challenge!! And check in when completed :)
  • Just checking in. I had a good weigh in and was down 5.5lbs. I am doing a good job of staying under calories and getting my 8+ cups of water in each day. One week down, now to keep this motivation up :)
  • ihanna37
    ihanna37 Posts: 10 Member
    This week has been a bit rough. I was doing great at home, but after going back to school, I never realized how large the portions were (or how many calories were in them!). Exercising has been fine, but I've eaten so much, and even when having noticeably smaller meals than everybody else (to the point where the cashiers don't want to ring them up as full meals and my friends make comments), I am feeling sick, bloated, and a bit defeated. However, now that I have looked at it for a few days, I now know how much I need to eat on campus. To restart, I am doing a mini-fast tomorrow (just breakfast and lunch) to let my body process the overeating so I feel better. However, there have been some ups as well. The "sick" feeling shows that my body can no longer handle the portions it used to (these are smaller than before) and that my stomach has shrunk. Also, I now have places to run and an excellent exercise facility to start using. I just need to find a scale!
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    First time checking in with you. I just joined your group today. (See Introduction-page 2). Just finished up my first week and loss 9 lbs. I have 140 to lose, so it is a good beginning and encouragement to keep going on. Iam doing fine with my food today, probably only because I woke up with the flu this morning. All I've had today so far is two pieces of toast. Iam going to try alittle chicken noodle soup here pretty soon. Glad to meet all of you. Sherri
  • Hello Everyone,
    First time checking in with you. I just joined your group today. (See Introduction-page 2). Just finished up my first week and loss 9 lbs. I have 140 to lose, so it is a good beginning and encouragement to keep going on. Iam doing fine with my food today, probably only because I woke up with the flu this morning. All I've had today so far is two pieces of toast. Iam going to try alittle chicken noodle soup here pretty soon. Glad to meet all of you. Sherri

    Great first week! Hope you are feeling better soon though!!
  • brig_1_g
    brig_1_g Posts: 41 Member
    Just finished w3d3 of C25K. I even did an extra repetition! My body is tightening up and feels great. I don't have a scale, but my clothes are feeling looser.
  • kelag297
    kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
    Awesome job ladies! My P90X/Insanity hybrid is amazing. My problem area is my hips and thighs and ive been noticing my jeans fitting looser which is exactly where i've been trying to lose fat! I started my weight loss journey in a size 14/16 depending on the pants, and now I'm at the point where my size 8 is loose! Hopefully i'll be to my goal of a size 6 soon. Its been a long journey for almost 2 years with disordered eating, self hatred, gaining back all the weight i loss (proof starvation is not successful), recovery, finding the beauty in myself, and having to lose all the weight I gained back again and try to do it the right way without harming my health after harming my health and slowing my metabolism. I just wanted to share that because i've noticed a lot of my fitness pals having a rough week this week and lacking motivation so i hope that can motivate you to not give up because hard work, consistency, dedication, and a little patience really does pay off :)
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Okay down 4 lbs. I am off work for 12 days now so I am going to be establishing my workout program this week. Including a bit of everything - yoga - walking and some weights at home.
  • on treadmill 2 days last week and biked yesterday for about 20 minutes; my body is not made for those things (bikes). Finding it easy to get motivated on days off work but when working 12 hour shifts at night; not a who lot of time or motivation to do anything but sleep and try to eat a decent meal. A little frustrated today because about at 2 week mark and because working out now weight loss has stopped. Got to stop weighing daily but afraid will start gaining again.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    on treadmill 2 days last week and biked yesterday for about 20 minutes; my body is not made for those things (bikes). Finding it easy to get motivated on days off work but when working 12 hour shifts at night; not a who lot of time or motivation to do anything but sleep and try to eat a decent meal. A little frustrated today because about at 2 week mark and because working out now weight loss has stopped. Got to stop weighing daily but afraid will start gaining again.

    I agree shift work is hard. Don't beat yourself up if the most you can manage is to track your food when you are on nights. An yes don't weigh yourself every day. Weight fluctuates too much it can be discouraging. I am strict and only allow myself to step on the scale once per week. Especially women and our "monthly" cycles. :flowerforyou:
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    :love: Hello Ladies,
    All of you are doing Great. Weighed in tonight for the week (I attend a weight loss group) and was down another 4 lbs.
    I have to start incorporating some kind of excersise. I have a lot to lose and haven't been able to do much. Last April I had started to walk in my neighborhood and fell in a hole and sprained both my ankles. They might as well as been broke, but they are finally starting to get better. Keep it up everyone.
  • Hi checking back in after my holiday. Did not gain any weight. We did heaps of walking around the city. So back into it now. Restart rowing on Monday too which will help.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    The plan was that I was going to take time off work for myself ... didn't work out that way, had a lot of family issues for the past week so I haven't been doing well, been tracking but nothing else and I did some stress eating as well (which I didn't log) augh ... oh well ... such is life :(