Introduce Yourself



  • domaha28
    domaha28 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Donna and I have 100 # to lose. I have been on this journey many times before succeeding one other time and only to gain it all back. I'm hoping to have all of your support and my husband's I can succeed this time and maintain. Please feel free to add me as a friend because I truly feel you can never have too many people supporting you in this journey...:happy:
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    Hello everyone. Barbara, thanks for inviting me to join the group. You are always so dedicated and such an inspiration.

    OK, my name is Tonia. I have been on MFP since Sept 2011. During the first 14 months I lost about 94 pounds. Then due to a number of things going on in my life I got lazy and focused on maintenance for the last year, gaining back some of what I had already lost. :frown: But that is behind me and I don't give up easily so I am back to putting more focus on success.

    Getting support from the group can really help work through things so I encourage everyone to feel free to ask for help, and encourage each other as much as possible, And drink your water!!! :laugh:
  • amysgottadothisthang
    Hi! My name is Amy and my goal is to lose 100 lbs!

    I started my journey of weight loss on Sept 1,2013 after being faced with the reality of hypertension,hyperlipidemia and prediabetes at the ripe old age of 38!

    I have some medical challenges that wake exercising difficult but not impossible! I have an autoimmune issue and a blood clotting disorder and have suffered joint bleeds. I used this as an excuse not to exercise! As if extra w:flowerforyou: eight is easy on my joints! HA!

    I found a personal trainer that was able to start slow and modify my exercise program to "baby" my knees especially! I have strengthened the muscles around my joints and have not developed any more bleeds and have never felt better!

    As of today I have lost 27lbs, 24 in. and have gained self esteem and confidence! :flowerforyou:

    I look forward to watching you all succeed!
  • Jms5374
    Jms5374 Posts: 2 Member
  • Jms5374
    Jms5374 Posts: 2 Member
    I added you. We are the same age & very close in current weight. :)
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    My name is Teresa and I have lost almost 50 pounds since April 2013. I have about 120 pounds to go. About every ten pounds I update my calories and keep on going. I'm 34 years old and I work out 7 days a week at the gym once or twice a day. I'm so happy that I found this place because I'm actually able to loose weight and keep it off.
  • ChampsMom1205
    ChampsMom1205 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Tamicia and I am overweight and ready to shred these pounds for good. I have a Ftibit that is keeping me on the move!!! I'm so excited about 2014 because this will be my year to shine. Join me and let's motivate each other!!
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Hey fitfam, I'm Gina a wife, mother of a 17 yr old daughter, a 4 yr old daughter, and a 9 yr old fur baby. I've been on my weight loss journey since November 2011 and thus far I've made some great strides. Glad to see so many people actively being a part of this group and hope to get to know you all a little better!!!
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Hello all!!! My name is Priscilla and I am happy to be apart of the group(Thanx B). I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 265lbs and I have lost 27lbs so far. I still have 88 lbs to go to reach my desired goal of 150lbs. I am stay at home mom and I home school my 9yro son. I am looking forward to learning, growing, sharing and laughing with you all. Send me friend requests so we can encourage and motivate each other... Enjoying the rest of your day...
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Hey there Gina... Nice to meet you...
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Ok so instead of replying to everyone's post, let me just say Hello to you all and that I know we can this. We have to take each moment at a time, focus on our daily goals, eat healthier, drink lots and lots of water and most importantly, love ourselves no matter what...
  • RJH0692
    RJH0692 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my Name is Becky. I am 21 years old and had a baby girl nearly 15 weeks ago. I have always been over weight. While pregnant I only gained a stone and lost it within a few weeks of giving birth but then I stopped breastfeeding as I had a pulmonary embolism and I started to quickly gain the pounds again. I managed to put 21 pounds in about 2 months. 2014 is the year I will manage to lose weight, I used MFP before 2 years ago and lost 21 pounds but this time I will continue until I am at my goal weight of about 140-150 pounds. So I have about 130 pounds to lose.I want to get married next year so that is my motivation and also because of my heightened risk of DVT I want to be as healthy as possible so I am there for my little girl.
  • sweetvonny03
    Hello all. My name is Siovvon and I'm sort of new on mfp. I want to lose 100 pounds and am focused. Very challenging right now and I'm trying to get the routine down with making lifestyle changes and working out consistently. Looking for more friends that could be uplifting and motivating. I know some days I could use that extra push. I'm excited to start reaching my goals.
  • MLyons2003
    MLyons2003 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Mickayla. I will be 40 this year and I want to lose 110 lbs. I want to be a better example to my children so they can learn the correct way to eat and not deal with being overweight like I have my whole life. I am a stay at home mom and sometimes find it hard to get motivated to do anything physical. I am looking for motivation and accountability.
  • Thelmalou85

    My name is Thelma. I am a grandmother of two who works full-time. I ran across a wonderful book that has helped me see that I need to change what I eat and given me the tools to figure out what it is I should be eating ( I am a diabetic). I am on week three of this new eating plan and have lost about 15 pounds. I have about 120 left to be at my goal weight. I have used MFP a few times before so when I needed a place to put my food, I came back to MFP. I look forward to meeting new friends that are on the same journey.

    Take care