Your 2014 Challenge



  • htimsm87
    htimsm87 Posts: 104 Member
    After starting to cycle last summer and doing two century rides simple my goals for this year.

    1) Run a marathon beginning of May.
    2) Ride five century rides. One a month May thru Sept.
    3) Run a half marathon in Oct. under 1:45
  • darcyrees
    darcyrees Posts: 34 Member
    LOTOJA is the Saturday following Labor Day. I did it last year, but finished in the dark. It took me just over 14 hours, but they stop the finish line clock at sunset, so I don't have an official finishing time and my timing chip shows a DNF. This time I hope to climb faster and finish before dark. Dropping some weight will help me be a faster climber.
  • drapisking
    drapisking Posts: 73 Member
    I'm gunning for top 5 Solo Open at 24 Hours of Rocky Hill
  • adam1885282
    adam1885282 Posts: 135 Member
    5000 miles (8046k), which is a bit out there considering my schedule but achievable at 100/week. The more days I commute the better chance I'll have.

    Also, I'd like to move from a 16mph (25.7k) moving average to a 17mph (27.4k) moving average. I'm frankly not sure how realistic that is. I intend to dedicate some time to interval training instead of just hammering out miles like I do now.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    I laughed a lot:laugh:
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    this is so motivating for me to read
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Apologies for the triple entry.. didn't understand the system. But, my goals for 2014 (after I recover from last weeks emergency appendectomy) are to

    1) Get up to riding 100km a week my end March
    2) Join 1 easy ride group at end January
    3) Join 2nd, slightly more challenging ride group by end February
    4) Figure out how to use garmin or similar equip
    5) Cycle the 35 K Boileau Velo Adelaide ride as a charity ride 23rd March. I did it last year .. was hard.. really hard.. but fun .. I hope to be at least 10kg lighter than now
    6) Join the 5 short loop grand slam hills rides events through 2014
    7) Cycle in one 10 day 600 km ride in October/November.
  • danrough
    danrough Posts: 30 Member
    At the moment, my goals are as follows:

    1) Be able to climb all the routes that I'm due to do in the French Alps in July (including L'Alpe D'huez, Croix De Fer, Galibier).
    2) Ride the Chiltern 100 and beat previous time. In an ideal world, score a gold time.
    3) Ride the Etape Cymru and beat previous time. Aiming for a silver time.
    4) Ride 1000 miles in May.

    If anyone wants to add me on here, drop me a note - I hope I can provide you with some motivation / encouragement, and you likewise for me :smile:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Some great and really varied challenges from all across the spectrum of cycling

    Mine are pretty simple:

    1) Ride 1,500 miles this year, at least 1,000 of them outdoors
    2) Ride my first imperial century - 100 miles

    Oh - and improve at hills and maybe even grow to love them a little bit rather than have my heart sink when I see one - I can do them and don't stop and walk...but I find the mentality of it difficult !!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    If you find the secret Fran (other than being 50kg, 156cm tall and with a FTP of 400+ of course) please tell me - I've been searching for that particular thing for a good 35 years now.
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Aha this was posted in another similar thread over in Century Plus Cycling...

    1. Keep riding my commutes no matter the weather!
    2. Ride further than this year (going to hit just under 4000 miles by the end of 2013!)
    3. Do the Glastonbury 100 mile Audax in Feb 2014 as my season opener. Be ready for it.
    4. Ride as many events as family life/funds will allow. Audaxes, Sportives & TT's
    5. Beat my 10 mile TT PB of 26:56

    I'm doing pretty good on #1 so far and my entry is in for the 100 mile Audax! :happy:
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    1. Ride bike.
    2. Drink beer.
    3. Have fun.
    4. Repeat frequently.

    No solid goals this year, trying something different, a bit more nebulous. I've been reading a lot of adventure cycling blogs/e-zones and feel like I've been bit with the need to get out on the open road and explore. And now I have some ideas how to make that actually work without sacrificing family time (which is super important to me). Only time will tell if this will work!
  • seany69
    seany69 Posts: 17
    My goal for this year is to complete at least a 75 mile sportive, although at the moment the challenge I've actually set is for the Norwich 100 mile, which takes place on 1st June. The 75 is a back up ride in august in case I'm not ready to go quite so far by June.

    In 2012 I bought a road bike and from scratch set a target of the Norwich 50 which I successfully acheived and really enjoyed. Last year I completed the Southwold 60, which was good to increase the distance but the event itself wasn't as slick. However following a knee niggle I've only managed a single outing since the summer and all the good work has gone to pot having put back on the weight I'd lost which was the whole point to lose in the first place.

    Therefore I've got to start all over again now, I don't have any indoor options, so have purchased a skull cap and face scarf so that I have no excuses to just be a fair weather cyclist. So I'm just praying that the weather isn't too harsh on me to put me off completely these next few weeks as I look to get back in the swing of it.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    My goal for this year is to complete at least a 75 mile sportive, although at the moment the challenge I've actually set is for the Norwich 100 mile, which takes place on 1st June. The 75 is a back up ride in august in case I'm not ready to go quite so far by June.

    In 2012 I bought a road bike and from scratch set a target of the Norwich 50 which I successfully acheived and really enjoyed. Last year I completed the Southwold 60, which was good to increase the distance but the event itself wasn't as slick. However following a knee niggle I've only managed a single outing since the summer and all the good work has gone to pot having put back on the weight I'd lost which was the whole point to lose in the first place.

    Therefore I've got to start all over again now, I don't have any indoor options, so have purchased a skull cap and face scarf so that I have no excuses to just be a fair weather cyclist. So I'm just praying that the weather isn't too harsh on me to put me off completely these next few weeks as I look to get back in the swing of it.

    There's plenty of couch to century 12 week sportif plans out in internet land... Fact is, if you can ride a metric, you can ride an imperial - just go 5% easier and keep going for half as long again. Anything much over 50 miles up to a couple of hundred is as much between the ears as it is in the legs.

    (shameless plug time)
    Theres also a group on here that has lots of distance and riding based challenges on the go, hopefully to provide a bit of motivation to get out there and ride...

    have a look on and join up if you fancy it...
  • seany69
    seany69 Posts: 17
    thanks appreviate the feedback, have become a member of british cycling and theres some great material available on their website.
    Started nice and slowly yesterday taking my partner out for a 3.5 mile ride along the sea front, she's 46 and not sat on a bike since she was 16! Nice and breezy and cold and the winter clothing worked very well so am happy to hopefully start building up a few miles in the next few weeks......
  • whodge256
    1 Compete in the Chainbuster 6 hr endurance MTB ride at Oak Mtn
    2 Complete the OakAss50 also at Oak Mtn
    3 Ride in more group rides with our local club
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    You are all so inspiring, (Desite my own pic being inspirational rather than real) I really look forward to the day it is my pic in my cycling gear climbing a hill or gliding along at 30-40 km an hour that I can post. You look great.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Some great and really varied challenges from all across the spectrum of cycling

    Mine are pretty simple:

    1) Ride 1,500 miles this year, at least 1,000 of them outdoors
    2) Ride my first imperial century - 100 miles

    Oh - and improve at hills and maybe even grow to love them a little bit rather than have my heart sink when I see one - I can do them and don't stop and walk...but I find the mentality of it difficult !!

    Found a perfect candidate for my first proper century ride - the Manchester>Chester>Manchester one in April. Best get training then...eeeeeeeeeeek!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Some great and really varied challenges from all across the spectrum of cycling

    Mine are pretty simple:

    1) Ride 1,500 miles this year, at least 1,000 of them outdoors
    2) Ride my first imperial century - 100 miles

    Oh - and improve at hills and maybe even grow to love them a little bit rather than have my heart sink when I see one - I can do them and don't stop and walk...but I find the mentality of it difficult !!

    Found a perfect candidate for my first proper century ride - the Manchester>Chester>Manchester one in April. Best get training then...eeeeeeeeeeek!

    Actually just spotted it's the day after my friend's wedding - so that's not gonna happen...the search continues!!
  • Austinetc
    Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
    1) As someone else wrote, ride my commutes even with poor weather (not saying much, being in San Diego).
    2) Keep track of my miles.
    3) Do at least 4 organized centuries (3 done in '13).
    4) Carry less fat but more muscle than last year.
    5) Volunteer for at least two events.
    6) Pedal at least 3,600 miles.
    7) Do the Palomar Mountain ascent. (Long shot)

    If I succeed in 6 of these goals, goal #8 will be to buy a new bike!