
Hello I am hoping that I can get some advice and information. I was banded July 23 and have never needed a fill. I have lost 49 lbs. My concern is I haven't seen surgeon since surgery and have only seen PA. She did fills and was very tuned to my needs and following up. She has since left the practice so now the surgeon does the fills. He is only available on Mondays at the office I go to that is almost 35 min from my home. I work with school teachers children and cannot just take off Mondays. Although I haven't needed a fill I worry that I will and then I have one day to work with. Also are the fills and office visits included in the actual surgery cost? Do you have scheduled follow ups routinely or you have to call when you need them? I really just don't feel they are very accessible and am considering switching to a new office but wasn't' sure how that worked once you had surgery?


  • wannabe1959
    wannabe1959 Posts: 80 Member
    I was banded a year ago. My original cost included 3 fills and then I had start paying for them . If you switched to another doctor, you prob would def have to pay.
  • hockeywife91
    hockeywife91 Posts: 31 Member
    I was banded on 1/10/13. With my doctor, the fills are included in the price for the first year. I've had 3 fills so far. At first, my appts were scheduled by the doctor, but now he tells me to listen to my body and come in when I feel that I need a fill. The rule of thumb is, if you are satisfied for four hours after eating, you're okay. If not, then you need a fill. Hope this helps :)
  • jenniangel23
    I believe it depends on your insurance. I was banded 2/5/13 and go in every month (now 6 weeks) for follow up/Fill if needed and I've never had to pay. Hope this helps :)