Vacations and learning to eat - success

DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
I learned a great deal over the past few weeks. We set out on a planned two week vacation to Key West to spend the Holidays with family. Mechanical problems extended that a few days and had us in the difficult position of going day to day in hotels and chain restaurants. Over the 17 days I lost 12.5 pounds. I ate in good restaurants, burger joints, bars, cafe', chain restaurants, gas stations, sub shops and just about every other type of place. I ate dessert when I wanted, found that Guinness Beer has almost no carbonation and low calories. Drank Mojito's on the beach and had Cuban Coffee in the morning. We ate fish, ribs, beef, burgers, chicken ect.

I learned that my lifestyle change is not going to hinder my enjoyment. Many of us worry how our social life will be after the surgery and I am so excited to discover how simple it is. I worked out every other day in a gym, clocked in all sorts of physical exercise (like walking, Kayaking, biking) into MFP, used protein shakes & MetRx bars to keep protein up when needed and did my best to properly categorize everything I ate and stay under my MFP net goal.

The results are amazing. I did things comfortably that I have not done in years and feel great. I could Parasail and Jet Ski without worry. Kayak long distances, Walk all day and ride a roller coaster in a NORMAL SEAT! I purchased size 36" pants and swim shorts and was comfortable on a beach without my shirt.

I am writing this not as a "pat on my back" but to help others who may be struggling with a decision or are in the early stages of recovery. You can reclaim your life. You can enjoy vacations and restaurants and bars and all the good things in moderation. The WSS will help you keep portions small and teach you not to "Just keep eating". You will learn your bodies tolerances over time and you will adjust. You develop good exercise habits that carry forward and as you get close to goal weight most people around you will never know the difference. The hardest challenge I had was fending off servers who could not understand that I dod not need a drink with my meal.


  • msleelee35
    msleelee35 Posts: 14 Member
    I am concerned about vacations and really enjoying them while not making my family uncomfortable about eating choices. I don't understand how you were able to eat at all the places you named. I'm just curious about the food choices you made while eating out and how your body took them. Of course now, I'm only three weeks out and my food choices are pretty limited right now. I hope to get comfortable enough in the future to be as adventurous as you. Thanks for sharing your experience.:
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I traveled in December, I went back to NY for my little brother's wedding. Usually me in NY means doing the "vacation diet" and eating at all my favorite places, but clearly not this time! I packed a few protein bars for the 5 hour flight, I had my sister in NY pick up some Pure Protein drinks for me at Trader Joe's for when I got there, and the rest was really easy. We went to my favorite pizza place, and I ate a meatball. At the wedding, I chose the fish for dinner and just ate a couple of ounces. At my niece's where I was staying, she had eggs, cheese, chicken, and other things I could eat. I was totally covered, got in all my protein, and I didn't feel like I was missing a thing. I made the choice to have this surgery, which includes making different choices. I knew this going into it, and I am totally cool with it. I enjoyed the time with my family and it was a relief in a way not to have it revolve around food.

    ETA - I didn't have a change to exercise while I was there, I only stayed 4 days, we were busy the whole time, AND it was cold and snowy, so not used to that! I did make sure I had on comfy shoes because I knew I would be waiting before flights for a couple of hours, and I did laps around the airport terminal. Every little bit counts :-)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I am concerned about vacations and really enjoying them while not making my family uncomfortable about eating choices. I don't understand how you were able to eat at all the places you named. I'm just curious about the food choices you made while eating out and how your body took them. Of course now, I'm only three weeks out and my food choices are pretty limited right now. I hope to get comfortable enough in the future to be as adventurous as you. Thanks for sharing your experience.:

    Whenever possible I chose a good cut of beef, or chicken or fish and many times took home a half portion. Most chains have steak, grilled chicken and pork. TGIF, Applebee's have low calorie, high protein meats. Wild Wings has chicken wings. When I suck to grilled, baked and seared I did real well. Body does not like too much "batter fried" of anything. At "Burger Fi" I had a regular cheese burger. Down in the Keys the fresh fish choices were amazing and enjoyable. Over the past two months I have tested food types to see what was best for me. Early on I did not tolerate some foods that have since become better. If I needed a gas station snack for the car I chose a MetRx Bar or Emerald Almonds (high protein to calorie ration). It's all trial and error and over time you eliminate many errors.
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Those are wonderful tips and will have to incorporate some into my travels. For work, I travel just about every week. This week I'm staying in Dallas, TX. Pre-surgery, I would eat out for every meal and drink every night with co-workers. Post-surgery is a different story. The first day of travel, I find a local grocery store and stock up on food for the week. This week, I got sushi which is atleast two meals for one roll, microwavable turkey sausage meatballs, microwave steam veggies, lean lunch meat, light string cheese, almonds, carb control yogurt, microwave turkey breakfast sausage and milk. This is good for breakfast, lunch and dinner the entire week and I save tons of money by not eating out and don't have to worry about toting leftovers around. I also take advantage of the fitness centers at the hotel to get a calorie burn going. It's not perfected yet, but I'm trying my best. I will go to the happy hour with co-workers from time to time, but will sip my water or limit myself to one glass of wine.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I am just at the very beginning of my journey. I'm just starting out with all my appts etc.
    One thing that I have been thinking about is how I will be able to attend different functions, holidays etc with my family, and still be "normal"
    This is very helpful, and positive!

    And good job BTW :)
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    I am glad it's helpful. Just to be clear; I am not advocating any food or drink that your Dr. or Nutritionist has advised against. Anytime you bring up coffee or alcohol to a Nutritionist they immediately advise against. I am fortunate that I have responded very well to my new diet, can tolorate alcohol and have a Dr. and support group that promotes trying things in moderation and doing what WORKS FOR YOU. Everyone is different and will have a different experience.

    Coffee is acidic, and if we choose to have some we must not return to our pre-surgery habits. Moderation.

    The biggest lesson is the accuracy of the MFP diary. Many days I was eating right up to the net calroie line (base plus exercise calories) and was worried that I would stall. Either I over estimated caloric intake or underestimated exercies becasue my goals ar 2lbs per week and I lost 3/4 lb per day. I just adjusted my goals and after another 10-15 lbs I will adjust to a 1 lb per week reduction. Amazed that these adjustments are happening so soon.