The raison d'etre of this group

I started this group because it was getting more difficult to post to other message boards and groups. I am rather short and small-boned and my goal weight is around 100 lbs. It is hard to post a starting weight that is sometimes 50 lbs less than other people's goal weights. I felt almost guilty starting off at a weight many people would love to achieve. However, I know that each person and body is unique, and for me and my body, a goal weight close to 100 lbs is appropriate.

This group is where we can post questions or thoughts or challenges or rants, anything we want. And we won't have to deal with anyone being judgmental, even unintentionally, about our relatively low goal weights.

What are the challenges you face because of having a low GW?


  • Thx for staring this group. I hope we get a lot of members because I need tips on what to eat that are low calorie and will fill me up. I eat a lot of veggies and I see low cal soup. What else!!!
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    I get bored with just eating plain veggies so I like to combine them into salads. Like roasted beets and oranges or pineapple and cucumber. They're pretty bulky and contain lots of water and fiber so I get full. I have discovered though, that if I don't add in protein, I get hungry again pretty quickly.

    I love nonfat greek yogurt or sliced lunch meats to get some protein. I roll a piece of pickle up in turkey or ham. I will eat about 3-4 pieces of meat, which is usually not more than 100 calories or so, but mostly protein.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    hello! I'm glad you started this group, I too felt somewhat awkward posting in the forums because I felt like I somehow had to justify my goal weight by mentioning how small I am. my highest weight was 149, and while that's perfectly normal for lots of people, on me it is rather heavy. I currently am around 103 at 5 3 and while I'm thin I am by no means skinny or underweight. my current goal is more of a recomp than actual weight loss. it's nice to have a group of other small people lol! the only thing I think we should be careful about is that there might be people wanting to join who realistically this weight range is not healthy for them, just something to watch out for. glad to be here!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Thanks for starting this group! It's so hard to find people who understand - if I tell people my current weight (110ish), their reply is that they would love to be that weight and why am I trying to lose (this without seeing me...). Well, my waistline is still in the unhealthy high cardiac risk category at this weight for starters... and I look like Winnie the Pooh...

    I think the most frustrating think about being small and trying to lose is that I absolutely have to do some high intensity exercise for an hour at least 4-5 times a week to lose anything if I want to eat relatively normally/healthily (and that's 1200-1300 cals) - forget eating back calories, that's the only thing that gives me a deficit - MFP predicts a 0.3 lb/week loss for me if I eat at 1200 and exercise moderately for 360 minutes - one semi-indulgent meal out and my whole week's work is wiped out... not very motivating when I see my taller buddies dropping pounds at a time...

    But anyways, filling foods - it's funny, I do the deli meat also - very satisfying lo cal snack (may not be so good on sodium, but we can't be perfect. I'm also hooked on oatmeal - lots of healthy benefits and it has that warm, stick to your ribs satisfying element. Greek yogurt is good too. And for some reason Skinny Cow ice cream cones satisfy my sweet tooth without making me crave more (can't do the salted caramel bars though - I'll polish off the whole box in one sitting :laugh: ). I'm going to start experimenting with making some of my own veggie soups, too.

    Looking forward to sharing the journey with y'all!
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    I totally get that, srp! People always tell me I'm small, tiny, and don't even need to think about losing weight. But I know the truth, which is that I am small, but quite squishy and could really lose a dozen pounds or so.

    Yeah it is crazy hard to drop pounds! I pretty much only have success with pretty difficult regimens. MFP says I should be dropping like crazy right now, but my weight hasn't moved in a couple weeks. So annoying. I don't want to eat below my BMR, but sometimes I wonder how accurate that is for people who are on the petite side.

    1200 is supposed to be the lowest calorie level possible, but for me, that's more than I can eat to maintain at a weight where I feel and look good. I know that numbers don't lie, but I'm starting to consider just experimenting with calorie levels that result in weight change for me and seeing what works.
  • I luv this post. Thx for the comments on snacks of lunch eat and especially rolled around a pickle. Sounds goo. I probably need a little more protein. I am doing good. Day 5 of really watching and I feel great.
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    It was so great: today I fit into three different dresses I could have sworn wouldn't fit me. I went to a wedding feeling great and like I looked pretty good. I haven't fit into two of those dresses in 2.5 years, and never quite into the third. It was a great night!

    I guess this food logging thing is working. I felt crummy because the scale hasn't budged. But my clothes continue to get looser and looser. I guess that's the definition of an NSV?!
  • Yeah!!! A huge victory for u. I am so very proud that you did it and had a great time. I agree that fitting into the clothes is the best feeling. I heard this saying and it sounds shallow but it is actually tru

    " nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

    Going to the closet and not worrying about what will and won't fit is the best :flowerforyou:
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    thanks, lambchop, I appreciate the support.

    That quote is one of my favs, because it's so true. you have to keep a long-term view of things.

    And I am so glad not to have to worry about picking just the clothes I know will fit. Victory!!!
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    I have been stalled at 118 for about three weeks. Today, I finally weighed in at 117.5 . I don't have a digital scale, so it's a little trickier to see small losses. I'm pretty happy about it!
  • rips17
    rips17 Posts: 2
    This looks a good group :) I am just 1.5m tall (just under 5 foot). People think I am tiny and say they wish they were as slim as me but I know that the body fat measurements given to me put me in a high risk group even though bmi says I am 'healthy range'. I can safely lose up to 7lbs and still be in healthy range bmi so am not 'skinny' by any means. I also have problems following diets cause I am vegetarian and picky with it lol. It is frustrating to lose 1 lb per 4 weeks and have to be so careful with calories all the time.....
  • miladymarathoner
    miladymarathoner Posts: 78 Member
    This looks a good group :) I am just 1.5m tall (just under 5 foot). People think I am tiny and say they wish they were as slim as me but I know that the body fat measurements given to me put me in a high risk group even though bmi says I am 'healthy range'. I can safely lose up to 7lbs and still be in healthy range bmi so am not 'skinny' by any means. I also have problems following diets cause I am vegetarian and picky with it lol. It is frustrating to lose 1 lb per 4 weeks and have to be so careful with calories all the time.....

    I totally hear you!!!! If i ever say I want to lose weight, everyone always says, "oh, but you're tiny!". And yet, I'm nowhere near skinny or even particularly thin. It's great to have a place to post and be honest about my weight and my goals and not be judged.
  • ruthydee1
    ruthydee1 Posts: 1 Member
    Great group!

    I subscribe to 1200 is plenty on reddit, it has meal plans and posts by people with smaller bodies who only need to eat around 1200 cals a day it is helpful for me at 5ft 2 to remember I don't need 2000 calories a day and there is no shame in that.

    Link >
  • nikiml
    nikiml Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for this group. I am at what I feel like is a high weight for my frame right now but for taller people it is perfectly normal. I am 140 lbs now and at my heaviest I was 156. That was very large for me and put me in a size 11 pants, which I was not comfortable with. In high school I was on a high kick team and pretty toned and weighed 108. Before the dance team I was 105. I think that was a good weight for me but every time I say that to someone they say it is too skinny and I will never be that weight again. It is very discouraging. A couple of years ago I got down to 123 and felt ok, but I was not toned and was still not comfortable.

    Recently I started barre classes and power yoga. I do the barre 3 days a week for an hour and the yoga is 90 minutes 3 times a week. I am also keeping track of my calories, carbs, protein, and fat very closely. It has taken me a while but I am starting to figure out how to eat so I am pretty balanced. I am at a 1200 calorie goal and I sometimes find it hard to meet that, but I always try to. I do not eat back my exercise calories. I have found I don't loose any weight if I do.

    The frustrating thing this time around with weight loss is that I am not loosing weight. When I started this around the beginning of the year I lost 5 lbs quickly and then it stalled. The funny part is I have lost inches. I lost 3 inches off my waist, 3 off my hips, an inch of my thighs, chest and arms. My clothes don't feel any different so it is discouraging because it makes me think I am measuring wrong. I know that gaining muscle will make it seem as though you aren't loosing when you are, but I think everyone wants to see the number move on the scale.

    It is hard to go on other boards with these issues because I have 35 pounds to my goal weight and a lot of these boards want to loose that in a few months. On my frame and at my current weight there is no way to loose that much so fast. I am very small framed.

    Oh and I should say that my BMI went from 32% to 27% since I started exercising, but I still want to see that scale number drop.