What are your custody arranagements??



  • We do the every other weekend thing. We are both military so hoidays is usually whoever has the spare leave. He lives two hours away so he mostly just see's him when it's his weekend, unless there is something special going on and he can get the time off from work. He will also watch him, most of the time, if I want to take an extra weekend to attend some event. He is an involved dad and we get along pretty well.

    Due to the dual military thing our custody arrangments are pretty flexible from a legal standpoint. We have joint custody and I have physical custody as long as I'm not on a boat (Coast Guard). However, if I'm assigned to a cutter and he is not then we will swap places and he'll have physical custody while I'm stationed on the cutter/boat. However, when I get off then our son legally comes back to me. If that does happen though, it might be really rough on all of us.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I saw this thread was resurrected and thought I'd throw in my 0.02! ;)

    Been a single parent since 2002, my daughter was 4 months old & my son was 7. Sole custody no child support to speak of. My son is now 19, in college and my daughter will be 12 this year. Their father hasn't been involved, altho he's tried to reach out to my son via text (text? huh?) and my son deleted it. He told me that he deserves a PHONE CALL. It's a darn shame that some people have no tact. I mean ya haven't talked to your kid in over 10 years and you send a text....what in tarnation?! LOL

    I am envious of those parents who have a functional coparenting relationship with their ex. Its tough with no days off, constantly being mom & dad....in saying that tho, I'm fortunate to have had sole custody/no visitation. My ex got involved with meth and it destroyed him from the inside out. I would not have wanted my kids to be exposed to lord-only-knows-what.
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