
deego14 Posts: 79 Member
Welcome Everyone!

This is a New 2014 Fit & Healthy Group. I always find that it's easier to stay on track when we have the support of others that are going through a journey of their own. Don't hesitate to post your questions, concerns, struggles , tips & achievements.

We don't all know each other so please feel free to introduce yourself. :)

My Name is Dee, I'm 27yrs old from Florida. I have 10 more lbs to get to my goal weight but really seeking to change my body composition. I'm Currently doing Les Mills Combat for exercise.


  • Audoe
    Audoe Posts: 4
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Leanne and I am 39 years old. I find motivation is my biggest challenge so am hoping that logging in here will help me stick with my goals.
  • lincolnshirelass
    Hi I am Lorraine, I have a long way to go on this journey( approx 40kg). I would like some company along the way as I do not have a lot of support near by. I live in Central Victoria
  • bkw61
    bkw61 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi My name is Brenda and I am on the home stretch. Ive lost 17 lb since the end of Sept.
    Now my Mini goal, 3 lbs by Feb. 1 and possibly another three by the end of March. I lose weight really slow, so not sure how I will do with the weigh in Wed challenge.
    Since I loos so slowly I get frustrated so support is appreciated. Thanks.
  • nancyjosephine330
    Hi My name is Nancy. I have 25 pounds left to lose. I have lost around 7 . I would love to join the group since it is in line with my 2014 New Years "theme" which is to make small life changes this year. I also wanted to join a group which might be active and since its new i could make new friends. I am 47 have 4 boys a husband and a cat. look forward to meeting everyone.
  • LosingWeightRachel
    Thank you Dee for setting up this group!!!

    A short introduction:
    Hi my name is Rachel and I live in North Carolina. My journey began about 2 years to become more fit and healthy for my family. My next goal (or mini-goal) is to lose 12 lbs. This has been the hardest goal to lose; I started this goal at the end of summer. My body doesn't like consistency in any fashion so I reach plateaus quickly. I'm hopeful that I will reach this goal soon so I can give myself my next goal...everyday I'm closer to reaching my ultimate goal. :smile:
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hi my name is Tatanisha aka Tat and I stopped logging in my diary and even getting on here due to the embarrassment and shame.. Last year this time I was 156 and now 193 (almost at 200)!!!! I know there are more pressing issues in life than weight but this is my mountain to cross and some look down on the low in spirit on MFP.. So I'm putting away all the tissue and getting back to walking and etc...
  • deego14
    deego14 Posts: 79 Member
    Tat- there is no reason to be ashamed,. The first step is realizing you need to do something about it. Your on here so that means your serious. We all have ups and downs and we have each others support. Welcome!
  • Stephessor
    Stephessor Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'm new to MFP but not new to dieting (unfortunately). I've done so many diets only to go back to old habits and gain it all back. I'm excited about joining this group and I know the motivation will encourage me to stay on track. :)
  • Dangie515
    Dangie515 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All! I am just returning to MFP since about a year ago. When I saw my weight from then and what it is now, I just about fell off my chair! But, I am thinking forward and being positive. Good Luck to us all! :happy:
  • mriegsecker
    mriegsecker Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Mara, I live in Florida. I have been overweight for a long time and have packed on some extra weight over the holidays! I really need some motivation and encouragement to get the weight off and keep it off! I struggle with sticking to a healthy eating lifestyle. I will do good for about 2-3 weeks then just fail, and never stick with it. I know how to eat but I have little will power to stay away from the sweets! Hoping this group will help me stay on track! I'm very excited to join a group, I've never tried this angle before.
  • Browniety
    Browniety Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all, My name is La'Caya and I reside in Pennsylvania. I have been married for 13 years , I have 4 beautiful children and 3 furbabies. I was relatively small for most of my life, after I had the children my weight has just ballooned and has not gone down. I have tried just about every fad diet out there, while some have taken weight off it only goes right back on and it seems to double. I finally stpped on scale and almost broke down, I have about 85 lbs to lose. I'm looking forward to the support from this group. Please feel free to add me.
  • NzBuilt
    NzBuilt Posts: 235 Member
    Hey Dee,

    well you already no me haha,well everyone my name is Ayaan recently married and one of my main goals was to be under 100kg before big day and I made it,i got to 99.8kg so just haha I have recently lost 22kg and got another14 to go before i reach my goal weight..everyone on here has been a big help just with advice etc....and DEE is one of my top friends shes got some great recipes people....and inspirational advice...

    well enjoy everyone and don't be shy to friend me if ya like

    stay blessed people...
  • Dragonslayer183
    Dragonslayer183 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Dua'a and I'm 17 yrs old. I weight 180 lbs and plan to go down to about 130, depending on how my body reacts to that weight. I've been overweight my whole life, and i just want to get my health on track before college. I've been trying for a while now, so support is really helpful right now. Thanks to everyone and good luck to all of you! By the way, I totally recommend fitnessblender.com for workout videos. Thats what I use, and I love them! :wink:
  • cuppycat
    cuppycat Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone, and thank you Dee for putting this together.

    My name is Lisa, I just turned 53 yrs old. I live in Beaverton, OR. I too have been overweight my entire life. I have done everything out there to lose weight, successful on most all of them, but only for a short time. Was motivated, then mood changed and didn't care. Started something else eventually, being very motivated, and ended up quitting again, because I loved the junk foods way better. It made me happy and was my comfort blanket. And the cycle continued. Until I reached an all time high of 390 lbs.

    I have dealt with depression issues and on medications on/off for many! years, and I eventually (in the last 7 or so years) fell into a very deep depression to the point that the pain I felt about myself and everything, got to be too much. I started secluding myself from the outside world, because I felt judged by everyone thinking all eyes were on me. Like I had a big lit up arrows on each side of me pointing down, and people thinking OMG look at how disgusting she is. So of course to feel better I turned to food and LOTS of it. The hiding of the food when I was not alone, the buying fast food, enough for 3 or 4 people and consuming it in a day or less, eating a gallon of ice cream a day, along with a pkg of cookies, donuts etc..I pretty much gave up on life in general. I was just hoping that I would eat enough to get fat enough that I would just die and all the pain would go away. Sad, but very true.

    With the help of Doctor's and Therapists, It was discovered that I was Bipolar, and I was given a mood stabilizer medication, to help me get my way of thinking and feeling on a more even keel. I did a 180, and feel it has completely change my life. I don't live in such a dark place anymore.

    After that, my mother and a friend of her's gave me the gift of starting a new life on my weight loss journey. They paid for a 9 month program at Positive Changes Hypnosis available here in my area. I started, and from day one felt the change of a better way of thinking and eating and by the end of the 9 months I had lost 70 lbs. I continue to listen to my hypnosis daily, for positive reinforcement and relaxation. A month after that ended I joined Weight Watchers for like the 5th time? to remain accountable for a weekly weigh in and I really enjoy the weekly meetings and sharing and learning with others. During that time I came across MFP and started giving that a try and LOVED it. I do not count my points with WW, I track all my food here. The mixture of all those things has brought me to a total weight loss of 97 lbs to date. I am now able, and WANT to get up and move every single day and through out the day. I've become very obsessed with tracking my food and love doing it. It's like something inside me FINALLY clicked. Thank god! I LOVE my healthy new lifestyle.

    Everyone here is so friendly and motivating, and the BEST part of this? There is no DRAMA here. It's real people on a journey to a healthier life. I hope MFP stay's the same way it is, because the social format is perfect in my opinion.

    Ok, so, I realize I got WAY more into telling you about myself, but I just wanted to share a large portion of my struggles up to the present. Just putting myself out there and no longer feeling judged by telling my story OR living my life in a social setting. YAY !!!
  • deego14
    deego14 Posts: 79 Member
    Lisa-thank you for sharing your story. You are a true inspiration, I know you will acheive your goals! :)