my running pals??

EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
Hello there. i am new to the group. I finally decided to actually start running and i need all the motivation in the world. because i get bored really fast and i am scared i will get discouraged, anyone ot there run or wants to start running?


  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    I need a run pal! I am GOing to run consistently! With 4 kids and teaching preschool 3 d a week...i love the Me time of running...and i am going to schedule it for myself this year! I have set a goal of 25 mi this month...i am a newbie ish runner and still struggle w pace and distance, but have really been proud that I can run now! I would like to get my 5k time at 30min and also aim to get stronger to do a 10k eventually. I keep myself not bored by fun music and challenging my own PRs!
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    thats great! i am planning to do the same hopefully wont get discouraged
  • I'm new to MFP, and I'm also trying to get back into running again. It's been a while, and it's easy for me to lose motivation. Glad to see you ladies are also (relatively) new runners!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    I started running in March and fell in love with it. I used C25k and a group here to get started. I did 5k and 6k races in summer. Im in med school so I cant run as long/much as I like but I still run 5km once or twice a week. It definitely helps to have a group of people with whom to share runs.
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    So my annoying problem right now is the weather!!! I am sure I am not alone on this...Went to the treadmill in the clubhouse in my neighborhood Wednesday but wish I could get outside!! Today it has poured all day long!!!
    i am going to go find some work out dvd to do...but would mch rather be running!
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    i'm so glad to find people who are in the same boat as me. nope you're not the only one i have some weather problems. since i am just starting i think ill start on a treadmill then when i can run 15 mins straight ill start going out side. i have exams so i still haven't started. i will add you guys so we can motivate each other if you dont mind
  • roxanethree
    roxanethree Posts: 78 Member
    I think it was last Feb when I started my couch-5k program. Now I run 3-4x/week 5k, 10k or just intervals. I love it but I'm on the treadmill for the next 4 months until the snow is off the sidewalks. I run a little during my walks outside, but I'm too scared of falling on ice. Hopefully in the spring I'll be brave enough to run my first 5k. :)
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    So my annoying problem right now is the weather!!! I am sure I am not alone on this...Went to the treadmill in the clubhouse in my neighborhood Wednesday but wish I could get outside!! Today it has poured all day long!!!
    i am going to go find some work out dvd to do...but would mch rather be running!
    I think you need to ignore the weather and just get on with it. There's that saying that there's no such thing as bad weather- it's just bad clothing. I won't run if its icy but if not I just ignore the rain, dress up and get on with it. It's then even more satisfying when you get home.
  • craycrayhair
    craycrayhair Posts: 11 Member
    I'm starting a running program at the moment! I only have about 10 pounds that I'd like to lose, and I'd like to get back into feeling like an athlete. Anyone feel free to friend me!
  • I recently just started running again too. I am only going about 2 miles and I am slow (12 min mile average). One day I hope to get back to a under 10 min mile like I was before IT band issues and pregnancy! Friend me if you want!
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Another runner here. A year ago my goal was to be able to run 10k again, it had been a while! Since then I have beaten my PB several times over, getting down to 56:18 and comfortably running 10k in under an hour. I'm now working on distance, and have run 20km (12.4 miles) a couple of times. My legs are leaner than they have ever been!

    This week I've been to the gym four times and run over 23 miles in total :happy:

    Happy to have new MFP friends, so feel free to add me.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Working on running again as of january 3rd of this year. Spent the last year doing crossfit and it has definitely made my running better. Was able to do a 5k distance in 30:45 and 10k distance in 69mins.... But that has been the best so far. And most days I run slower.

    PLanning a 5k race march 29 and a 10k race April 19. Hoping for a sub 30 in the 5k race.. and a sub 65 in the 10k.

    Need the running plus the crossfit and MUCH BETTER eating to get off the last 13 lbs I want to lose.
  • Anyone use the Nike+ running app for iPhone and would like to be friends on there? Just started running in late December. Started at 12min/mile and now at 10:15min/mile and trying to get under 10:00.
  • I run too! I'm reluctant to say I'm a runner because I usually do run/walk intervals. I did a half marathon in November using that technique. I can run continuously but I am not much faster and I am able to go longer distances with intervals. It's also a great way to start (or start again).

    I used to hate running. And honestly still I don't like it too much but it's a goal and it keeps me going. I'm trying to get faster. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Hi everyone, another runner here :) I just started running properly in the New year.. been trying to do it 3-4 days a week.. My goal is to be able to run 10k by the end of March, feel free to add me :)
  • crash_aly
    crash_aly Posts: 112
    Hey ladies! I have been running for a couple of years now but due to a hip injury last winter it has gone back to a lot of intervals. I am hoping to do a couple of 5ks and possibly a 10k this summer.

    The sidewalks here are covered in ice and most of our winter has been below 0. I dread the treadmill but managed to do a few miles a week on it and then add in some biking and Zumba classes along with weight training. We are supposed to be above freezing this weekend so I think I will make it outside for a run!

    Boredom is more of an issue with me if I am on the treadmill than if I am outside. I try to keep fun music playing and allow myself to get lost in thought. But for safety, I try not to zone out too much!
  • BrendaS03
    BrendaS03 Posts: 92 Member
    I signed up for my first half marathon and would love to find some other runners with similar goals to trade notes with! Feel free to add me :) I am currently running on a treadmill but once spring hits and the sidewalks aren't covered in ice I'll be pounding the pavement and I can't wait!
  • cln1111
    cln1111 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 52 years old and have never been a runner or jogger. I want to increase my cardio endurance for hill hiking and thought that adding jogging to my exercise plan might help. Last July I started using an app called Get Running. As long as ice and high heat/humidity are absent, I keep up with it. I really struggle with gym workouts, however. I feel like a hamster when I am on a threadmill!
  • cln1111
    cln1111 Posts: 5 Member
    It's really interesting to read about others' experiences with running. Best wishes to all!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've done two days of C25K, so I'm still really new to it! I also downloaded Map My Run and some fun music to listen to while running. I always hated it in school, but now I'm finding I love to be out running. If you told me at 17 that I'd have my eye on running a 5K this summer, I would never have believed you! I'd love to get more miles & races under my belt eventually and see how far I can go.

    C25K seems like a good way to start because you start out really small and slow & work your way up.