Intro Yourself



  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Misty. 32 years old, Mom of 3. Current weight is 280, looking to get to 150. I binge eat & am addicted to soda :(. Looking forward to meeting others on the same journey as me. Feel free to friend me, looking for all the support I can get.

    Cold turkey for the soda ...I ve been off the stuff since June 3rd ... it's adicting as heck ... I lost 15 pounds right off the bat just quitting the cola ... You can do it !
  • fpelletier
    fpelletier Posts: 365 Member
    Hello hello! Wow I was lost at first, I was like did I join a group that I didn't remember joining LOL :) Glad to see it is the same one!

    Happy New Year everyone! I am Frances, a married sahm to 3 girls, 36 yrs old and trying to get healthy & in shape! I had joined MFP a long time ago but never really looked into it. In May of last yr I was talking to friends about losing weight and such and one mentioned MFP and bam here I am 8 months later 50 pounds gone!

    High Weight: 330 (shaking head at myself)
    Current Weight: 280
    Goal Weight: 180 (give or take, depends on how I look/feel when I get there)

    I love chatting with online friends, hanging out with my friends here and spending time with my family. I am an avid reader & crafter. I scrapbook, crochet, make tutus, hair bows and just got a new Cameo for Christmas that I can't wait to play with! I sew a bit too but not as much as I'd like.
  • Hi Everyone! I'm my name is Kitty. I currently weigh 360, down from 500, May 1998. I gained most of the weight as a result of medical treatment for a skin disease I have. (In remission for now.) I have been trying to stay optimistic about this process, it is not easy as I've had several set backs over the years being stressed out from the lost of both of my parents and tending to their affairs from afar. Since moving from Chicago to Missouri. Things are going much better, and I'm SLOWLY regaining my composure.

    I would like to at least break 300 by my 50th birthday in September this year. I have several things I would like to accomplish along the way. I have some blogs up one about my Wellness Journey (to document my journey) and another called my Weight Loss Milestones. (Things I want to do, but my weight has prohibited it.)

    I'm looking forward to hearing and meeting some of you on here. I am looking forward to providing support to you all, as well as get support and encouragement from you.

  • msdeb424
    msdeb424 Posts: 36 Member
    I wish there was a like button for all the intros. Glad to see so many on the journey to health! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm Jessie. I'm a PsyD student in Springfield MO. I have found myself up to my highest weight ever. I have tried Weight Watchers multiple times. I tend to put on the pounds when school gets stressful. Nice to meet everyone. I hope to succeed in this journey.
  • 2000chances
    2000chances Posts: 40 Member
    I started working with a doctor here in my hometown and have lost 25 lbs. I thought I knew everything about weight loss until I met with her. I have struggled with my obesity my entire life. I understand through my doctor that obesity is a disease and needs to be treated like one. She started with an extensive evaluation and testing before she prescribed the phentermine. Her 2 hour orientation with new patients was very eye opening. I am on a 1500 calorie meal plan along with taking the phentermine twice a day. I'm delighted how this tool helps me with hunger, cravings and overeating. My fitness pal has been a fantastic tool for tracking. I haven't starting back to exerciseing yet but I am trying to fit that in with my busy life. My husband starts today and our family will see healthier changes all around. I've researched the bariatric websites and are amazed at the research and data on obesity. I also had weight loss surgery in 2007. It didn't help me with my addiction to food. This does! I recommend the book "The end of overeating". It explains our food industry. My doctor uses the method of only having 10-15 teaspoons of sugar in your food a day. That is calculated by taking the carbs minus fiber- divided by 5= teaspoons of sugar.. That keeps the insulin level steady. My fitness pals helps with doing the math. I'd like to know if you have similar guidance by your doctor. I'm all alone out here with this type of plan. Best of luck everyone.
  • bridgie82
    bridgie82 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Bridget i'm a married mother of two toddlers (a two yr old and a three year old) that works full time. my life can get pretty crazy. I'm 5' and weigh 307lbs my highest was 309 my goal is to lose 180-185lbs. I know it's going to be a long hard road my biggest hurdles right now are my addiction to sodas and my lack of sleep. I also have PCOS and Graves disease and i have to take medication to slow down my thyroid function. I work in a call center of sorts so i'm always sitting down the only time i really get up is for lunch or bathroom breaks. I started doing DDP Yoga and I really love it unlike other exercises I've tried this one really motivates me to keep going. I love reading, crocheting, photography and painting. I tired of my weight controlling my life. I just want to get up and go with out worrying about how tired i'm going to be just walking down the street, will i be able fit in to that seat or walk up that flight of stairs. I've been overweight-obese my whole life but only in the last 5yrs or so Ive reached morbidly obese and in the last three months i've hit the 300lb mark, a number i swore i would never get to. I'm looking for new friends that will help me stay on track and have the similar weight loss goals as me. Good luck everyone and fight the good fight.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Lorraine and I am sick of being over 300 lbs. I would like this year to be the year I finally lose weight and not gain any. I have slowly gained 140 lbs over the past 20 years. I have always taken care of others and not myself and now Im so fat I cant help like I want to. So this year has to be about me and learning not to feel guilty about it. Lets do this togehter. Gook luck to all. Lorraine
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi! I'm 46, married with a dog and 2 cats. I started out at 340+ pounds and found MFP at about 298 in May 2012. I started using it to track carbs because I was a newly diagnosed diabetic. I've been obese my entire adult life even though I had dropped 100 pounds 13 years ago. That weight slowly came back and my weight fluctuated between 310-340 for a few years. Finally I had a huge wake-up call with my health and realized I do not want to die. I want to live life and enjoy it. So, that is what I'm trying to do. I'm working on conquering my fears and doing new things.

    My weight loss has slowed from 10 lbs/month to about 2 lbs/month, but I'm still working on it. I log everyday and even if it takes me 1 or 2 or 5 years to get to my goal, I'm committed to do it (and maintain it). I know it's possible because I see others with the results I want. I'm finally at the cusp of overweight/obese and my goal is to get to a healthy BMI.
  • PhreePanda
    PhreePanda Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm down 30 from last year and 100 to go now! My top weight was 290 lbs on New Years of 2013. Seeing that and the stretch marks on places that have no business having stretch marks broke me. I got down to buisness like no other. I was hindered by 2 cross country moves and traviling a bit. But still managed to make some positive changes.
    I had an old account here and was part of this group. I deleted it, but now I'm back :-)

    My current routine is cardio and heavy lifting.. Focused on protein and unprocessed foods. I'm loving every minute of my new routine!

    So.. Other then that... 30.. Freshly divorced and starting over. Focusing on getting into veterinary work at the moment and getting myself in top gear to take on my new goals and new life. Positivity is also my top priority in my life right now :-)
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Lisa. I am 43 mother of 4 kids and Grandma to 3 soon to be 4 ! I was at 245 my weight is 216 today my goal is 150. I have been going to the Gym for about a month and my 11 yr old son goes with me .. we have been really enjoying it !! A friend that just stared going with me this week sent me to this site (Thanks) :)
    I love how it makes it so easy to track everything ... I'm a diabetic my goal is to get off meds, I want to be a healthy mom and grandma for my babies .. I would anyone to add me as a friend and help each other with sharing information hits ideas ext..
    Best wishes to all !!
  • Hi everyone. My name is Linda. Was looking for the "over 300 club" forum and can't find it...but i found this group while searching. I have been enrolled in a class at the local Y and we have been using MFP to help track food. I was doing well and losing weight, but got off track with my entries...and then the holidays happened and as of last night I had gained back a lot of the wt I had lost previously. I'm back up over 300 again, and thats not the direction I'm trying to go in. I have found that just by tracking and frankly not doing much else that I was able to have a consistant wt loss. I have gimpy knees which limits some of the exercise I can do, however, most of my exercise limitations have been of the mental and not physical variety. (ie its too hot, its too cold, i don't have time, etc etc etc.) So, I've committed to start tracking again and am hopeful that this will get me back on track. BLessings, Linda
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi my name is Carly. I'm looking to lose 100+ pounds. I'm new to MFP
  • msdeb424
    msdeb424 Posts: 36 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • adgirl1995
    adgirl1995 Posts: 17 Member
    HI. I am new to this group. I am on a journey to living better without all this extra weight. Very committed! Have over 100 pounds to lose but setting weekly goals instead of looking at that daunting number. My name is Rita.
  • MPB68
    MPB68 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm maggie. I'm a 45 single mom, vegetarian, non profit exc dir. I have about 115lbs to lose still and am down 23lbs from when I started. I've lost and gained weight before, wanting to learn how to do this in my current environment and know I need to make some friends trying to do the same that I can support and that I can look to for inspiration and support when needed. Wishing us all success and the ability to get where we are going one pound at a time
  • Hi, I'm Pam. I'm new at this, so not sure what to do to be part of this group but I'd like to give it a try. I'm a mom/grand mom/widow, who just turned 59. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. I didn't gain it all at once so I have to keep remembering I won't lose it all at once. My hope is to at least see a significant difference this time next year. I lost my husband, a disabled vet who hadn't been in good health for several years, almost 5 years ago. When he died, I went to work, came home an plopped on the couch. I forgot to take care of myself somewhere along the way. Almost all of my family is out of state so I need a support group to motivate me. As a widow, my resources are slim so I won't be using a personal trainer or going to a gym or buying special products. Plus, I work full time so my fitness regime will be taking place when I get off work in the evening, when my energy level won't be at it's peak. As you can see, I need lots of suggestions and tips to overcome this challenge. If anyone would be kind enough to tell me how this group thing works, I'd sure appreciate it. Looking forward to your support and the chance to maybe make a difference to someone else who just might need my support in return.
  • hhansen27
    hhansen27 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Holly. 33yo mother of 3 boys (13,10,7). I work in accounting and so don't do much moving during the day. I joined MFP Jan. 2013, lost 20 lbs fell off the wagon and gained 10 lbs back. my current weight is 300 lbs (I am not happy with this nor do I see it when I look in the mirror). My first major goal is to get down to 200 lbs and then reset. I know it won't be easy and I know it will take time. I didn't find all the groups last year and so did not find all the support that is here. Here's to getting healthy, being happy and making new friends.
  • b31ieve2achieve
    b31ieve2achieve Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am Annie. I am 31 years old. Lets see, I have one daughter-seven going on seventeen. She is the light in my life, she does have Autism. I am a stay at home mom currently, I am looking for part time work that fits into her busy therapy schedule. In 2001 after losing 50 pounds and still not regular at 19 I went to a doctor who put me on BCP, six months later I gained over 100, and was diagnosed with PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome.) My then dr told me to lay off the ice cream, which was hysterical because I don't even like ice cream. Since then I've been trying every weight loss gimmick I can find, including Weight Watchers, LA Weight :Lost, Adkins, IR Diet, Cabbage diet, everything, and nothing ever is clicking for me. I also have tried a boat load of infertility treatments, which none have worked at this point. Last summer I went to Disney World with my daughter, and was miserable the entire time. It was hot, walking around at 310 pounds was painful, and I was afraid to go on any rides. My daughter is extremely active and I realized I was missing out on so many things with her because of my weight. I also would love to shop in a normal store, wear clothes for a 30 year old, not a grandma, and just have confidence to get out from behind my camera and actually experience life rather than photograph it. I would also love a baby, I have baby fever bad right now, but I know that at my current weight my PCOS is just not going to allow that no matter how many shots I take. I know I have a really long journey a head of me, I'd like to get down to 135, currently I am at 284. So I have a long journey to getting healthy. Some things I struggle with... water intake. And getting in my calories. My goal (per dr) is 1650. I struggle eating that much, as well as eating breakfast. I am hoping the support I find on here will help me through this journey and I hope I can help others as well!
  • Hello Everyone,
    I'm new to MFP and this is my first group....I'm a middle aged momma who's battled weight all my adult life...a few years ago, I 'flpped a switch' and began tracking food/exercise and manged to go from 300# to 200 in a year, then kept it off 2 the last two years, I've stopped tracking/exercising regularly, so you can guess I've gained most of it back...SO, I know tracking works, and while it can be ugly, it's real and it steps for me-AGAIN...thanks for reading
    Midwest Momma in MO