
Hi guys, about to start my first insanity program 6th Jan could do with some motivation and support.


  • gwhitw01
    gwhitw01 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck.. I just started too... I would like to be half way to my goal weight after the first round of Instanity.. See if you can beat that!
  • alhumphreys
    alhumphreys Posts: 53 Member
    Just starting week 3 !!! Good luck !! It's hard as hell !! haha
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I finished it and did T25 and then an Insanity/T25 hybrid workout. In my opinion - Pure Cardio is the hardest of the workouts in the first month. Non-stop sweating. Goes by fast, but stay focused to get the most out of your workouts! Remember to keep your core tightened. I have so much more definition in my abs!
  • mylissadennis
    I lost over 20 pounds with Insanity and Shakeology! I love the workouts! It does go by quick because of the different circuits. Can't wait to hear how its going for you.