Let's get Sharted (Challenges)



  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    I just wanted to post my challenge results for Sunday - Tuesday. I'll finish checking in this evening when I close out my diary.

    Week of January 6-12 Challenge:

    Walk: Sun - 2,533, Mon - 6,181, Tues - 3,780
    Water : Sun - 40oz, Mon - 64oz, Tues - 32oz
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    I Corinthians 15:57 NKJV

    But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Know today that no one can define you, only you can define you. So when others speak odds about you don't fret, just put your V fingers up because you are "VICTORIOUS"

    I will like to say to all of our group friends i am so proud of yall yesterday was a blessing I see our challenge for this week is going great. I am sending everyone:flowerforyou:

    Wednesday Sharing, How's your week going so far.

    So far my week is going fabulous, I've had some distractions but I didn't let any of them get me down. I am so thankful to God, got up early this morning and worked out. And my oh my the sweat was pouring. I feel like whatever comes my way today with the help of God i can take it. Don't let anyone or anything distract you from your journey because this is Our Year Our Season. I will post my steps and water tonight. I pray everyone have a great day keep moving and keep believing:heart:
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    I can't seem to make my daily exercise calories burned for 60 minutes for some reason it seems like its just too high of calories for me to burn. in 60 minutes I managed to burn approximately 75 percent of it its like I would have to walk an hour and a half to two hours to burn that many calories and on different days I walk different miles per hour most of the time its between 2.7 and 2.9.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    I can't seem to make my daily exercise calories burned for 60 minutes for some reason it seems like its just too high of calories for me to burn. in 60 minutes I managed to burn approximately 75 percent of it its like I would have to walk an hour and a half to two hours to burn that many calories and on different days I walk different miles per hour most of the time its between 2.7 and 2.9.

    This is what I do a lot of interval it causes higher calories burn in less time. If I jog then I will walk for a few seconds and back and forth. Also I make sure i am challenged heart rate to it fullness. But I understand what you are saying work at it slowly you are doing great.
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    see I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill so there is only so fast and for so long I can do it. In two sessions I walked an hour and a half and I still didn't reach that amount of calories i'm supposed to burn in 60 minutes but what I can try is walking longer at each time and see how many minutes it will approximately take.
  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    Hi guys! My sick self will be working out today. I have now been sick for a total of 13 days :explode: But My goals to over come obesity are greater than this sickness that is trying to bring me down. WTG all you awesome believers!!! xoxoxox
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Welcome to our group Tamicia, Teresa, Becky and my dear friend Pricilla and Gina:flowerforyou:

    @ Teresa, that is a lot of cardio and it is great. I found when I walk on my treadmill I have to have a incline and walk intervals to burn high calories. If you workout for 60 minutes straight I would do at least 45 minutes of them intervals, they really work. Also I found aerobics mix with cardio machine burn great calories.

    @ Pricilla, and we are looking for all you have to share with us.

    @ Becky, you will be more fabulous by your wedding day.

    @ Heather, awe you are so sweet thanks for all the love.

    @ Tamicia, Yes, Yes, yes this is Your Year, Your Season to Shine. Oh on yesterday I saw you did 26,284 steps now I know you feel on fire, I remember those days.

    To all my beautiful friends this is differently our year we will see great results and we will reach greater heights. And we are looking to reach personal goals. We are here for the long haul and we will Overcome:wink:

    Today, I've had a great day so far I manage to get a great workout done early, I just :love: early workouts. So far for today I've burned 3,244 calories, 11,040 steps, and drink a gallon of water (128 oz) oh yes I made it to my usual gallon. I feel wonderful with great energy:laugh: I pray all have a bless and great sleep tonight, because tomorrow is a new day with it's own challenge so we be prepared to embrace what ever comes:heart:
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    I don't know why but I am just exhausted tonight. I think this colder than usual weather has just worn me down. I think I am heading off to bed early tonight. Take care all.
  • amysgottadothisthang
    Today was a GREAT day!

    I had 1501 calories which is so close to my 1600 calorie goal :) 10-8 oz cups of H20

    Today was my "rest" day and boy oh boy did I take it easy after work!:laugh:

    I hot my hair cut and colored and washed away that GREY! I got my eye brows waxed and my ears pierced!!!!

    I feel really good about my day! I earned it! :happy:

    Hope you all are doing well! xoxoxo
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Wednesday check in - Today was a good day. My back is feeling better and I am hoping by the beginning of next week I will be back to my normal self.

    Walk - 4,839
    Water - 80oz
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    Teresa's steps and water intake for Wednesday January 8th, 2014 Water around 96 ounces Steps 1,5770.
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Thursday - I need help with with recipes, food alternatives, great snack ideals. I tend to get stuck in the same food circle and bread/pasta and I are REALLY great friends. But we need not be because I am a borderline diabetic. Normally I "try" to eat decently Monday thru Saturday but then I eat what I want on Sunday. So I really do need new ideas and alternatives mainly for my carbs. You know the saying that Lay's has, "You can't eat just one"? In my mind, I'm thinking, "bag"? :laugh: LOL!!! So please help me and my family out. Theses changes are not just for me but for my family as well. My husband has cholesterol and blood pressure issues(but he is not over weight by any stretch) and my son is adhd and he can not have sugar or carbs and processed foods because I try to keep him off medicine as much as possible as well as he is deathly allergic to seafood. I have been doing pretty good as far as choices go, for breakfast and dinner as we mostly do a meat and and a veggie. But every now and again (like yesterday :ohwell: ) for lunch I will breakdown and each some good old high calorie, highly processed bread. So HELP!!!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Thursday - I need help with with recipes, food alternatives, great snack ideals. I tend to get stuck in the same food circle and bread/pasta and I are REALLY great friends. But we need not be because I am a borderline diabetic. Normally I "try" to eat decently Monday thru Saturday but then I eat what I want on Sunday. So I really do need new ideas and alternatives mainly for my carbs. You know the saying that Lay's has, "You can't eat just one"? In my mind, I'm thinking, "bag"? :laugh: LOL!!! So please help me and my family out. Theses changes are not just for me but for my family as well. My husband has cholesterol and blood pressure issues(but he is not over weight by any stretch) and my son is adhd and he can not have sugar or carbs and processed foods because I try to keep him off medicine as much as possible as well as he is deathly allergic to seafood. I have been doing pretty good as far as choices go, for breakfast and dinner as we mostly do a meat and and a veggie. But every now and again (like yesterday :ohwell: ) for lunch I will breakdown and each some good old high calorie, highly processed bread. So HELP!!!

    I can help I just need to know what kind of foods you want recipes for. Friends let's pull together and help Pricilla.
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV

    In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

    Today as we go about our day take a moment and stop and tell the Lord Thank You. We know In Him We live, In Him We Move, In Him We Have Our Being. It is His Goodness we are not consumed. We have a lot to be thankful for. Our journey is in His hands and He will give us each day the strength we need to endure.

    @ Teresa, I did a treadmill workout this morning extra to see what I can show you what I was saying about the calorie burn. I did a treadmill jog intervals for 12 minutes and burned 247 calories. I pushed it to my limit and I did the intervals in 2 min/1min, 2 min/ 30 sec, 1.5 min/ 30 sec back and forth. Now lets say I kelp it up for 60 minutes I would have burned more than 800 calories because the more you challenge yourself during your workout the more calories you burn. Now yes it was not easy but it was doable. That is what ppl do when they don't have a lot of time to workout but want to get a big workout and burn. I hope this help you if not I will do all I can figure this out for you:heart:

    Thursday, Food Sharing- @ Pricilla here are some ideas, I cook oven fried chicken, homemade chicken alfredo, turkey burgers, I always use salt free ketchup also ground jennio turkey, I make all my recipes with fresh foods, trying to cut down on sodium and make it with less f a t. I make homemade pizza. I will give you my recipes if you would like.

    Well so far today I've been working out like mad:laugh: I am on a mission. I burned so far to day 1,968 calories, 13,285 steps, and 96 oz od water. I feel fantastic I might get a little more burn in today we will see. I hope everyone have a great day. Keep moving and keep believing.
  • bloodhoundlady
    bloodhoundlady Posts: 80 Member
    I forgot to check in last night but it has been pretty well since I started back last Friday. An occasional blunder but the weight slowly coming off.

    I have a ton of sites for good healthy recipes. I eat mostly Clean(non processed) about 90% of the time and follow a lot of food bloggers devoted to clean eating.
    Also check out pinterest there are tons of bloggers on there devoted to healthy eating.

    Here is my list
    www.skinnytaste.com-not entirely clean but great site for low calorie and healthy.
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    Pricilla - there are all kinds of great recipes on Pinterest. Also on Skinnytaste.com and CookingLight.com. I know there are some other sites, but I can't think of them right now. You might want to give these a try.
  • teresapooh98
    teresapooh98 Posts: 38 Member
    I walked 1500 steps and drank over 96 ounces.
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Walk - 1,647
    Water - 64 oz

    Thanks for all the info and sites on healthier eating, cooking and shopping... I know I am all set now... Priscilla
  • luvnevrfails
    luvnevrfails Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning all and Happy Friday!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Friday- Fitness, How's your fitness workouts going so far this week, are you having any challenges you need help with.

    I so had a plan. I started doing Leslie Sanson's "Walk it off in 30" where you do her "burn 30 " M/W/F and then "firm 30" T/TH/S and you have Sunday off. All was going well until I hurt my back. Today I feel really well, just got a little ache on my right side so I think I'm gonna try the "Burn 30" and see if I can pick up where I left off.

    I am really gonna have to try Hard to do 5000 steps and 96 oz of water a day from now on because it really is a great goal to try. Eventually I want to get to where I can do 10000 steps and 128 oz a day. According to my fitbit zip I average about 3833 a day so I am shooting for 4000 today.

    My son likes to ride his bike and I have joined him on occasion so I will try this article (http://www.ehow.com/how_6081289_convert-exercise-bike-miles-steps.html ) on how to convert bike riding into steps. If any body has a better way, please let me know...

    Enjoy your Friday!!!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    John 3:16

    For God So Love the World That He Gave His Only Begotten Son, That Whoever Believe In Him Shall Not Perish But Have Everlasting Life.

    Today know that you are loved no matter what others may say or think about you. There are times when we may feel that we are not loved but when God extend His love to us that is more than enough.

    @ Amy, You are doing fantastic

    @ Melodie, thanks for taking the time to share links for great food and recipes

    @ Tonia, yes I have a account with them and they offer so much, thanks for sharing.

    @ Teresa, you had a great day, I have a question do you have something that tracks your steps.

    @ Pricilla, take your time make sure you are healed enough. You had great steps and water intake, you also have great fitness plans and don't worry you will get in your steps and water today I believe in you:flowerforyou:

    Friday Fitness, Yesterday I worked out so much I was so sore when I got up this morning:laugh: . today I started out early and did my power walk, later today I will do a cardio aerobics. Everyone don't forget to do your best this week because Monday is time for us to share our weight lost for the week and NSV, looking forward to great reports. Today has been a great day so far and I hope everyone will have a great day also, keep moving and keep believing:heart:
