Hungry during Yoga?

I usually do my yoga in the morning. I prefer to do it on an empty stomach but it never fails...every time I start after about 1 minute of the deep breathing I get hungry. Does anyone have this happen? Do you eat before your yoga?


  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    i almost always do yoga on an empty stomach. i have had it voice Very Loud Complaints in the middle of class and especially during savasana.

    sometimes if i don't think i'll have energy otherwise, i'll have a small snack beforehand, an hour ahead if i can. something like a banana or half a protein bar. just to keep my stomach quiet.
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    Yep happens all the time. I try for an empty stomach too but when you start to focus on your body you notice things like hunger that were easily ignored when you were distracted. Yoga is also when I find tension in weird places or pains/ bruises I didn't feel until I focused on me.

    Also all the twisting tends to make the noises worse lol. I figure it's better than passing gas in class I'll live with it :)
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    I think you are right. The slowing down and focusing on the body makes you aware of those things!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,789 Member
    I'm get lightheaded if I don't eat enough - and inversions and deep backbends can make it worse. I usually have a snack about an hour before class. A piece of fruit or similar. Usually it takes me about 3 hours to digest a normal meal, so I need to plan this around class.
    I have found that going for a short walk will help, if I've eaten too much.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    50g organic porridge oats with 250ml soya milk, topped with 2 tsp brown sugar melted on top and a cup of Lady Gray tea 2 hours before a Yoga class is my ritual. By the time class starts my stomach is empty but my energy levels are high - first from the sugar and later into the session from the slow release carbs.

    When I come home I always finish off with a high protein meal (tofu scramble, or free range eggs from my battery rescues, and toast) and a cup of tea.
  • nikirtehsuxlol
    nikirtehsuxlol Posts: 41 Member
    Doing yoga on an empty stomach is a lot better than a full stomach! Down dog ...
  • MyNewZen
    MyNewZen Posts: 101 Member
    This is going to sound crazy to most other Yogi's... But I have been drinking a "Bulletproof Coffee" about an hour before practice (or any other physical activity). I try not to eat anything solid for 2 or 3 hours before practice.

    My spin on bullet proof coffee is:
    - 1 or 2 shots of espresso. (If its in the evening I use a table spoon of organic coco powder and some fresh mint)
    - 1 table spoon of the best quality unsalted butter I can buy.
    - 1.5 table spoons of extra virgin, cold pressed, organic coconut oil.
    - 1 tablespoon of mukuna honey.

    Just add hot water and blast it in the blender. Drink it slowly if you are not used to it as it will churn your stomach if you rush into it.

    It sounds ridiculous I know! But I swapped from the standard "high protein, low fat, low carbs" diet that a lot on MFP do to a "high fat, moderate protein, very low carbs*" lifestyle and I feel amazing not just physically, but mentally; I'm sharper and happier.

    Specifically in yoga it gives me all the energy I need without feeling full or bloated which carbs, particularity grains often did to me. (I'm now grain free)

    *The only carbs I do these days is some fruit, lots of veg and the honey in the coffee.

    The original BP Coffee:
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I always do it on an empty stomach too. This isn't rare - in fact, I can hear my instructor's stomach growling when she walks by me. :)
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    This is going to sound crazy to most other Yogi's... But I have been drinking a "Bulletproof Coffee" about an hour before practice (or any other physical activity). I try not to eat anything solid for 2 or 3 hours before practice.

    My spin on bullet proof coffee is:
    - 1 or 2 shots of espresso. (If its in the evening I use a table spoon of organic coco powder and some fresh mint)
    - 1 table spoon of the best quality unsalted butter I can buy.
    - 1.5 table spoons of extra virgin, cold pressed, organic coconut oil.
    - 1 tablespoon of mukuna honey.

    Just add hot water and blast it in the blender. Drink it slowly if you are not used to it as it will churn your stomach if you rush into it.

    It sounds ridiculous I know! But I swapped from the standard "high protein, low fat, low carbs" diet that a lot on MFP do to a "high fat, moderate protein, very low carbs*" lifestyle and I feel amazing not just physically, but mentally; I'm sharper and happier.

    Specifically in yoga it gives me all the energy I need without feeling full or bloated which carbs, particularity grains often did to me. (I'm now grain free)

    *The only carbs I do these days is some fruit, lots of veg and the honey in the coffee.

    The original BP Coffee:

    I read about that bullet proof coffee. I started putting some honey and coconut oil in my coffee and I really like it. I have it after my yoga though, about mid morning.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    For some reason I always get hungry during savasana/gong at the end of Kundalini yoga. Kundalini class is usually not that rigorous physically but maybe all the mental/spiritual work makes me hungry? Should ask the teacher about this...
    I've heard you shouldn't eat for 2 hours before doing yoga but I like Mary I need something in my stomach more recent than that or I feel lightheaded. I usually eat a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts about an hour before.