
HELP! I'm prediabetic and need tips for low cars/sugar free diet


    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I'm insulin resistant, I don't follow a sugar/carb free diet by any means, but I can tell you I've become very fond of sunflower seeds when I'm craving a snack...the pre-shelled roasted salted ones I mean. They're filling enough that you don't need more than a handful or two, and they keep my blood sugar pretty steady. Also cheese, I always bring a babybel to work with me for a snack just in case I start to get too hungry. My doctor told me that if I ever DID want something sweet, to balance it with something higher in fat/protein to even out blood sugar, like ice cream for example. Hope that helps a bit anyway!
  • qnotes
    qnotes Posts: 20 Member
    Get moving, girl!

    If you aren't doing your daily cardio, hop to! One of the easiest non-dietary ways, and it seems to be so fashionable right now (hmm), is to move your groove thang.

    Get thine butt to a walking path! Start a walking club--always easier when you have others to stumble around uneven pavement with. Seriously, though!

    Also, make sure that you're eating a balanced meal. Moderate protein, lots of green veggies (not iceberg or romaine--they don't count), and WHOLE GRAINS when you have a carby craving--fiber is essential.

    Consider milk alternatives like almond! easier to digest, and less sugar.

    Any time you eat fruit, make sure to pair it with protein--nuts! Eating protein in combination with your carbs, particularly sugars, is important for keeping even glucose levels.

    Also!! Walk. If I forgot to mention it. ;)

    Good luck.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Get moving, girl!

    If you aren't doing your daily cardio, hop to! One of the easiest non-dietary ways, and it seems to be so fashionable right now (hmm), is to move your groove thang.

    Get thine butt to a walking path! Start a walking club--always easier when you have others to stumble around uneven pavement with. Seriously, though!

    Also, make sure that you're eating a balanced meal. Moderate protein, lots of green veggies (not iceberg or romaine--they don't count), and WHOLE GRAINS when you have a carby craving--fiber is essential.

    Consider milk alternatives like almond! easier to digest, and less sugar.

    Any time you eat fruit, make sure to pair it with protein--nuts! Eating protein in combination with your carbs, particularly sugars, is important for keeping even glucose levels.

    Also!! Walk. If I forgot to mention it. ;)

    Good luck.

    Yes, all of this is very good advice! I didn't mention that but I do a lot of walking on my treadmill, and when I do it on a regular basis I can tell my blood sugar stays more even. Plus I tend to get less hungry on days that I exercise, which I'm sure is tied into blood sugar levels too.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Good advice so far! Exercise definitely helps my blood sugar and if I eat carbs I stay away from "white" ones (potatoes, rice, and so on) - they hit me harder.
  • qnotes
    qnotes Posts: 20 Member
    Okay, good. I'm glad the information I've provided is redundant. Doctors don't seem to give good dietary advice, or at least incomplete advice.

    Most are not required more than A CLASS in nutrition, and I don't even know if that constitutes study in dietetics.
  • Turquoisegal
    Turquoisegal Posts: 15 Member
    Great tips ty