Help designing wotkout around Mild disc bulge

Recently i posted a thread looking for replacements for squats in Stronglifts as it was bothering my back... someone suggested SLDL.. so around 2weeks back while doing SLdL i strained my back, i went to the hospital, they did MRI and found out i have a mild disc problem between L5 and S1. Now i am off physiotherapy and Ortho gave me green signal to start my workouts from next week however he strictly said no heavy squats and deadlifts. I can do bodyweight or light weight but js not heavy.

Here is my prob.. i have been following stronglifts however its main lifts are squats and deads and rows. So i am looking for a replacement workout where i can do heavy weight training on all other body parts and only bodyweight for squats and deads...

Any suggestions?


  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    48 hour bump
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
  • RTheHutt
    RTheHutt Posts: 46 Member
    I wish I had anywhere near the expertise of most on this forum. But since you're not getting any other feedback I'll chime in.

    I have a similar problem - L4-L5. I do not have pain when bending over, but if I do too many forward bends, I will have crippling pain for days afterwards. The idea of doing a bar-on-back-weighted squat is frightening to me.

    I've been doing body weight exercises in "You Are Your Own Gym" (YAYOG) and I like this program a lot. I realize you're looking for a mix of body-weight and weights, but you could look to YAYOG for body weight ideas.

    You specifically asked about squats, rows and DL. I think YAYOG covers body weight squat progression pretty well. Instead of rows you do "let me ups" and there is also a good progression there. Not sure about DL though - it seems to me the 1 leg DL used in YAYOG is more about core and balance. I have never done weighted DL, but it seems like a very different exercise.

    Hope that helps!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Without knowing the specific limitations that you have based on your injury, I wouldn't be comfortable suggesting replacement exercises. I would stick to the limitations your Ortho gave you, and if you're thinking of replacing these exercises with alternatives so that you can load heavy, run that by your Ortho.