Isn't it annoying when....

I have thought the "isn't it annoying when" phrase quite regularly when trying to lose weight, so I thought I'd start a topic where rants can be had on a regular basis. Even if it's just by me. Daily.

I've had this thought already this morning, so here goes:

Isn't it annoying when.... you go away with friends for a weekend, have one lax day of eating and boozing, and then end up 5 lbs heavier on the scale on Monday morning?! What the heck?!?! It'll take all week to get back to normal, even if it is mostly a sodium and water surge!


  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Isn't it annoying when....

    Your partner goes to get a McDonald's meal, and decides to bring you some Chicken Nuggets "just to pick at" when you already said you want NOTHING !

    Jeeez. I have no will power once something is in front of me :explode:
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    isnt it annoying when... All your friends and relatives roll their eyes when you mention wanting to lose those last few pounds for the wedding? Or when they ask what's on your arm and you reply a body bugg, and then they roll their eyes?
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    I just want to be like, look, I'm not being unhealthy or crazy, but its a goal and I'm doing it so support me or shut up!!
  • serafin366
    serafin366 Posts: 60 Member
    Isn't it annoying when -- the office smells like fried food and bacon as you eat your yogurt and salad.
  • Forever99lbs
    Forever99lbs Posts: 57 Member
    Isn't it annoying - when you have the last few lbs to lose and its possible to do so in a month but theres always stupid obstacles.

    Isn't it annoying - when you get into stupid arguments the closer it comes to your wedding

    Isn't it annoying - when you try so hard to please others but you always end up getting hurt
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Isn't it annoying when -- the office smells like fried food and bacon as you eat your yogurt and salad.

    LOL at that. Don't even have to seeeee the tasty stuff to want to cave in. Smell can be enough!
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    isnt it annoying when... All your friends and relatives roll their eyes when you mention wanting to lose those last few pounds for the wedding? Or when they ask what's on your arm and you reply a body bugg, and then they roll their eyes?

    Have you had people tell you "Don't lose any more weight" too, as well as rolling their eyes? I've now had that a couple of times, when I'm still 20 lbs over the top end of the 'healthy weight range' (BMI).
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Isn't it annoying when you do careful calculations to leave yourself exactly the right amount of calories to have a couple of glasses of wine with friends,,,, but then following the wine, you lose all your resolve and tuck into pizza slices with everyone else? :explode:
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Isn't it annoying with well meaning co-workers buy donuts for everyone in the office?!? "You can have just one" they say. Ummm, no. I obviously can't. That's why I am trying to lose weight in the first place!!
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Isn't it annoying with well meaning co-workers buy donuts for everyone in the office?!? "You can have just one" they say. Ummm, no. I obviously can't. That's why I am trying to lose weight in the first place!!

    Co-workers can be the worst! At least your other half has a vested interest in trying to support you before the wedding!
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    isn't it annoying when...

    friends and family aren't into healthy eating and fitness like you are? i would LOVE for my fiance, family, or friends to join me at yoga or eat Paleo with me, but for now i have to be content in going solo :/
  • Predsfan2013
    Predsfan2013 Posts: 64 Member
    Isn't it annoying when your fiance' puts unhealthy food on your desk bc he thinks he is being sweet. I had my fruit and miniwheats for breakfast. I do not want that chicken and biscuit from chick fil a.

  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    To Predsfan2013 and ischmelle,

    I'd totally agree with you that a well-meaning fiance, or kindly coworker can test your patience when it comes to the unhealthy foods. I've been on the wrong end of that a few times recently.

    But, you now what I've started to find MORE annoying in the last couple of weeks? The fact that my fiance has decided to go on a diet and shape up for the wedding, and he is soooo much BETTER than me at doing this! He drops several pounds a week, seems to love exercising, and doesn't moan about feeling hungry or wanting some chocolate. All power to him, but that's darn difficult to match!
  • andreajaeger89
    when your two favorite classes at the gym fall on a tuesday and wednesday so they were all cancelled to weeks in a row due to Christmas Eve, Christmas, NYE, NYD and of course living in the North and it keeps snowing on those days so class is cancelled again :sad:
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    Isn't it annoying when you can't tell your friends about being on a diet because then they'll all start telling you why whatever diet you're doing is WRONG & that the only way to go is Paleo. :grumble:
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Isn't it annoying when you can't tell your friends about being on a diet because then they'll all start telling you why whatever diet you're doing is WRONG & that the only way to go is Paleo. :grumble:

    This is a really odd phenomena isn't it? "Oh my, you've lost a lot of weight!.....Well you really must start doing xyz diet, it's amazing". If it's noticeable that someone's lost weight, clearly what they are doing is already working!!!!!

    This doesn't make sense, but we all hear it so frequently, why?!?!?!
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    ...your weighing scales battery runs out on the day you mean to weigh-in. Dammit !