
Now that you have completed this class and have a better understanding of a balanced lifestyle, what will you do with your knowledge? Think about all that you have gained or learned from this class and describe how you will use it tomorrow, next month, this summer, or for the rest of your life. How has this class effected your future?


  • I'm going to pass this knowledge to others that I know or family members. I learned that this class has effected my future in every way.
  • YiaLee
    YiaLee Posts: 6
    Now that i have completed this class and know a lot about diabetes and eating healthy as well as staying active.i will start eating more healthier meals and try to work out at least twice a week to stay active and healthy.This class also effects my everyday life because before i join this class i eat unhealthy foods like chocolates,candies,gums,etc almost every 2 days.But ever since i joined this class i have started to stop eating them everyday because it can result in diabetes which can never be cured.
  • I'm going to use my knowledge of diabetes to not allow myself to get diabetes.
  • i will share my knowledge with my family and friends.I have type one diabetes so there really isn't something i can learn because i live it.I did like hearing about Native culture.
  • Now that i completed this class i now know a lot about diabetes and the many way to prevent it. I would try to prevent it from happening it to me.
  • this class is about not having diebetes and that is not good for u to have diabetes and the food we cook was good
  • Now that i have almost completed this class i have learned that we must be active and be healthy because if your not healthy then you can have diabetes and there is no way of getting rid of it. Also I think it will affect me in the future by making me think about another way of living and now I want to change my life style. Also it makes me want to stop eating fatty food because you can't get rid of it and I learn not to eat as much sugar food, or candy.
  • Now that i know that i should not drink a lot of pops and should drink water not pops.
  • Now that i have completed this class, I would watch what I eat and make sure i work out everyday and drink 8 cups off water everyday instead off picking pop as an choice to prevent diabetes.
  • TM9nh
    TM9nh Posts: 6
    With my knowledge of diabetes I will try to live a healthier life style by eating healthy food and becoming more active to prevent it because i leaned that once you get diabetes you will always have it.
  • The knowledge about Diabetes that I learned in this class helped me understand more about it and how it works. The activites that we did benefited my self and my peers. In DETS we not only learned about diabetes, but we also learned how to prevent diabetes through healthy eating and active excercise. My class gets the oppritunity to eat healthy food and excercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the knowledge that I obtained in this class I hope to better my self with this healthy life styles and to also helped my friends and family. I plan to show my family and friends the importance of healthy eating and daily or active excercise. I plan to use my knowledge of diabetes and healthy life style choices to help improve my self, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. During the summer I hope to use all the healthy life choices that I have learned to become more physically active to get ready for future sports. The DETS class has helped me learn a lot more about healthy eatting, active excercise, diabetes prevention and other diabetes related information.
  • Im going to use this knowledge to get healthier in the future.The exercises i learned, im going to be doing alot. Not only did i learn about exercises, I learned about good tasting healthy foods. Im going to google some healthy recipes and eat healthy more often now. In the future if i ever get diabetes im going to use the stuff i learned from this class, so diabetes will be less threatening. Im going to use what i gained from this class tomorrow, to encourage me to do more things that help me get healthier. This affected my life by encouraging me to not be lazy and do exercise more often than i already do. I also learned about S.A.C.C.A. Show respect for traditions,yourselves, and others. Attend class on time Come prepared to learn Complete assignments Actively participate in activities and lessons. I really wish i could take this class next quarter.