full Hysterectomy

I had a full Hysterectomy when i was 25 and I am know 42. Before the Hysterectomy i was only around 170 lbs, but these days i am 283 lbs. I have tried so many diets, and exercises to no help. I would lose a few lbs but to only gain it back and them some. I get so depressed, My chest hurts cause they have gotten so big. Its hard for me to do anything cause my lower back also hurts alot. Can anyone help please. I just want to be able to do things with the grandkids and also be happy about myself again.


  • snowcoon
    Are you on HRT? I had a hysterectomy last July and when my oestrogen was low I gained weight quickly. It seems to be sorting itself out now that I feel I'm becoming more balanced hormonally (fingers crossed this stays this way!). I have an oestrogen implant and use testosterone gel. If you're hormonally balanced there shouldn't be any reason you can't lose weight. Perhaps go to your doctor to check your hormone levels and thyroid.
  • cdelmain71
    I have not been on any hormone pills in over 15 years. Last DR i went to see told me he would prescribe me anything to just take over the counter stuff. I know my Hormones is alot of my problem :(

    And I know this might sound stupid but i have no idea what HRT even is
  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    Harmone Replacement Therapy = HRT