Started Jan.1st-lost 16lbs -looking for support on here

Hi All
As the thread title says, I started eating Primal January 1st. I have yo yo dieted since I was a young teenager. And, believe that I have gained and lost almost a thousands pounds up until now. My son gave me the Primal Blueprint book last summer, but I did not read it all until the Christmas holidays. All my failures of the past now make so much sense to me . I feel so confident now after reading up on this lifestyle that this will finally be the solution for me. I hope to find some friends on here to be able to ask questions.......give mutual support. I was also wondering if you could only read one book on the subject........which book would it be? I would like to be able to suggest one to my nephew and his wife that have also struggled with their weight. Because, I have only read one...............I am wondering if there are others that people would suggest?
I am soooooo excited about the future now. I am 52 years old and started college last September to become a counselor. My two children 21 and 19 and are in post secondary school as well.


  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    The Primal Blueprint is a good choice as is "The Paleo Solution". Some people prefer more guidance, like a recipe book. I really like "Everyday Paleo". If they are the type of people that like motivational stories, then I would suggest, "The Paleo Miracle"
  • AngelaLastname
    AngelaLastname Posts: 41 Member
    Practical Paleo always gets my vote! Great explanations without as much dull science (sorry it's true!) in The Paleo Solution.

    Plus it has tons of recipes and meal plans.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I haven't read Practical Paleo. But, I did tackle "Good Calories, Bad Calories" so maybe that is why I like "The Paleo Solution" :wink:
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    welcome and congratulations on making a change!
  • DevoteeofIset
    DevoteeofIset Posts: 77 Member
    Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon is my fav. Probably not considered "primal" completely, not sure but this book changed me and got me into primal / ancestral eating. Weston a Price foundation and website is a great resource. Loved! Primal body, primal mind! I agree with others on primal blueprint, practical paleo, and paleo solution. There are some great links in threads on this community about podcasts, free ebooks etc! :-) practical paleo has some yummy recipes!!!

    Congrats on school!!! You can do it!!
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    Primal Blueprint is great as is 'It Starts with Food' by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. Well written and lots of good explanations.
    What a great start you've made to the New Year! Sending you a friend request :-)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Friend request sent. Good luck with your lifestyle change.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I have read a lot of books on the subject and love many of the ones already mentioned. However, the best so far imo was just released December 31, 2013 and it's Chris Kresser's "Your Personal Paleo Code". It's the first book I have chosen to send to my family (although I did give Well Fed to my aunt because I accidentally ordered 2).

    I do love Primal Blueprint, Practical Paleo, It Starts with Food, Well Fed1 and 2, Good Calories/Bad Calories (but Taubes blows it in "Why We Get Fat" when the eating plan recommended in the appendix is one that includes artificial sweeteners and other not so great ideas), and many others. I have Nourishing Traditions but disagree with some of the recommendations. It does have useful info on fermentation (not so useful for me since I can't access the recommended starters etc). Too bad Sally Fallon slammed the Paleo lifestyle and put the WAPF at odds with it. We are all on the same team imo and Dr. Price is one of my heroes.